Поиск работы на robota.uaukraine


4 дня назад
27 июня 2024
Киевр-н. Шевченковскийметро Лукьяновская
В офисе/на месте
Полная занятость
Компенсация путешествий
Регулярный пересмотр зарплат
Офис в центре
Медицинская страховка

ACTED — французька неурядова організація, заснована в 1993 році, яка підтримує вразливі верстви населення, які постраждали від гуманітарних криз у всьому світі. ACTED надає постійну підтримку вразливим громадам шляхом забезпечення стійкості післякризових заходів та готовності до довгострокових викликів, що стоять перед населенням, з метою подолання циклу бідності, сприяння розвитку та зменшення вразливості до катастроф. Наші співробітники завжди готові реагуванню в надзвичайні ситуації, підтримці та відновленню сталого розвитку через 450 проектів у 43 країнах.

Duties and Responsibilities 

Livelihoods Project Implementation Follow-up 

Livelihoods Project Planning 

  1. Ensure timely organization of project kick-off and close-out meetings 
  2. Ensure that all projects have an implementation strategy and work plan 
  3. Together with Project Managers, plan the various stages of project implementation and set direction by prioritizing and organizing activities and resources to achieve project objectives 

Livelihoods Project Implementation Follow-up:

  1. Oversee the implementation of Livelihood projects ensuring that technical requirements and quality standards are considered and respected during project implementation 
  2. Anticipate and mitigate risks and implementation delays and provide ad-hoc support to project implementation through trouble shooting and eliminating blocking points 
  3. Monitor output achievement, cash burn rates and ensure a timely completion of projects through review of PMFs, BFUs and project reports 
  4. Ensure that contractual obligations are met in terms of project deliverables 

Livelihoods Project Quality Control 

  1. Ensure the application of a practical field based MEAL system/plan for each project
  2. Conduct frequent field visits to project sites to assess activities and ensure efficient use of resources Vacancy Announcement About Acted Position’s context and key challenges Key roles and responsibilities
  3. Advise Project Managers to adapt projects 
  4. Advise Project Managers to adapt projects according to monitoring and evaluation findings d) Advise on and assist with project reviews conducted by MEAL Unit
  5. Together with the MEAL team, ensure capitalisation of best practices and lessons learnt for projects in the area of operations 

Implementing Partners:

  1. Support the Project Managers to regularly review partnerships with implementing partners and ensure that any issues or disputes are resolved in a timely manner.
  2. Provide support to partners in project implementation and ensure timely and qualitative implementation of projects by partners in line with Acted and donor requirements 
  3. Lead review meetings with partners, with particular attention given to the relationship aspects of partnership collaboration 

External Relations 

  1. Establish, maintain, and improve active and regular working relationships with local authorities and where necessary non-state actors and obtain required authorizations and buy-in for Acted’s activities
  2. Support, facilitate or undertake communication and liaison activities to actively consult and involve beneficiaries, key informants, actors, partners and stakeholders in all stages of project implementation 
  3. Ensure that at all times contact with beneficiaries is conducted in a sensitive and respectful manner

Administrative and Operational Management of Project Implementation 


  1. Review the project BFU(s) to avoid under/over spending 
  2. Ensure accurate budget forecasting and expense planning 


  1. Contribute to the development of project procurement plans 
  2. Contribute to quality checks and procurement committees to finalise suppliers’ selection according to applicable scenario 
  3. Ensure timely procurement and adherence to rules of origin and nationality 


  1. Participate in the transparent and timely recruitment of project staff (developing organigrams, ToRs, elaborating recruitment tests) 
  2. Proactively support Project Managers and Area Coordinators to adapt the project staffing structure to needs and funding 
  3. Ensure regular performance appraisal and career management of project teams 
  4. Ensure a positive working environment and good team dynamics 
  5. Manage interpersonal conflicts 
  6. Ensure capacity building among project staff 


  1. Ensure project records and documents (FLAT files, beneficiary lists, donation certificates, attendance sheets etc.) are adequately prepared, compiled and filed according to Acted procedures
  2. Ensure staff awareness and respect of Acted’s code of conduct and FLATS procedures 


  1. Together with the Security focal points, assess risks in the areas of project implementation and develop context specific MOSS and SOPs 
  2. Ensure that project teams are aware of security threats and follow Acted security policies, MOSS and SOPs accordingly 

Implementing Partners:

  1. Support the FLATS team, Area Coordinators and Project Managers to ensure adherence to Acted’s policies and procedure, arranging training and induction as required 
  2. Ensure that all budgetary issues between Acted and partners are addressed and that mutually beneficial solutions are agreed upon in a timely manner 
  3. In collaboration with the FLATS team, review due diligence of partners or conduct new due diligence and develop appropriate time bound organisational development workplans 
  4. Oversee the development of capacity building framework and action plans with full participation of partners 
  5. Ensure partners provide all project documents required by Acted and its donors in a timely manner and according to Acted standards


  1. At least three years of field experience in program management and coordination 
  2. Demonstrated communication and organizational skills Ability to train, mobilize, and manage experienced staff; 
  3. Flexibility and ability to multi-task under pressure; 
  4. Ability to work well in unstable and frequently changing security environments; 
  5. Willingness to work and live in often remote areas under basic conditions; 
  6. Proven ability to work creatively and independently both in the field and in the office.

Ми пропонуємо

  • Офіційне працевлаштування;
  • Регулярний перегляд зарплат;
  • 28 календарних днів відпустки на рік;
  • Дружня мультикультурна команда;
  • Комфортний офіс у центральній частині міста;
  • Кар'єрний ріст;
  • Медичне страхування після випробувального терміну (3 місяці).


“ACTED has a zero-tolerance approach to sexual exploitation, abuse and harassment (SEAH). Please note that any candidate offered a job will sign the Code of Conduct, and related policies, as part of their work contract. Misconduct can lead to dismissal.”


Andrii Lisovskyi


Негосударственные организации / NGO Сайт компании
ACTED : фото 2

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