ACTED — французька неурядова організація, заснована в 1993 році, яка підтримує вразливі верстви населення, які постраждали від гуманітарних криз у всьому світі. ACTED надає постійну підтримку вразливим громадам шляхом забезпечення стійкості післякризових заходів та готовності до довгострокових викликів, що стоять перед населенням, з метою подолання циклу бідності, сприяння розвитку та зменшення вразливості до катастроф. Наші співробітники завжди готові реагуванню в надзвичайні ситуації, підтримці та відновленню сталого розвитку через 450 проектів у 43 країнах.
Under the authority of the Country Trasparancy and Compliance Manager, Deputy Trasparancy and Compliance Manager facilitates the implementation of ACTED’s compliance process and in the Capital office in Kyiv
S/He also provides technical support for donor external audits / leads external audits.
S/He also provides technical support for internal audits / leads internal audits.
S/He provides technical support and capacity building to the staff to implement the action plan and address the issues.
- Facilitate the implementation of the ACTED standard guidelines and FLATS System for the Capital Office ( Monthly Compliance Report Focal point )
- issue the inputs and attachments for Monthly Compliance Report (FLA-02, FLA-05, FLA-06, AUD-05, updates for AUD-06)
- Provide technical support to the Finance, Logistics, Admin, Audit and Programme departments and participate to the action plan implementation to mitigate the risks
- Alert when needed and suggest action plans to improve system, process, and/or practices
- Control the monthly flow of documentation from the Area to the Capital office
- Control program documentation workflow from the field to the Capital office
- Coordinate Authorized Signatures Table
- Active participation in updating centralized knowledge and documents database and arch)
- Conduct partner analysis and due diligence processes to ensure compliance with ACTED’s standards and policies
i) Provide assistance on legal matters, offering advice on legal issues related to ACTED's activities.hives - Facilitate internal and external audits preparation, conducting and leading internal audits:
- Contribute to the preparation of external audits
- Contribute to drafting responses for external audits draft reports
- Preparation and conducting internal audits, according to AUD-06
Training, lessons learnt and best practices:
- Conducting trainings for the Staff and Partners,
- Contribute to proactive dissemination and use of knowledge gained through audit activities (internal and external audits) among international and national staff in the Capital and in bases,
- Actively acquire for the best practices to improve ACTED processes.
Team work:
Participate in positive working environment and good team dynamics among ACTED Ukraine staff.
- Other:
- Active participation in internal communication within T&C Team
- Active participation in trainings, suggested by immediate supervisor
- Perform any other related activities as assigned by immediate supervisor
- % of attachments for Monthly Compliance Report submitted on time
- % of internal audits conducted and finalized on time, according to AUD-06
- % of documents for external audits prepared on time
- % of Authorized Signatures Tables prepared on time
- % of FLATS documentation scanned on time
- % of FLATS documents handled to Capital office on time
- % of partner analysis and due diligence activities completed on time
- % of legal consultations and assistance provided on time
- Leadership
- Decision making and problem solving
- Achieving results
- Partner analysis and due diligence
- Consulting on legal matters
Увага!Згідно чинного законодавства, при працевлаштуванні військовозобов'язані громадяни України зобов'язані надати військово-облікові документи та оновити свої військово-облікові дані.
Attention! Per current legislation, individuals subject to military service duty must provide updated military registration documents while being employed.
Ми пропонуємо
- Офіційне працевлаштування;
- Регулярний перегляд зарплат;
- 28 календарних днів відпустки на рік;
- Дружня мультикультурна команда;
- Комфортний офіс у центральній частині міста;
- Кар'єрний ріст;
- Медичне страхування після випробувального терміну (3 місяці).
“ACTED has a zero-tolerance approach to sexual exploitation, abuse and harassment (SEAH). Please note that any candidate offered a job will sign the Code of Conduct, and related policies, as part of their work contract. Misconduct can lead to dismissal.”
Solomiia Slipachyk