Работала в 3 компаниях 7 лет 8 месяцев
Консалтинг / Аудит, Финансовые услуги, Недвижимость и Девелопмент
HR Director
Kyiv Strategy Consulting
Консалтинг / Аудит
4 года 10 месяцев
02.2020 - 12.2024
1. Strategic HR Advisor for Business lines:
- Develop HR Management strategies to support the Company's development course
- Strategic Advisor on the Human Capital management for the Heads of the Company's structural departments
- Methodology: develop and write out policies, procedures, instructions for Administrative and HR processes
- Management of the HR department (3 Employees)
- Responsible for the preparation and execution of the HR budget
- HR analytics on key metrics of the HR function for C-Level and Executives
2. Talent Acquisition
- Identify staffing needs, make Recruitment Plans
- Plan and roll-out of complex Staff Acquisition and Hunting strategies for all kinds of staff
- Create Job Descriptions and Competence Matrix for each Role
- Recruiting Top Talents for Executive positions
- Staff reserves formation (internal & external)
3. Onboarding and Adaptation:
- Create and implement complex Onboarding Study Programs for the New joiners
- Create and implement Onboarding Programs to support existing Staff appointed/relocated for the New Role
- Update onboarding materials keeping them up-to-date
4. L&D:
- Design complex training programs, considering roles demands (hard skills//soft skills/foreign languages)
- Manage L&D budget
- Make Career Path Study Plans for the Employees
- Make tenders with external Study Vendors, negotiate the best possible training solutions
- Support Internal Studies from HR Team: Mental Health studies, Management skills trainings (create content, act as a Speaker). Projects done: Business Consultancy school// School of a Top Manager// School of a Coach & Mentor
5. Staff Assessment & Performance Management:
- Develop a Concept for conducting staff assessment (quarterly/semi-annual/annual)
- Select Approaches and Tools for conducting staff assessment.
- Write-out documentation templates and instructions
- Develop a Grading system
- Develop KPI cards for each Role and a Grade
- Implement orientation trainings for Department Heads on working with assessment tools
- Responsibility for feedback support in the departments (manager-employee 1:1 and cross-divisional interaction)
6. Employee relations & engagement:
- Coordination of Corporate Culture projects
- Conduct regular staff satisfaction and eNPS surveys, collecting suggestions and requests. Data processing and preparation of appropriate action plans
- Develop a comprehensive Bonus System Concepts (quarterly, semi-annual, annual financial incentives)
7. Labour Law and Military Records:
- Ensure compliance with the Ukrainian Labour Law and Regulations
- Responsible for the Military records of the Company
8. Business Development Projects:
- Contribute to the business development projects, offer staff outsourcing solutions for the Customers from BDO-Member Firms
HR Director
КІТ Group
Финансовые услуги
1 год 7 месяцев
05.2018 - 12.2019
1. Strategy & Organizational Policies:
- Responsible for Company’s HR Strategy implementation in accordance with the Company’s Development Strategy
- Manage HR Department (7 people local and regions)
- Analysis of HR Processes, their description and optimization
- Create HR Guides, Policies and Regulations for HR Department
- Work with Regional Heads, Methodology orientation studies
- HR Metrics and Reporting
2. HR Advisory for Business lines:
- Advise Top Managers on People Management issues
- Sustain problem and conflict solving
- Resources planning support
- Consult the Department Heads on the cases of Employees discipline breach and problematic exits
3. Staff hire and retention:
- Determine the Staffing Needs, forecast the Need considering the regions’ specifics
- Develop Recruitment Plans, monitor the plans execution. Corrective measures if necessary
- Ensure that Recruitment KPIs are met
- Work on the Recruiters’ skills improvement
- Develop People Retention Measures, make solutions to reduce the mass staff turnover rate
- Responsibility for the execution the Recruitment Budget
4. L&D and Mentorship:
- Plan and implement a comprehensive Staff Training Activities (NBU regulations, Customer Service Standards, etc.)
- Establish a Mentorship Institute, organization of Mentors’ training
- Organization of a L&D quality control (certification exams, mystery shopping, etc.)
5. Retention & Motivation:
- Development of a bonus system for each category of employees (financial motivation) for back office, front office and sales
- Development of corporate culture projects, team building
- Create an Event Calendar, organize Corporate Events
HR generalist
Альтерра Груп, ТОВ
Недвижимость и Девелопмент
1 год
04.2017 - 04.2018
Ключевая информация
1. Professional Skills:
- HR Strategy
- HR Policies
- Talent Management
- Performance Management
- Learning and Development
- HR Analytics
- Project Management
- Employment Law
- Military records
2. Technical Skills:
- MS Office Package
- Google docs
- SharePoint
- Microsoft Outlook, Lotus Notes
- Task Management: Jira, ClickUp
- HRM Systems: HURMA System, BambooHR, Clever Staff, LinkedIn Recruiter
- AI Tools: ChatGPT, UPDF AI, Interviewsby AI, Slides AI
Училась в 2 заведениях
Державний вищий навчальний заклад "Київський національний економічний університет імені Вадима Гетьмана"
Маркетинговий менеджмент
Київ, 2012
Горлівський інститут іноземних мов Державного вищого навчального закладу "Донбаський державний педагогічний університет"
англійської мови
Донецьк, 2005
Владеет языками
Может проходить собеседование на этом языке
Может проходить собеседование на этом языке
Может проходить собеседование на этом языке
Может проходить собеседование на этом языке
Дополнительная информация
Свій розділ
Born: 02.03.1983
Family: married, one child 10 y.o.
Residence: Kyiv City, Metro Kharkivska
HR Director// HR Business Partner

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Обновлено 3 недели назад