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Фахівець із підзвітності / Accountability Officer

50 000 — 60 000 ₴  
HEKS / EPER Ukraine
2 дні тому
01 липня 2024
В офісі/на місці
Повна зайнятість

HEKS / EPER Ukraine - міжнародна гуманітарна організація, яка працює в Україні з метою підтримки людей в складних життєвих ситуаціях. Ми шукаємо в команду фахівця із підзвітності / Accountability Officer для роботи у нашому офісі у місті Миколаїв.


- Розробка та впровадження системи підзвітності в організації 

- Підготовка та проведення навчань для співробітників з питань підзвітності та етики 

- Моніторинг та оцінка рівня підзвітності в проектах організації 

- Взаємодія з партнерами та донорами з питань підзвітності 


- Вища освіта у галузі соціальних наук, психології або суміжній галузі 

- Досвід роботи у сфері підзвітності в гуманітарних організаціях

- Відмінні комунікаційні навички та вміння працювати в команді 

- Відповідальність та орієнтованість на результат 


- Соціальний пакет та конкурентна заробітна плата

- Медичне страхування

- Можливість професійного зростання та розвитку 

- Робота в дружньому колективі професіоналів

Якщо ви бажаєте приєднатися до нашої команди та вносити свій внесок у розвиток гуманітарних проектів, надсилайте своє резюме за вказаним на сайті контактом. Будемо раді бачити вас у нашому колективі!

Under direct management of the Accountability and Transparency Manager, the Accountability Officer ensures implementation of humanitarian accountability principles and HEKS/EPER Ukraine accountability system in the area of their responsibility (South/East base). Together with the Field Operations Manager, the Accountability Officer will implement mechanisms that allow communities to voice their opinions and feedback to ensure that programs are appropriate, well-targeted and meet the satisfaction of beneficiaries. Regular field visits to affected communities to organize and support the operation of the help desk are anticipated. The Accountability Officer handles feedback and complaints received with confidentiality, reports it as per FCRM Guidelines and ensures base program teams and management are aware of communities’ concerns for evidence-based program adaption and decision making.

Main tasks and responsibilities

  • Implements the Feedback and Complaint Response Mechanism (FCRM) system in the field as specified in the FCRM Ukraine Guidelines.
  • Ensures that feedback channels are operational and promote their use during field visits.
  • Disseminates communication materials and information on the FCRM, staff behavior and program operations, aligned to HEKS/EPER’s Communication documents. 
  • Contributes to collecting, grading and responding to complaints in accordance with country FCRM procedures.
  • Ensures that highly sensitive complaints are immediately forwarded to the CD/HQ for follow-up.
  • Ensures learning from M&E findings is incorporated in community feedback loops, including in written communication materials and operational aspects of field activities, especially distributions. Pays special attention to learning concerning extremely vulnerable categories.  Ensures the operation of a help desk at distribution sites to provide information about ongoing activities.
  • Collaborates with Accountability team to identify and interpret trends for monthly reports, promoting the implementation of best practices and learning following findings.
  • Assists Accountability and Transparency Manager in data analysis and interpretations for internal and external (including donor) reports. 
  • Participates in meetings with stakeholders, including head of hromadas, community representatives and aid recipients to ensure accountability to affected populations and transparency. 
  • Handles all feedback and complaints with the utmost confidentiality, ensuring the protection of personal data and sensitive information.
  • Documents and reports on feedback collected using COMPASS (system used by HEKS/EPER) feedback handling system.
  • Promotes safeguarding policies to protect vulnerable populations from harm and exploitation.
  • Alerts management of any safeguarding concerns promptly, following adequate FCRM channels depending on the severity of the issue or complaint.
  • Pro-actively shares information with Field Operations Manager and program teams on pertinent issues voiced by communities.
  • Supports Accountability and Transparency Manager in training HEKS/EPER staff on accountability principles and standards and procedures related to FCRM operation.
  • Participates in qualitative and quantitative data collection activities on request of Accountability and Transparency Manager and MEAL Coordinator.

Competencies and requirements

  • Understanding of humanitarian principles and standards, including the Core Humanitarian Standard. 
  • Experience in handling and safeguarding confidential and sensitive information. 
  • Experience in customer interactions or managing complaints and feedback from individuals is highly beneficial.
  • Awareness of the risks and protection needs of vulnerable populations in humanitarian contexts.
  • Understanding of effective feedback and complaints mechanisms in humanitarian settings.
  • Familiarity with community engagement techniques and participatory approaches.
  • Knowledge of data protection principles and practices.
  • Understanding of relevant local and national laws and regulations pertaining to humanitarian aid, including data protection laws.
  • Familiarity with accountability/feedback tracking software and tools would be seen as an asset.
  • Advanced user of MS Officer software.
  • Knowledge of labor discipline, labor protection and safety rules, fire-prevention requirements, industrial sanitation and labor hygiene rules.

Soft skills

  • excellent verbal and written communication skills;  
  • ability to listen actively and respond sensitively to beneficiaries concerns and feedback; 
  • strong interpersonal and negotiation skills attention to detail; 
  • highly motivated; able to work without direct supervision; 
  • respect for and understanding of different backgrounds; 
  • commitment to upholding humanitarian principles and organizational values.


  • English В1/В2

HEKS/EPER offers : official employment, competitive and decent salary, social package in accordance with the Labor Code, equipped workplace, medical insurance etc

HEKS / EPER Ukraine

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HEKS / EPER Ukraine: фото 2

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