Работал в 5 компаниях   29 лет 5 месяцев

FMCG, Торговля оптовая / Дистрибуция / Импорт-экспорт, Медицина и Здравоохранение

Business transformation, Strategic Marketing and Development Director

«Veres» group of companies - Eastern Europe market leader in the field of foods production (Kiev)


16 лет 5 месяцев

04.2008 - по настоящее время

  • Responsibilities:

Investment appeal of adjacent areas market segments analysis;

Qualitatively new groups of the goods, services working out.

Design management;

Forecast of change of a conjuncture of a supply and demand on internal and foreign markets;

Competitive position of the company in branch (durability of business) analysis

Introduction of marketing strategy complex;

Formation of multinational industrial base (carrying out of manufactures in neighboring countries - India, Moldova, Russіа);

Strategic targets and problems for the 10-year-old period working out;

Creating, executing and syndicate the marketing strategy for Company's owned brands;

Managing media agency relationships and their work on in-market campaigns;

Provide leadership to all internal brand strategy team members to optimize engagement, performance and job satisfaction;

Full-scale marketing complex in strategic and operational marketing strategy of advertising campaigns for foreign markets working out.

  • Achievements:

Estimated and defended the project on working out the manufacture of half-finished and fast preparation products.

Generated a control system of strategic (through Group of companie's corporate centre) and operationalmarketing (through Trade House).

Provided the volume of import of raw materials and ready products $XY.000.000 (10 % in wholesale prices from turnover in Ukraine).

Developed advertising plan and budget ($30.000.000) for the period of 5 years.

Developed 2 commercials.

Built up the department for management of agricultural grounds of Group of companies. Has united 40.000 Hectares of 5 agricultural companies with the total budget of €15.000.000.

Made them get upto 40 % market share in the product categories of sauces, canned food and groceries

Developed the budget documentation for purchasing 3 enterprises in Moldova, Russіа and India. Total budget of purchase - more €40.000.000

Introduced 3 new brands to the market (which got average 10-15 % market shareswithin corresponding sub segments)

Got 15 % market share of fresh mushrooms in retail nets of Ukraine.

The reason of searching for work - recession of business, cutting down development and expansion on foreign markets, personnel reduction in the Operating Center of Group of companies.

Deputy General Director in Marketing and Strategic Development

International Holding "Ukrinterproduct“, Donetsk (with Company Lauffer N.V., Netherlands)


2 года

12.2006 - 12.2008

  • Responsibilities:

Market research and analysis;

Strategies and business-planning development;

Commodity portfolio management;

Business structure reorganization;

Branches setting up and development

Marketing planning, development and introduction of marketing strategy;

The marketing plan development (marketing activity coordination in the countries, consolidation of all forecasts of sales and marketing plans);

The marketing plan development;

Formation of competitive, marketing, price, promotion strategies;

Media planning (ATL&BTL activity support), advertising budget control;

Design management (creation and a working groups management);

Estimation and the enhancement business directions efficiency analysis;

Company production advancement;

Branding: formation and realization of TM promotion strategy, launching new products; brand development;

Business directions development control and analysis;

Sales plans and sales promotion development, management and control, action plans, motivational programs working out and management;;

Increase in a sales volume and expansion of seller's markets;

Market mix analysis and improvement (sale, range, purchases, investments, marketing communications channels analysis);

Trade channels development and management;

Conclusions to the market of new products;

Non-standard approaches in modern business skills;

Trade channels development and management;

VIP-negotiation skills;

Regional representations and regional policy of sales management;

Effective development and management of relations with a dealer network;

Sales efficiency estimation of an existing commodity portfolio and the offer on its optimization;

Adjusts the budget and supervises financial reports;

Budget drawing up, optimization and control of the budgetexecution.

  • Achievements:

Got 37 % of the market of Eastern Ukraine (5 areas) in low segment bakery products.

Introduced to the market of Donetsk area ТМ «Luchiano» (confectionery and chocolate products "ONYX Company") Q4-Q2 2008г. Also has got 22 % in the premium segment, opened 3 boutiques - cafe of chocolate and confectionery products.

With marketing efforts provided Holding Сompany's sales growth in 4 business directions + 14 % to the plan.

Got 14 % market share in premium segment with ТМ «Slavolia» in Donetsk and Lugansk areas. Has got recognition of brand «Slavolia» (95-100 % recognition) in Donetsk and Lugansk areas.

Got 26 % market share in low segment of sauces and mayonnaises in Eastern Ukraine and got +3 % growths all over Ukraine.

Provided recognition of a brand "Crop" of 35/63 %.

Reorganised Marketing department and built up PR department.

Developed the system of strategic and operational marketing planning in Corporation.

Take a stand on the market, having occupied 25 % of the segment of fast preparation products.

Introduced to the market 2 new categories of fast preparation products and a subbrand «Mivina Domashnia», occupied 41 % of the market.

Won 14 % in the Ukrainian subsegment of soya sauces market (ТМ «Navarro»)

With marketing actions provided +38 % sales growth to export of products of fast preparation and snacks (ТМ «Bim Bim»)

Developed and implemented advertising campaign with the budget of $Y million

Developed 4 commercials.

Has got 40 % reduction in constant clients outflow due to effective marketing actions.

Organized constantly operating system of training and retraining of middle-level managers

The dismissal reason - Corporation re-structuring by a linear principle and sellin

Marketing & Sales Department Director

The company "MedTerm", retail and wholesale , Odessa

Торговля оптовая / Дистрибуция / Импорт-экспорт

2 года

12.2004 - 12.2006

  • Responsibilities:

Planning and implementation of a full spectrum of marketing activity on the market with the objective to achieve revenue and share targets, build brand equity and develop local marketing organization;

Lead annual marketing planning process resulting in proposal of category / brand strategies and formulation of key brand projects;

Install key marketing systems and processes within the local marketing organization; train and develop local junior marketing personnel;

Lead consumer and marketing understanding process, detect consumer, market and competitive trends;

Lead and manage development of key business projects in accordance with approved annual plan, budgeting

  • Achievements:

Provided (by means of marketing efforts) + 11 % growth to the national sales plan of exclusive ТМ concern «Arcelic A.S.» (Turkey) - ТМ «Beko» and «Blomberg»

Supervised over project M&A Company «MedTerm» and networks of supermarkets «Techncom» and «Stinol»on marketing and strategic questions

Has achieved unification of a retail network in uniform format

Provided with the management in front office + 19 % increase in sales ТМ ROSENTHAL, WEDGWOOD, HAVILAND, WMF, WUSTHOF, SCHOTT, ZWIESEL 1872, RIEDEL, BODUM, ROBBE and BERKING.

By personal efforts at negotiations and working out original POSMpremium class TM: ROSENTHAL, BODUM, ROBBE and BERKING got + 28 % to cumulative business plans ($1,1.000.000)

Optimized thus the advertising budget (-53 %).

Achieved unification of a retail network to one format

Got by means of personal efforts at negotiations + 27 % for the account of development of new trade channels.

As the result of project implementation got +16 % sales growth to to cumulative plans of company.

Got 23% reduction of costs within the project of new products development

The dismissal reason - personal invitation of the owner of a large company - the leader of FMCG market to occupy higher position with the declared large powers

Group of companies strategic development & Marketing Director

Group of companies "Technology" (JSC "Technology", JSC "Kiev Vitamin Plant", JSC “LUGAL", JVC "Pharmatec", Joint-Stock Company "Dilmas", «Technology – C Ltd.», JVC «PharmByotec», cardboard factory “Zorya", retail networks, etc.)

Медицина и Здравоохранение

3 года 6 месяцев

05.2001 - 11.2004

  • Responsibilities:

Analyses and research of the Ukrainian market;

Developing, implementing and management of all above and below the line marketing activities;

Ensure an integrated marketing strategy planning;

Work in conjunction with all product managers in the division to grow the category;

Responsible for all marketing activities across the division;

Channel marketing - trade marketing;

Budget planning and control;

Organization of campaigns and events for partners.

Marketing strategies management;

Business planning and budget control;

Objectives setting and control over their implementation;

Promotion and advertising campaigns, planning and control

Buying efficiency analysis;

Pricing policies management;

Personnel training

Investigation and analyses of the market conditions and study of prospects for the company;

Marketing strategies management

Advising the company on the market conditions and prospects and product planning;

Informing clients and doctors on various aspects of products purchase and usage;

Communication with key people, industry managers, government officials, and clients.

Promotion and advertising of the company's products;

Introducing new technologies of treatment to customers and potential customers

Field Force management, training and control

  • Achievements:

Got 43% annual growth (+13% to the plan) and 47% of sales volume.

Started new kinds of products (the packing and laminated cardboard, shoe boxes, polygraphic production)

By personal efforts in development and production got +17 b2b sales volumes of Corporation.

Launched project group of 126 people from 12 departments, 2 Scientific and Research Institutes, developed 106 new for the company brand-generating products. Put into production 13 OTC products. Provided 6 % national market share of the Company among Ukrainian products.

Got + 17 % sales growth in a subsegment of vitamins in the pharmaceutical market of Russіа

Introduced 4 pharmaceutical ТМ to the market.

Created external service of "InterChem" - 19 people.

Developed and implemented 6 regional advertising campaigns

In segments cosmetic and hygienic products in retail nets got 2,5 % of Ukrainian sales volumes.

Provided 30 % sales growth of cumulative production of the Company as the result of introducing new product categories, their advertising and promotional support.

Got support of more than 150 leaders of opinion (academics of Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine, professors of higher educational establishments and scientific research institute, directors of Treatment and Prevention institutions, Scientific and Methodology Centers)

The dismissal reason - transition to work in Odessa on family circumstances.

Brand Manager of AstraZeneca Ukraine representation

Representation AstraZeneca (Great Britain/Sweden) in Ukraine

Медицина и Здравоохранение

6 лет 4 месяца

05.1995 - 09.2001

  • Responsibilities:

Analyses and research of the local market;

Organization and control of sales and distribution networks in South Ukraine (retail and wholesale);

Conducting negotiations and concluding contracts with wholesale buyers;

Development of promotional plans and advertising materials for specific product groups;

Participation in marketing strategies management

Conducting trainings with the company personnel on: organization of promotional and advertising campaigns, visiting potential customers, selling skills;

Arrangement of and conducting various business conferences, seminars, exhibitions;

Collaboration with distributors for organizing sales process and promotion of the company products;

Building product profitability in the operation areas

Organization of and making arrangements for various conferences, seminars, meetings, and exhibitions;

Handling financial issues for the above items;

Lecturing and instructing of various audience on the products

  • Achievements:

Concluded 6 exclusive contracts with Clients

Successfully introduced British brands Zoladex (200$/pack.), MERONEM (600$/pack.), etc. Provided 58 % - 82 % shares of Southern regions within national sales volumes.

Hired, trained and supervised successful work of 17 people (RМ and Medical sales managers).

Prepared 26 exhibitions.

Developed dealer network in Southern, subsequently - in Eastern and Western regions of Ukraine

Prepared participation of employees (13 persons) in 15 national and international conferences

Wrote and published 34 scientific publications, made 3 performances on National TV, developed 2 commercials.

The dismissal reason - reduction of representative office after merging Astra and Zeneca in 2001.

Ключевая информация

I have wide experience in projects management and design commands formation (all - more than 30 projects) :

  • Projects on working out and a conclusion to the market of new products and brands,
  • Projects to opening of representations and branches,
  • Projects the organizations of the strategic advertising companies (for 5 years),
  • Projects to opening new business directions , to formation of portfolios of the companies

Учился в 1 заведении

British Open University

Business School, marketing management

GB, London, 2004

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Курсы, тренинги, сертификаты

Reputed Western European training companies

Western Europe, 2011

20 fundamental training programs;

Training Program "Managing Corporate Lifecycles" («Enterprise Re-structuring») Adizes Institute - California, Santa Barbara, USA


GB, 2001

Certificate International English Language Testing System

Дополнительная информация

Computer Skills

MS Office 2016, Visio 2016, Photoshop CS4, MS Project 2013, Бухгалтерия 1C 8.2 etc.

Driving License


Interests and Hobbies

Music (classical, fate), reading, yachting, rafting, diving.
Often I visit concerts and performances, I try to watch art and book exhibitions, I love jazz festivals and noisy city holidays with carnivals and street strolls, I take a great interest in KVN, in a youth was engaged at theatre-studio in Petersburg


Great Britain, 1,5 months

Professional skills, the duration of their use

Leading and Deciding - эксперт, использую в настоящее время, 7 лет опыта

Supporting and Cooperating - эксперт, использую в настоящее время, 5 лет опыта

Nteracting and Presenting - эксперт, использую в настоящее время, 4 года опыта

Analyzing and Reporting - эксперт, использую в настоящее время, 9 лет опыта

Creating and Conceptualizing - средний, использую в настоящее время, 6 лет опыта

Organizing and Executing - эксперт, использую в настоящее время, 8 лет опыта

Adapting and Coping - средний, 1 год назад, 8 лет опыта

Extra skills

  • Representative an companies branches management;
  • Markets supply and demand forecast, conjuncture change forecast;
  • Company competitive position analysis (durability of business);
  • Research and the market analysis;
  • Working out of strategy and business planning;
  • Marketing planning, working out and introduction of marketing strategy;
  • Advancement of production of the company on the market;
  • Development and the control over functioning of channels of distribution;
  • Branding: TM advancement strategy local creating and realization;
  • Formation competitive, marketing, price the politician, systems of advancement of services and development of brands;
  • Media planning, advertising campaigns carrying out, advertising budget control, working out of corporate style;
  • Active development of a dealer network within the limits of company strategy;
  • Budgeting, optimization and the control of execution of the budget


To obtain the Marketing and Strategy Director position in large dynamically developing company


Strategic Marketing and Business Development Director (non software & construction)


Готов переехать: Киев, Львов, Днепр, Винница, Луцк, Тернополь, Черновцы

111 000 грн.

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