Работала в 6 компаниях   8 лет 2 месяца

IT, Интернет, Архитектурные и дизайнерские бюро, Торговля оптовая / Дистрибуция / Импорт-экспорт


Get IT


5 месяцев

09.2023 - 02.2024

  • recruiting for IT positions
  • working with the system People Fofce
  • developing and implementing HR policies
  • managing the employee lifecycle: onboarding, trial period, 1:1 meetings, performance review, offboarding
  • organizing corporate events

IT Recruiter



11 месяцев

11.2021 - 10.2022

  • recruiting for marketing and IT positions (IOS developers, Android developers,front end back, frameworks: React js, Node js, Laravel, Symfony, Yii)
  • work with vendors (rabota.ua, work.ua, dou.ua)
  • participation in the improvement of the ATS systemcreation of a manual on recruiting processes

Senior recruting and adaptation specialist

Воля, ТОВ


3 года 8 месяцев

03.2018 - 11.2021

  • recruiting for key positions in the head office (IT, marketing, finance)
  • staff adaptation
  • conducting exit interviews
  • work with the internal talent pool
  • collaboration with universities regarding practice of students
  • participation in the project of creating an adaptation process for employees inthe company
  • participation in projects of the HR department

IT recruiter

Recruiting agency "Hiring IT people"


9 месяцев

06.2020 - 03.2021


Search for candidates for a customer from the USA, for positions such as Projectmanager/Team Lead, QA Team Lead, Automation QA, front end developers

Human Resources Manager

LLC "Kassone Workshop" (furniture production)

Архитектурные и дизайнерские бюро

9 месяцев

07.2017 - 04.2018

  • line staff and sales consultants recruitment
  • selection for office positions
  • staff adaptation

Human Resources Manager


Торговля оптовая / Дистрибуция / Импорт-экспорт

2 года 3 месяца

03.2015 - 06.2017

  • recruiting for key positions
  • staff adaptation
  • organization of training

Ключевая информация

Full cycle recruitment

Exit interviews

Staff retention

Talent management

HR Analytics

PeopleForce, Lever, E-Staff, HiBob

Language skills: Ukrainian, English (intermediate).

Владеет языками






IT recruiter, HR


1 300 $

36 лет

Активно ищет работу

полная занятость

Характер работы: удаленная работа, гибридная

Обновлено 3 недели назад