Пошук роботи на robota.uaukraine


Medicos del Mundo
3 дні тому
04 липня 2024
В офісі/на місці
Повна зайнятість
Проектна робота

Ukraine is facing an unprecedented humanitarian crisis, marked by a decade-long war that started in the east of the country in 2014, exacerbated in February 2022. By 2024, the conflict's impact is severe, particularly in the east and south, where over 14.6 million people (40% of the population) urgently need assistance. Forced displacement, family separation, and infrastructure destruction disrupt essential services, with 1,475 attacks on health facilities threatening the healthcare system verified by WHO from February 2022 to January 15, 2024.

The east, northeast and south face acute needs, with 3.3 million people requiring urgent healthcare. Nearly 4 million internally displaced people compound the crisis, affecting healthcare access, especially primary, sexual and reproductive health, mental health and psychosocial support.

Vulnerable groups, including women, children, people with disabilities, and the elderly, bear the brunt of the conflict. Grave violations against civilians, economic hardships, and damaged infrastructure deepen inequalities. The economy faces decline, inflation rises, and critical sectors suffer, leaving thousands without basic services.

As the conflict persists, urgent health needs take precedence, risking a deepening healthcare crisis. In 2024, the Health Cluster targets 3.8 million people, emphasizing healthcare access, emergency readiness, and integrating health and protection with a community-based approach. Objectives include ensuring quality lifesaving healthcare access and strengthening readiness for emergency response.

The funds initially assigned to Luhansk were relocated to Chernihiv oblast to increase humanitarian aid. Chernihiv Oblast, especially its northern regions bordering the Russian Federation and the Republic of Belarus, struggles with profound challenges stemming from the enduring aftermath of the conflict and ongoing military activities. The past conflict left a trail of devastation, including the destruction of health facilities and the looting of crucial equipment. Present hostilities compound the situation, featuring continuous cross-border shelling, missile strikes, and sabotage groups operations that disrupt logistics, and target civilians and critical infrastructure, including healthcare facilities.

The persistent threat, coupled with a lingering sense of insecurity and trauma from the previous conflict, generates a significant demand for Mental Health and Psychosocial Support (MHPSS) for both the population and healthcare/social workers.

The compounding challenge lies in the fact that the local primary healthcare system in rural settlements is heavily dependent on a strained local budget, further strained by the overarching economic downturn. This downturn is fueled by various factors, including severed trade ties with Russia and Belarus – previously vital contributors to the region's economy, the departure of young professionals and businesses, and direct destruction. Effectively addressing these layered challenges is paramount for the welfare of the region's residents and the restoration of vital access to healthcare services.


 The goal of the project is to improve access and availability to quality healthcare services including mental health for the conflict-affected population, in locations affected by ongoing hostilities, locations with large displacement, and newly accessible areas. Particular attention is paid to the needs of displaced women, men and children, conflict-affected elderly people, as well as women and girls by improving access to sexual and reproductive health services.

The project is being executed in close partnership with local health authorities and coordination with the Health and Protection cluster led by WHO and UNHCR respectively. Following USAID/BHA guidelines, this intervention enables MdM to achieve the following objectives: 

1. Health System Support

  • Support health facilities affected by the conflict through donations of medical supplies, consumables, and equipment.
  • Information and awareness raising campaign on right to health, MHPSS, SRH, GBV, NCDs. (Including awareness-raising video sessions, and printing materials).
  • Support to health facilities affected by the conflict through financial aid.
  • Capacity building training following the needs collected by PMSACs and needs analysis conducted by MdM among the PMSACs health staff.

 2. Essential Health Services

  • Provision of direct gender-responsive healthcare services (incl. Sexual Reproductive Health, Mental Health and Psychosocial support, through mobile units in conflict-affected areas with secured access.
  • Community health (health and MHPSS CHWs)

 3. Higher Level Care

  • Strengthening the outreach capacity of the PHC system
  • Support of the public MHPSS MUs
  • Support to SHC for home-based care through the outreach palliative care unit is supported with equipment and consumables in addition to donation of assistive devices and support with transportation (fuel costs).
  • Referrals to secondary healthcare level via cash assistance for referrals who have been initiated by the MUs for transportation need to a specialist for further examination.

4. Pharmaceuticals and other medical commodities

  • Training on pharmaceutical and medical commodities supply chain management in humanitarian response, covering topics of BHA procurement rules and regulations.

5. Psychosocial Support Services

  • Mental Health and Psychological Support for Healthcare staff and Community Health workers/focal Points.
  • Mental Health Awareness-raising Raising Activities and Anti-Stigma Campaigns at Community Level
  • Provision of community-based psychosocial support services to target groups as part of an MHPSS emergency response plan including individual mental health consultations.


 The goal of the external evaluation is to conduct a comprehensive and objective assessment of the project's relevance, efficiency, effectiveness, and cumulative impact. Serving as a tool for accountability and learning, the evaluation will be carried out by an external consultant with MdM’s internal support.

 Key objectives include assessing the project's attainment of objectives, identifying successes, challenges, and lessons learned, and gathering stakeholder input on the project's relevancy and effectiveness. Additionally, the evaluation aims to offer insights for refining programmatic strategies, informing future project designs, and ensuring alignment with evolving population needs. The process contributes to ongoing improvements in implementation practices, thereby enhancing the success of humanitarian initiatives in Ukraine and providing valuable lessons for broader applications.


 The evaluation requires a qualified team that can effectively operate within the proposed budget while demonstrating ample capacity, experience, and professional qualifications. They must possess a deep understanding of the geographical and political context of the region, particularly in areas related to Mental Health, Public Health, and Gender Age and Diversity approaches. It is essential to address the visa process for team members entering Ukraine in the evaluation schedule design.

 Submissions of writing samples or links to past evaluation reports and relevant deliverables prepared by proposed team members are highly encouraged.

 The applicants should meet the following criteria: 

  • A proven experience in INGO project evaluation, or social research, and knowledge of various evaluation methodologies will be an asset.
  • Technical background and proven skills in data analysis of both quantitative and qualitative datasets, ability to triangulate information effectively.
  • Proficiency in both oral and written English and Ukrainian languages (with a native Ukrainian language level for the team directly involved in data collection activities)
  • Previous experience in USAID’s funded projects and Ukraine response experience preferred. 


The Technical Proposal should include:

  • The constitution of the team, the distribution of responsibilities among its members, the proposed CVs and the availability of the members.
  • Work plan.
  • Detailed methodological proposal including an evaluation matrix.
  • Experience in similar jobs.
  • Estimated budget for the realization of the evaluation in which all the expenses derived from the realization of the evaluation and proposed form of payment are included, in the format of a proforma invoice.

The criteria for the evaluation of the proposals submitted will be the following:

  • Profile of the evaluation team: maximum 50 points
  • Quality of the technical proposal: maximum 50 points

 The maximum budget for evaluation shall be 15.000 Euros, taxes included, which must include all expenses such as accommodation and national and international travel.

Key facts and dates:

Receipt of offers by Medicos del Mundp: until 09/07/2024, at 23:59h local time by email 

Відправити резюме  

Відправити резюме

Expected start of evaluation work: July 2024.

Doctors of the World promotes equal opportunities for all people and establishes positive action measures for those who, due to functional diversity or social and/or cultural exclusion, belong to underrepresented groups in the positions offered. Therefore, no candidacy with a valid profile will be rejected because of its functional diversity or because it is culturally or socially excluded because of birth, ethnicity, race, sex, gender or any other personal, social, or cultural condition or circumstance.

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