Работала в 9 компаниях 15 лет 6 месяцев
Услуги для бизнеса - другое, Реклама / Маркетинг / PR-услуги
Project Manager
Front Desk Helpers
Услуги для бизнеса - другое
1 год 11 месяцев
12.2021 - 11.2023
FRONT DESK HELPERS CO dba TechnicalSupport.Team – USA based company
https://frontdeskhelpers.com/ and https://technicalsupport.team/
The company has several main focuses – outsourcing, IT telephony and web development and promotion. My main direction was web development and promotion.
Key directions of work:
- Developers’ team management (up to 5 persons)
- Sales and Marketing team management (up to 10 persons)
- Projects estimation from the beginning and managing during all the time
- Projects management – web development and promotion (SEO, PPC, content management, etc.)
- Business processes analysis, formalization, automation and improving
- Internal CRM/ERP systems improving (SuiteCRM, Bitrix24, Redmine)
- Strategic tasks for business growth of the company
Account manager
Реклама / Маркетинг / PR-услуги
1 год 1 месяц
02.2020 - 03.2021
The agency's focus is the pharmaceutical market, clients are very specific, but clear communication has been established with each one.
Account manager
- Making the costs for different types of projects and cost analysis (plan/actual)
- Management of projects of various types, from finding out the real needs of the Client to implementation and primary analytics. 65% of projects - web-sites development of varying complexity and focus (from content to uploading to the production environment)
- Management of projects for the development of presentations for Clients (of various types and complexity): from setting tasks to the content department to uploading to the Client's system / transferring of the finished product to the Client
- Testing the CRM system in relation to financial indicators (project management)
- Project management for the development of various creative materials: POS, presentations, web-sites
- Understanding of the full cycle of the agency.
Senior Account Manager
Clever Force
Реклама / Маркетинг / PR-услуги
4 месяца
09.2019 - 01.2020
Complex management of the project (Trade):
- Supporting of the project team in various areas (digital, organizational issues...)
- Making the costs for the project (plan/fact)
- Maintaining project documentation including accounting
- Communication with the Clients and Contractors
- Participation in preparing of tenders proposals
- Setting tasks to structural divisions of the company and monitoring of their implementation
Account/Project manager
Medinform Ukraine (TWIGA Ukraine)
Реклама / Маркетинг / PR-услуги
2 года 10 месяцев
11.2015 - 09.2018
Projects types: Soft development, site development, Loyalty programs, digital campaigns
- Analysis, structuring, optimization and automatization of business processes (internal in the company and for the Client's company)
- Writing of technical requirements for sites/soft development
- Setting tasks for team of developers, maintaining the time of development, checking the results and providing the soft/site to the Client
- Participation in preparing of tenders proposals
- Communication with the Clients and Contractors
- Creating and carrying out of presentations
- Making the costs estimated for the different kind of projects
- Maintaining project documentation including accounting
- Setting tasks to structural divisions of the company and monitoring of their implementation
- Creating and providing of reports (MS Excel, PowerPoint, dashboards)
Account/Project manager
Рекламное агентство «Paradigm Consulting Group»
Реклама / Маркетинг / PR-услуги
1 год 10 месяцев
11.2013 - 09.2015
Projects types: Loyalty programs, Motivation programs, site development
- Writing of technical requirements for sites/soft development
- Setting tasks for team of developers, maintaining the time of development, checking the results and providing the soft/site to the Client
- Participation in preparing of tenders proposals
- Communication with the Clients and Contractors
- Creating and carrying out of presentations
- Making the costs estimated for the different kind of projects
- Maintaining project documentation including accounting
- Setting tasks to structural divisions of the company and monitoring of their implementation
- Creating and providing of reports (MS Excel, PowerPoint, dashboards)
Head of database department
«Medical Data Management»
Услуги для бизнеса - другое
1 год 6 месяцев
02.2012 - 08.2013
- Analysis of the existing database (based on MS SQL queries) in various sections,
- Drawing up requirements for the quality of the database and the organization of testing the quality of information in an existing database,
- Description and implementation of procedures for improving the quality and consistency of information in the database
- Creating reports and queries on the specified criteria
- Improving the usability of the user interface for working with database
- Analysis, optimization and documentation of existing business processes
- Development, description and implementation of new business processes
- Writing of technical requirements, setting tasks and monitoring their implementation to improve the existing and create new software
Manage the department with 9-22 people
Head of database department
Рекламное агентство «Paradigm Consulting Group»
Реклама / Маркетинг / PR-услуги
2 года 1 месяц
01.2010 - 02.2012
- Analysis of the existing database (based on MS SQL queries) in various sections, correction, systematization of data, providing of reports and datum samples according to specified criteria
- Writing of technical requirements for creation of new databases according Client's specified criteria and analytics of business processes
- Writing of technical requirements for creation of new Data correction program
- Writing of technical requirements for creation of online platform which allows to work centralized with accumulated different databases
- Setting tasks for team of developers, maintaining the time of development, checking the results and providing the soft/site to the Client or internal divisions
Manage the department with 8-12 people
Technical specialist of loyalty programs
Реклама / Маркетинг / PR-услуги
1 год 8 месяцев
03.2008 - 11.2009
- Direct Mail services: SMS, E-mail, Post mailings (organization, implementation and reporting)
- Coordination of complaints processing on loyalty programs coming through various channels
- Development and implementation of an interactive reporting of shares (Web, SMS, E-mail, Post, Call Centre)
- Organization and conducting of draws on a database of participants to determine the winners
Head of Data Correction Department
Реклама / Маркетинг / PR-услуги
1 год 7 месяцев
07.2006 - 02.2008
- Formation of working instructions,
- Creating and regulation of the wage system,
- Optimization of working processes,
- Participation in the creating of technical requirements for software development for data correction and testing,
- Training and consulting of employees,
- Managing the department with 5-12 people
Ключевая информация
Долгосрочный опыт и глубокие знания в CRM-проектах (программах), Разработке программного обеспечения, Программах Лояльности, Direct Marketing.
Работа с командой разработки в удаленном режиме (Россия, США, Польша, Турция).
Отменные навыки перевода с "языка команды" на "язык Клиента".
Повышение лояльности Клиентов за счет построения доверительных отношений и предоставления необходимых Клиенту инструментов, сервиса и информации
Училась в 1 заведении
Национальный технический университет Украины "Киевский Политехнический Институт"
инженер, факультет Биотехнологии и биотехники
Киев, Украина, 2007
Владеет языками
Может проходить собеседование на этом языке
Может проходить собеседование на этом языке
https://siele.org/en/comprobar-certificado Code - l5B5Jh2KWGnWZUp1UTivXA
Курсы, тренинги, сертификаты
SIELE (International Service for the Evaluation of the Spanish Language)
Изучение испанского языка. Сертификат доступен по ссылке https://siele.org/en/comprobar-certificado Код сертификата l5B5Jh2KWGnWZUp1UTivXA
Training on web-analytics (Google Analytics) (2 days)
Анализ данных, настройка аналитики под цели проектов
Training «Creativity: how and when?»
Что такое "креатив"? С чего начинается идея? Откуда берется идея?
Digital strategy (2 days)
Что такое стратегия в digital-направлении? С чего начинать и как строить?
Design of presentations (design for non-designers)
Составление презентаций в PowerPoint
Тренинг по эффективной коммуникации
Освещение нюансов ведения беседы как при личном общении, так и посредством электронной переписки
Тренинг "Создание Запросов На Языке Transact-SQL Для Microsoft SQL Server 2008"
Систематизация приобретенных знаний, приобретение навыков более углубленного использования Microsoft SQL Server 2008
Практикум «Проектное управление»
Трехдневный курс, в основе которого лежали принципы успешного управления проектом: планирование и постановка задач, выделение ключевых этапов, контроль выполнения, отслеживание эффективности проекта по различным показателям
Практикум-коучинг «Стратегический эккаунт менеджмент»
Двухдневный курс, освещение основ, сторон и подходов к управлению проектами
Project Manager (remote)
Активно ищет работу
полная занятость, неполная занятость, проектная работа
Характер работы: удаленная работа
Обновлено 4 дня назад