Працювала в 9 компаніях   15 років 6 місяців

Послуги для бізнесу - інше, Реклама та PR-послуги

Project Manager

Front Desk Helpers

Послуги для бізнесу - інше

1 рік 11 місяців

12.2021 - 11.2023

FRONT DESK HELPERS CO dba TechnicalSupport.Team – USA based company

https://frontdeskhelpers.com/ and https://technicalsupport.team/

The company has several main focuses – outsourcing, IT telephony and web development and promotion. My main direction was web development and promotion.

Key directions of work:

  1. Developers’ team management (up to 5 persons)
  2. Sales and Marketing team management (up to 10 persons)
  3. Projects estimation from the beginning and managing during all the time
  4. Projects management – web development and promotion (SEO, PPC, content management, etc.)
  5. Business processes analysis, formalization, automation and improving
  6. Internal CRM/ERP systems improving (SuiteCRM, Bitrix24, Redmine)
  7. Strategic tasks for business growth of the company

Account manager


Реклама та PR-послуги

1 рік 1 місяць

02.2020 - 03.2021

The agency's focus is the pharmaceutical market, clients are very specific, but clear communication has been established with each one.

Account manager

  1. Making the costs for different types of projects and cost analysis (plan/actual)
  2. Management of projects of various types, from finding out the real needs of the Client to implementation and primary analytics. 65% of projects - web-sites development of varying complexity and focus (from content to uploading to the production environment)
  3. Management of projects for the development of presentations for Clients (of various types and complexity): from setting tasks to the content department to uploading to the Client's system / transferring of the finished product to the Client
  4. Testing the CRM system in relation to financial indicators (project management)
  5. Project management for the development of various creative materials: POS, presentations, web-sites
  6. Understanding of the full cycle of the agency.

Senior Account Manager

Clever Force

Реклама та PR-послуги

4 місяці

09.2019 - 01.2020

Complex management of the project (Trade):

  1. Supporting of the project team in various areas (digital, organizational issues...)
  2. Making the costs for the project (plan/fact)
  3. Maintaining project documentation including accounting
  4. Communication with the Clients and Contractors
  5. Participation in preparing of tenders proposals
  6. Setting tasks to structural divisions of the company and monitoring of their implementation

Account/Project manager

Medinform Ukraine (TWIGA Ukraine)

Реклама та PR-послуги

2 роки 10 місяців

11.2015 - 09.2018

Projects types: Soft development, site development, Loyalty programs, digital campaigns

  1. Analysis, structuring, optimization and automatization of business processes (internal in the company and for the Client's company)
  2. Writing of technical requirements for sites/soft development
  3. Setting tasks for team of developers, maintaining the time of development, checking the results and providing the soft/site to the Client
  4. Participation in preparing of tenders proposals
  5. Communication with the Clients and Contractors
  6. Creating and carrying out of presentations
  7. Making the costs estimated for the different kind of projects
  8. Maintaining project documentation including accounting
  9. Setting tasks to structural divisions of the company and monitoring of their implementation
  10. Creating and providing of reports (MS Excel, PowerPoint, dashboards)

Account/Project manager

Рекламное агентство «Paradigm Consulting Group»

Реклама та PR-послуги

1 рік 10 місяців

11.2013 - 09.2015

Projects types: Loyalty programs, Motivation programs, site development

  1. Writing of technical requirements for sites/soft development
  2. Setting tasks for team of developers, maintaining the time of development, checking the results and providing the soft/site to the Client
  3. Participation in preparing of tenders proposals
  4. Communication with the Clients and Contractors
  5. Creating and carrying out of presentations
  6. Making the costs estimated for the different kind of projects
  7. Maintaining project documentation including accounting
  8. Setting tasks to structural divisions of the company and monitoring of their implementation
  9. Creating and providing of reports (MS Excel, PowerPoint, dashboards)

Head of database department

«Medical Data Management»

Послуги для бізнесу - інше

1 рік 6 місяців

02.2012 - 08.2013

  1. Analysis of the existing database (based on MS SQL queries) in various sections,
  2. Drawing up requirements for the quality of the database and the organization of testing the quality of information in an existing database,
  3. Description and implementation of procedures for improving the quality and consistency of information in the database
  4. Creating reports and queries on the specified criteria
  5. Improving the usability of the user interface for working with database
  6. Analysis, optimization and documentation of existing business processes
  7. Development, description and implementation of new business processes
  8. Writing of technical requirements, setting tasks and monitoring their implementation to improve the existing and create new software

Manage the department with 9-22 people

Head of database department

Рекламное агентство «Paradigm Consulting Group»

Реклама та PR-послуги

2 роки 1 місяць

01.2010 - 02.2012

  1. Analysis of the existing database (based on MS SQL queries) in various sections, correction, systematization of data, providing of reports and datum samples according to specified criteria
  2. Writing of technical requirements for creation of new databases according Client's specified criteria and analytics of business processes
  3. Writing of technical requirements for creation of new Data correction program
  4. Writing of technical requirements for creation of online platform which allows to work centralized with accumulated different databases
  5. Setting tasks for team of developers, maintaining the time of development, checking the results and providing the soft/site to the Client or internal divisions

Manage the department with 8-12 people

Technical specialist of loyalty programs


Реклама та PR-послуги

1 рік 8 місяців

03.2008 - 11.2009

  1. Direct Mail services: SMS, E-mail, Post mailings (organization, implementation and reporting)
  2. Coordination of complaints processing on loyalty programs coming through various channels
  3. Development and implementation of an interactive reporting of shares (Web, SMS, E-mail, Post, Call Centre)
  4. Organization and conducting of draws on a database of participants to determine the winners

Head of Data Correction Department


Реклама та PR-послуги

1 рік 7 місяців

07.2006 - 02.2008

  1. Formation of working instructions,
  2. Creating and regulation of the wage system,
  3. Optimization of working processes,
  4. Participation in the creating of technical requirements for software development for data correction and testing,
  5. Training and consulting of employees,
  6. Managing the department with 5-12 people

Ключова інформація

Долгосрочный опыт и глубокие знания в CRM-проектах (программах), Разработке программного обеспечения, Программах Лояльности, Direct Marketing.

Работа с командой разработки в удаленном режиме (Россия, США, Польша, Турция).

Отменные навыки перевода с "языка команды" на "язык Клиента".

Повышение лояльности Клиентов за счет построения доверительных отношений и предоставления необходимых Клиенту инструментов, сервиса и информации

Навчалась в 1 закладі

Национальный технический университет Украины "Киевский Политехнический Институт"

инженер, факультет Биотехнологии и биотехники

Киев, Украина, 2007

Володіє мовами



Може проходити співбесіду на цій мові

Може проходити співбесіду на цій мові



https://siele.org/en/comprobar-certificado Code - l5B5Jh2KWGnWZUp1UTivXA





Курси, тренінги, сертифікати

SIELE (International Service for the Evaluation of the Spanish Language)

Другие страны, 2019

Изучение испанского языка. Сертификат доступен по ссылке https://siele.org/en/comprobar-certificado Код сертификата l5B5Jh2KWGnWZUp1UTivXA

Training on web-analytics (Google Analytics) (2 days)

Киев, 2018

Анализ данных, настройка аналитики под цели проектов

Training «Creativity: how and when?»

Киев, 2017

Что такое "креатив"? С чего начинается идея? Откуда берется идея?

Digital strategy (2 days)

Киев, 2017

Что такое стратегия в digital-направлении? С чего начинать и как строить?

Design of presentations (design for non-designers)

Киев, 2016

Составление презентаций в PowerPoint

Тренинг по эффективной коммуникации

Киев, Украина, 2012

Освещение нюансов ведения беседы как при личном общении, так и посредством электронной переписки

Тренинг "Создание Запросов На Языке Transact-SQL Для Microsoft SQL Server 2008"

Киев, Украина, 2012

Систематизация приобретенных знаний, приобретение навыков более углубленного использования Microsoft SQL Server 2008

Практикум «Проектное управление»

Киев, Украина, 2009

Трехдневный курс, в основе которого лежали принципы успешного управления проектом: планирование и постановка задач, выделение ключевых этапов, контроль выполнения, отслеживание эффективности проекта по различным показателям

Практикум-коучинг «Стратегический эккаунт менеджмент»

Киев, Украина, 2008

Двухдневный курс, освещение основ, сторон и подходов к управлению проектами


Project Manager (remote)


40 років

Активно шукає роботу

повна зайнятість, неповна зайнятість, проектна робота

Характер роботи: віддалена робота

Оновлено 2 дні тому