Работала в 3 компаниях   17 лет

АПК (Агропромышленный комплекс), FMCG

Head of purchase department

Alfa smart agro

АПК (Агропромышленный комплекс)

6 лет 6 месяцев

02.2018 - 08.2024

  • monitoring of chinese pesticides market : prices , tendencies of development forming of purchase and supply plan based on the sales plan in terms of ready products , raw materials and delivery terms;
  • submitting payment plan for customs;
  • communication with suppliers , confirmation of orders , confirmarion of contracts; calculation of primary cost; choosing of optimal delivery routes delivery control and tracking of goods momovements; controling of the availability of documentation for customs clearance and transportation; provision of additional documentation to confirm customs value;
  • maintenance of the payment plan/fact by suppliers;
  • forming of applications for payments for goods and additional services;
  • inputting data on orders in 1s system;
  • searching for alternative suppliers on permanent base; control of the process of receiving the samples for approval of suppliers;
  • work with claims, compensation in case of expenses incurred; controlling of export operations; participation in the company strategic sessions to draw up a development plan and strategy for the next season;
  • participation in international exhibitions

Leading purchase and import manager



6 лет 7 месяцев

12.2010 - 07.2017

«starting» of import department – contracts with nonresident and local suppliers, searching of custom and transport service;
• implementation the strategies of self ownership cost calculation, controlling payments with suppliers, customs reporting;
• execution daily import/export operations: forming orders, booking transport, loading documentation, supply process controlling, incl. goods quantity and quality work in database Axapta (import: Russia, Italy, Turkey, Czech Republic, China, Malaysia; export: Estonia, Latvia, Georgia, Moldova);
• cooperation with custom broker and transport expedition services (land, sea, air), work with custom warehouse;
• calculation of custom clearance and transport expenses, custom advanced payment planning and control;
• consignment self ownership cost calculation;
• conducting the shipment schedule of goods, tracking the rout, forming and control the payments with vendors;
• participation in warehouse inventories;
• documentation, reports.
Inferior employees: 0 (Junior import manager available).

Purchase manager

Lan Ukraine


3 года 9 месяцев

03.2007 - 12.2010

(FMCG, importation and distribution of grocery products (TM Bonduele, Costa D’Oro, Hame, Podravka)
• conducting sales and stock statistics, sales forecast for 2-4 weeks period, seasonality schedule construction, demand analysis;
• forming orders for maintenance the optimal stock, communication with suppliers;
• booking transport, contracts signing;
• conducting import process (countries: Russia, Hungary, Italy, Spain);
• communication with custom brokers, providing loading documentation;
• enrty of orders, logistic dates, new gods, self ownership cost in SAP database;
• calculation claims for suppliers (quality/ quantity);
• supply plan/fact conducting, custom and transport costs calculation;
• balance confirmation with suppliers, informing for stocks and sales;
• daily stocks report, АВС/XYZ analysis;
• participation in warehouse inventory and WMS implementation;
• other manager’s tasks.
Inferior employees: 0.

Ключевая информация

pc user experienced user of word , excel , outlook , photoshop , 1с , sap , ахарta
  • Планування та організація своєї роботи
  • Дотримання встановлених процедур і стандартів якості
  • Постійне навчання та розвиток професійних навичок
  • Управління часом та вміння працювати з високою навантаженням
  • Здійснення контролю за якістю виконуваних робіт та процесів
  • Встановлення пріоритетів для ефективного виконання завдань
  • Аналіз конкурентного середовища для виявлення можливостей для розвитку
  • Дотримання корпоративної культури та цінностей
  • Впровадження нововведень для покращення процесів та результативності роботи

Училась в 1 заведении

Kiev municipal pedagogical university B.D. Grinchenko

English philology

Київ, 2005

Владеет языками


выше среднего







Курсы, тренинги, сертификаты

kiev supply chain management. logistics - 3s consult age


custom brokers course

association of custom brokers of ukraine

Дополнительная информация

Водійське посвідчення

категорія в

Захоплення та інтереси

Захоплююся психологією



Head of purchase supply department


40 лет

Активно ищет работу

полная занятость

Характер работы: удаленная работа

Обновлено 35 минут назад