Пошук роботи на robota.uaukraine

Community Management Coordinator

78 000 ₴   progressive
Посольство США в Україні
3 дні тому
02 липня 2024
В офісі/на місці
Повна зайнятість
Медичне страхування
Додаткові вихідні
Офіс з бомбосховищем
Регулярний перегляд зарплат
Офіс біля метро

To apply for this position, you should complete an application in English at the link provided below.           We do NOT accept resumes from rabota.ua 


Deadline for applications: July 10, 2024


The Community Management Coordinator (CMC) is responsible for building and maintaining Mission flagship digital properties (social media, website content); developing a year-long editorial calendar designed to promote Mission priorities with online communities; researching and analyzing evolving markets for Mission digital properties; and customizing content and online engagement to promote Mission objectives. Organizes and hosts online conversations and designs and develops innovative engagement opportunities and tools. Provides guidance to Public Diplomacy (PD) Public Engagement staff and other Mission personnel who engage with online communities on standards, regulations, and policies for the use of digital properties.

This mission is an OSM 5 post, a large mission located in a country of major importance to the United States. Ukraine has the highest level of global influence of the vast majority of other countries around the world and its government is a principal player with which the United States interacts in all aspects of pressing multilateral issues.



Two years of experience is required in managing digital properties, including online interaction with the public and content creation in multimedia and traditional formats.


A university degree in Communications, Business, Marketing, or local equivalent is required.


Fluent (writing/speaking/reading) English

Fluent (writing/speaking/reading) Ukrainian


Must have strong analytic, interpersonal and management skills. Must have excellent written and oral communication skills, including the ability to develop, write, and edit materials for digital dissemination in both English and Ukrainian. Thorough, detailed knowledge of various computer software programs, specifically Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, and graphic design, is required.


Must have comprehensive knowledge of the attitudes and communication preferences of target audience groups. Must understand the regional, demographic, ethnic, socioeconomic, cultural, and linguistic factors and the influence of religious, cultural, and educational institutions in shaping Ukrainian opinions and preferences. Must have strong online communications and analysis skills to identify and exploit engagement opportunities. Must understand the management of digital properties and online communities, including marketing and/or advocacy campaigns. Knowledge of trends in regional and international communications patterns and how they affect the Ukrainian communications landscape is required.

We offer:

  • Stability
  • Competitive salary
  • Regular working hours (40 hours per week, 8 hours per day)
  • Comfortable office
  • Medical insurance for the employee and dependents (spouse and children)
  • Life insurance
  • Paid annual and sick leave
  • Military exemption for male employees
  • Training and professional development
  • Holiday days off (both Ukrainian and American holidays)

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