Працювала в 7 компаніях   17 років 9 місяців

Інтернет, Реклама та PR-послуги, IT, Послуги для бізнесу - інше, Медицина та Охорона здоров'я

Freelance Senior Copywriter



2 роки 1 місяць

05.2022 - до теперішнього часу

5 contracts conducted through the site, rise in the ranking to Freelancer Plus

Developing a content strategy for businesses in the cryptocurrency, betting, casino, digital marketing, Forex, pharmaceutical, and healthcare industries. Writing white papers, posts for Linkedin and Instagram, translation and localization of websites into 50 languages. Creation of guides, manuals, landing pages, scripts, and sales pitches.

Managing a team of authors. Organizing the work of copywriters for any size project in a short time.

English copywriter, translator (C2)


Реклама та PR-послуги

5 років 4 місяці

02.2019 - до теперішнього часу

Me and my team of authors are the main content contractor of seo company #1 in Ukraine

We writing SEO-articles for sites in English for America, Canada, Europe.

Freelance Copywriter



7 років 7 місяців

11.2016 - до теперішнього часу

For 7 years = from the last lines - in the top 7 in the rating of Copywriters 507 reviews from clients

1500 cases

Copywriter (English C2, Ukranian, Russian - native)


Послуги для бізнесу - інше

17 років 8 місяців

10.2006 - до теперішнього часу

High level of Grammarly. Writing SEO-optimized articles/reviews/social media posts about IT, Marketing, Gaming, NFT, FinTech, Betting, Gembling, Medicine, Sport, Design and other thems

Seo copywriter


Послуги для бізнесу - інше

2 роки 5 місяців

09.2019 - 02.2022

Writing SEO-articles for Ukrainian sites in the field of IT, web development, medicine, beauty, sports, construction, real estate.



Реклама та PR-послуги

1 рік 8 місяців

07.2017 - 03.2019

Writing SEO-articles for sites in Russian, Ukrainian and English languages. Uniqueness check on Adwego, content-watch. Using the service Glavred, Hemingway, Grammarly

Content director

Internet shop 33 cows

Медицина та Охорона здоров'я

5 років 3 місяці

06.2011 - 09.2016

Organization of the work of the content department (copywriters, SEO specialists, content managers, smm specialists, designers). Development of a content strategy for the development of an Internet project. Content filling and maintenance of 5 online stores with "0". Preparation and creation advertising materials - booklets, catalogs, banners. Management of corporate e-mail mailing lists

Ключова інформація

  • Professional copywriter since 2016
  • Top-7 the Ukrainian freelance
  • 1500+ projects done, 7000 hours worked
  • Russian & Ukrainian: native
  • English, German, Spanish, Italian, Polish, Arabic : Fluent
  • English C2 - https://www.efset.org/cert/UiouQg&nbsp
  • Azerbaijani, Arabic, Spanish, Kazakh, Kyrgyz, Chinese, Korean, Latvian, Romanian, Serbian, Slovak, Turkish, Uzbek, French, Czech: writing team

I can do:

  • Write SEO-optimized reviews and articles about Blockchain, Forex, Crypto, FinTech, Metaverse, NFT, Gaming, brokerage companies, have the experience to create content for medical, economic, design etc thems.
  • Edit written stuff to fit SEO requirements, AP style, engagement level, etc.
  • Write press releases/whitepapers/longreads for companies or experts.
  • Prepare marketing-shaped texts.
  • Assemble a team of copywriters for the project (18 languages).

My experience:

  • 2 years of work with Blockchain technologies
  • Finished trading course 2021- fundamental and technical analysis in the cryptocurrency markets
  • Active trader on Binance, Bybit, FTX


If you are looking for a copywriter or copywriting team who knows this - you've made the right call!

Навчалась в 1 закладі


Технология фармацевтических препаратов

Харьков, 2007

Володіє мовами





Може проходити співбесіду на цій мові

Може проходити співбесіду на цій мові





Курси, тренінги, сертифікати

English - C2

Харків, 2023

English at the C2 level https://www.efset.org/cert/UiouQg&nbsp

Google's "AI Basics" course - July 2023


  • Module 1 - What is AI? - what artificial intelligence is and how to use it in business and life; - how artificial intelligence can help with tabular, visual, and textual data; - key reasons for using AI/ML in such areas as insurance, banking, marketing, telecommunications, - and even agriculture, etc. 
  • Module 2 - AI solutions for businesses - examples of businesses built on AI/ML; - ready-made solutions for each type of business. 
  • Module 3 - Product analytics: how to make data-driven decisions without AI/ML - data-driven approach to decision-making; - basic metrics in the product; - working with hypotheses in analytics; - how AI/ML can help in data analytics. 
  • Module 4 - Business transformation strategies with AI/ML - intelligent economy and transformation of business and society with AI; - customer acquisition, products and services, business process optimization with the help of AI; - economic effect, advantages and risks of AI. 

Certificate Big Invest Summit

Киев, 2021

The summit was held on November 27-28, 2021. This is the largest investment conference in Ukraine. Concerning the creation of an investment portfolio, the choice of an investment strategy, the category of investment in UkraineAbout conference: https://biginvestsummit.com/

Participant certificate Blockchain & Bitcoin Conference Kyiv

Киев, 2021

  • The law on virtual assets: what's next.  
  • NFT markets after the hype.  
  • Trading on cryptocurrency exchanges: what's new.  
  • Cybersecurity: how cryptocurrency owners can protect themselves from theft and robbery and what to do if it happens.  
  • Virtual Asset Education in Ukraine.  
  • Mining in 2022: returns, payback, risks, disposal of equipment.  
  • DeFi: financial services without intermediaries.  
  • DAO: how legal entities will transform in the new digital reality.  
  • Trends in the crypto industry at the end of 2021 and forecasts for 2022

Conference "Live on interest" 2021 Minfin&ICU (participant)

Киев, 2021

  1. Part 1 "How to Start Investing?" - How to choose investment tools and build your own investment portfolio if you are not risk averse. - Why invest at all. And how to figure out what kind of investor you are. - How widely it makes sense to diversify your portfolio. - Pitfalls and common mistakes of beginner investors: what you definitely shouldn't do. - How to choose a broker, open an account, what to do so that broker fees don't "eat up" your profits. 
  2. Part 2 "The Private Investor's Toolkit." - What tools allow the private investor to trade on world stock exchanges now, what is in prospect. - How the Law on Virtual Assets will work: what will change, what opportunities it will provide. - An overview of popular investment funds and how to make money on them. - Bonds: state, corporate, Eurobonds. Comparison of income and risk. - Platforms for purchasing land, real estate. - Cryptocurrency: how to buy, sell, exchange, withdraw. - Non-state pension funds: an "honest" w

Додаткова інформація

Личные качества

Responsibility, commitment, attention to detail, diligence, discipline, flexibility and fine-tuning to any area of work related to texts and writing.

Увлечения и интересы

Dancing, gym, investing, trading literature, trainings


https://dotbig.com/ Форекс брокер

https://kiss.software/ua разработка программного обеспечения

https://primexbt.com/ трейдинг платформа

https://neoagency.com.ua/ сео и веб агентство

https://levelamz.com/ (торговля с Амазоном)

http://altopromo.com/blog/ (блог о продвижении сайтов, интернет-магазинов)

https://dolinaizvilin.ru/ (обучение удаленной работе, фрилансу)

http://leadslab.ru/ (сайт лидогенерации)

http://www.ideibiznesa.org/ идеи для бизнеса

http://blog.b2bsts.com/ автоматизация бизнес процессов, CRM

https://crm-onebox.com/ru/ автоматизация вашего бизнеса, CRM

https://talentpool.ru/ кадровый аутсорсинг

https://codesushi.co/ айти

https://servreality.com/ (разработка программного обеспечения)


Сopywriter (English C2, Ukranian, Russian - native)


Готовий переїхати: Львів, Одеса, Дніпро, Запоріжжя, Харків

500 $

38 років

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повна зайнятість, неповна зайнятість, проектна робота

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