Працював в 3 компаніях   5 років 10 місяців

Державний сектор

Chief state inspector (Legal Direction, International Jurisprudence and Compliance)

Department of Internal Security(Legal Direction and Compliance) Territorial customs office of the State Customs Service of Ukraine

Державний сектор

2 роки 4 місяці

11.2021 - 03.2024

• Preparation of financial agreements, contracts (including in English), internal normative-legal acts, and regulatory documents of the customs service: aimed at establishing an optimal structure and legal framework for the effective implementation of customs tasks, optimizing legal documentation, ensuring efficient activities, and achieving strategic objectives.
• Providing legal assessment in terms of international and national legislation and preparing responses (including in English) to requests, inquiries, letters, and complaints from various entities: including physical and legal persons, authorities, enterprises, and public organizations, ensuring a high standard of quality and professionalism in all aspects of response preparation and legal assessment. 
• Preparation of English-language project requests regarding the financial activities of international companies and their counterparts: related to violations of international and European legislation, as well as customs, financial, and tax regulations of Ukraine. Conducting verification of international agreements concluded between Ukrainian and foreign counterparts to ensure compliance with legislative requirements and protection of customs interests. 
• Ensuring effective communication and cooperation with state and private companies regarding legal issues related to customs activities: including reviewing complaints, consultations, and representation of customs interests in administrative and judicial proceedings. 
• Providing competent legal consultations during negotiations with legal and physical persons, including international partners, with the aim of concluding and resolving issues related to international agreements and contracts covering customs matters: consultations within the customs service, including clarification of legal norms and procedures, analysis and interpretation of legislation, preparation of recommendations for minimizing legal risks, and ensuring compliance of customs activities with current legal requirements. 
• Handling large volumes of information, including analysis of information from databases, financial and economic documents (contracts, agreements, etc.) of international companies and their counterparts: followed by writing analytical documents based on the conducted analysis to ensure compliance with international and national legislative requirements. 
• Efficient management and support of internal archives and registers in accordance with legislative requirements and internal regulatory acts: ensuring their relevance, accuracy, and compliance with all requirements. 
• Control over compliance with legislative requirements and performance of duties by officials of customs authorities, conducting internal audits, and preparing reports based on the results of providing legal assessments of actions by officials of the customs authority: including conducting internal investigations into violations identified within the customs service and providing legal assessments of the results of such investigations.

Senior Investigator for Particularly Important Cases

Division of Criminal Proceedings Investigation, Investigative Department of Financial Investigations, Large Taxpayers Office, Fiscal Service of Ukraine

Державний сектор

11 місяців

11.2020 - 10.2021

• Investigating criminal offenses in the credit and financial sector (international insurance, credit unions, quick loan institutions, and other financial institutions) regarding tax evasion, money laundering, legalization, embezzlement, and other illegal financial operations, and taking measures to compensate the state for damages.
• Interacting with international companies (international insurance, credit unions, quick loan institutions, and other financial institutions) and their counterparts operating in the credit and financial sector, acting in the international market and potentially violating international or Ukrainian legislation in the credit and financial sphere (offenses related to taxation, money laundering, proceeds of crime, legalization, embezzlement, and other illegal financial transactions), as well as interacting with regulatory authorities of Ukraine and jurisdictions where financial institutions are located.
• Drafting requests (including in English) for documents and information from international financial institutions and their counterparts regarding their financial activities in Ukraine and beyond.
• Handling large volumes of information, particularly financial reports, contracts, agreements, and other documents related to the financial activities of international companies (international insurance, credit unions, quick loan institutions, and other financial institutions), followed by the identification of violations of international or national legislation. 
• Collecting, analyzing, and summarizing documents (contracts, agreements, and other documents related to financial activities) and information related to the financial activities of financial institutions and their counterparts, leading to the identification of criminal offenses committed by international companies and holding those responsible accountable.
• Working with international registries of legal and physical entities, aimed at detecting and investigating criminal offenses in the credit and financial sector. 
• Efficient management and support of internal archives and registers in accordance with legislative requirements and internal regulatory acts: ensuring their relevance, accuracy, and compliance with all requirements. 
• Conducting investigative (search) actions and covert investigative (search) actions in cases established by the Criminal Procedure Code of Ukraine. 
• Implementation of procedural actions and adoption of procedural decisions in cases provided for by the Criminal Procedure Code of Ukraine.

Senior Operational Officer for Particularly Important Cases

Department of Crime Detection in the Credit and Financial Sector within the Head Office of the Tax Police of the Kyiv Fiscal Service of Ukraine

Державний сектор

2 роки 5 місяців

06.2018 - 11.2020

• Gathering, analyzing, and summarizing documents (contracts, agreements, and other documents related to financial activities) and information associated with the financial activities of financial institutions and their counterparts, leading to the identification of criminal offenses committed by international companies and holding those responsible accountable.
• Timely, within the bounds defined by law, response to statements and notifications about criminal offenses in the credit and financial sector (international insurance, credit unions, quick loan institutions, and other financial institutions) regarding tax evasion, money laundering, legalization, embezzlement, and other illegal financial transactions, taking measures to compensate the state for damages and initiating investigations if there are grounds provided for by the Criminal Procedure Code of Ukraine.
• Working with international registries of legal and physical entities, associated with the detection and investigation of criminal offenses in the credit and financial sector.
• Interacting with international companies (international insurance, credit unions, quick loan institutions, and other financial institutions) and their counterparts operating in the credit and financial sector, acting in the international market and potentially violating international or Ukrainian legislation in the credit and financial sphere (offenses related to taxation, money laundering, proceeds of crime, legalization, embezzlement, and other illegal financial transactions).
• Implementation of operative investigative activities within the bounds of the Law of Ukraine "On operative investigative activities".
• Conducting investigative (search) actions and covert investigative (search) actions in cases established by the Criminal Procedure Code of Ukraine.

Ключова інформація

  • Time Management.
  • High-quality performance of the delivered tasks.
  • Prioritization skills.
  • Teamwork and interaction.
  • Proven ability to meet stringent deadlines.

Навчався в 2 закладах

University of State Fiscal Service of UKraine

Program Subject Area “Law”

Київ, 2020

University of State Fiscal Service of UKraine

Program Subject Area “Law enforcement”

Київ, 2018

Володіє мовами







Додаткова інформація

Extra information

  • The ability to work in stressful situations and with significant amounts of information.
  • The ability to quickly learn new things.


Financial Lawyer, International lawyer, Middle lawyer or Compliance Officer


28 років

Активно шукає роботу

повна зайнятість, проектна робота

Характер роботи: віддалена робота, гібридна

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