Работал в 3 компаниях   19 лет 2 месяца

Негосударственные организации / NGO, Транспорт и Логистика

deputy field coordinator

Triangle Generation Humanitaire, Ассоциация

Негосударственные организации / NGO

4 месяца

11.2024 - по настоящее время

  • Financial, budgetary and accounting management
  • Management of human resources
  • Administrative and legal management
  • Administration team on, finance, HR, Log procedures.
  • Ensure internal and donors’ logistic process and procedures are in place and followed up.
  • Accountable for systems mitigate risks from corruption.
  • Ensure legal compliance according to national law, internal and donors procedures.
  • Represent the association in its relations with partners, authorities and different local players for the financial, administrative, legal, human resources, logistic, compliance areas. coordination with the program team on budget follow up and forecast is taken place regularly.
  • Centralize and diffuse information within the base and to the Field Coordinator for all financial, administrative, legal, HR, logistic aspects of the mission.
  • Ensure the coordination with the support teams during and after the process of purchase.Ensure the coordination of the support and operational team for the preparation and during the process of audits.
  • Дотримання встановлених процедур і стандартів якості
  • Постійне навчання та розвиток професійних навичок
  • Управління часом та вміння працювати з високою навантаженням
  • Дотримання корпоративної культури та цінностей
  • Встановлення пріоритетів для ефективного виконання завдань
  • Планування та організація своєї роботи
  • Analyst, Transportation & Logistics

    Нова Пошта

    Транспорт и Логистика

    6 лет 11 месяцев

    11.2016 - 10.2023

    Control of performance indicators of speed, quality and compliance with standards in subordinate units

    Opening of new sorting centers

    Conducting contractual work with landlords

    Processing and consolidation of data received from subordinate units

    Continuous improvement of performance indicators

    Staff selection

    Drafting of budgets

    Improving the level of customer service

    Project Manager

    KD Forward LTD

    Транспорт и Логистика

    11 лет 8 месяцев

    04.2003 - 12.2014

    Deputy director, head of the customs clearance department, freight forwarder

    Development of the enterprise's freight traffic,

    increasing the client base

    Customs clearance of goods

    Documentation of export-import cargoes in the port of Mariupol

    Constant career growthAdditional education

    Ключевая информация

    Project management: LEAN methodology, 5SLeadership:

    Team management, staff motivation.

    Communication: Negotiation, presentation skills.

    Analytics: Data analysis, decision-making, ability to prioritize

    Organization: Planning, time management.

    Management: Planning, organization, control, development

    Office applications: Word, Excel. Access, PowerPoint, 1C, Google forms

    Учился в 1 заведении

    Державний вищий навчальний заклад "Приазовський державний технічний університет"

    Computer Science and Applied Mathematics

    Маріуполь, 1998

    Владеет языками





    Может проходить собеседование на этом языке

    Может проходить собеседование на этом языке



    Может проходить собеседование на этом языке

    Может проходить собеседование на этом языке

    Курсы, тренинги, сертификаты

    Humanitarian certification courses


    • PSEA
    • BSAFE
    • Humanitarian training
    • Procurement ang logistics certificate
    • Stop the Bleed
    • Basic life support
    • Management of medical products and cold chain

    LEAN Green belt


    calculation of value's cycle time and takt time

    Creating an A3 report

    Description of the value creation process

    Building a value stream map

    Effective Middle manager


    Defining roles, responsibilities, processes, procedures, instructions

    Planning, setting tasks and goals, providing resources

    Control, evaluation and feedback

    Training, development and correction of the team

    Motivation, bonuses, incentives, creating an environment, team climate

    LEAN Yellow belt


    LEAN- philosophy

    Development and implementation of KPI

    Definition of product and value

    compilation of the Makigami diagram


    Logistics manager

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