Работала в 8 компаниях   20 лет

Консалтинг / Аудит, Медицина и Здравоохранение, Транспорт и Логистика, Торговля розничная / Retail, Недвижимость и Девелопмент

Regional development manager (remotely)

Agency of Regional Development of Chernivtsi district

Консалтинг / Аудит

7 месяцев

02.2024 - по настоящее время

- Marketing and regional researches and presenting attractive features of Chernivtsi region to the potential donors and investors.

- Development of presentation materials of Chernivti region's hromadas.

- Development of investment passports and investment plans for hromadas.

- Communication with EU donors and potential partners regarding cooperation and financing of investmrnt projects of Chernivtsi region.

Project Coordinator / Logistics and security Manager (partly remotely - maternity leave)

“Medici per i diritti umani” (“MEDU”, Italy)

Медицина и Здравоохранение

1 год

09.2022 - 09.2023

Project "Medical assistance and psychosocial support for the displaced population in Ukraine".

- Providing networking activities with local authorities and organizations on Ukrainian territory, assisting MEDU’s staff in legalizing the organization in Ukraine.

- Drawing up the procurement plans of the Project, supervising procurement processes of the Project.

- Guaranteeing correct application of MEDU’s and donor’s purchasing procedures.

- Guaranteeing correct management and archiving of documents, ensuring their distribution to the team; management of the IT devices necessary for the execution of Project activities (PCs, printers, telephones, etc.).

- Administrative management of the Mobile clinic of the Project.

- Researching and providing information on the types of employment and service contracts in Ukraine, assistance in searching and selection of the local personnel.

- Providing safety coordination of MEDU’s staff locally.

Head of Development Department


Транспорт и Логистика

9 лет 7 месяцев

08.2013 - 03.2023

Note: maternity leave - from Feb, 2019

Total increase of post offices chain from 2013 till 2019 in more than 4 times (from 700 till 3 000 offices).

Head of a Project of “Nova Poshta” automatic lockers (successful project implementation during 1 month (April-May 2016):

- developing of technical documentation

- approving of a manufacturer and IT-developer for producing of 2 “pilot” lockers

- production of 2 lockers

- rent contracting (locations in Globus Shopping Mall and Pecherskiy Shopping centre)

- supervising of installation and launching of 2 “pilot” lockers

- transferring of a “pilot” to a serial production and chain development, preparing of pilot results and recommendations for product improvement.

Head of a team of 15 development managers (post offices opening, implementation of new products and services in a chain):

- Development of a typical opening Project plan (planning of all phases of the Project including time and human resources planning, using MS Project).

- Chain development management (chain development planning; development of new types and formats of post offices; processes optimization and improvement; standardization of interior and exterior for each of post office’s type).

- Control of a “breakeven point” reaching by new-opened post offices, working with costs of unprofitable offices, optimization of processes in them.

- Organizing and controlling of current support of post offices work.

- Supervising of conformity of offices to the company standards (exterior and interior).

- Supervising of KPI of the chain, preparing of recommendations for KPI goals reaching for the weakest post offices.

- Monitoring of rental conditions of the chain, negotiating with key property owners.

- Business planning, preparing of opening budgets, analytical reports and presentations for BDO and CEO.

Non-Key Expert – Institutional Development and Management Expert (partly remotely - maternity leave)

“Hulla & Co Human Dynamics GmbH and Co KG” (“DAI”)

Консалтинг / Аудит

1 год 5 месяцев

04.2021 - 09.2022

Project “Strengthening Capacities in External Audit in Line with International Standards in Ukraine” (EU4ACU).

- Support in the development of the regulatory documents, instructions, process descriptions for ACU (The Accounting Chamber of Ukraine) including the preparation describing textual part, of diagrams, tables, description of the documents.

- Preparing of the analytical notes and presentations for ACU Members.

- Communication with the staff of ACU during the process of the documents development.

- Documental and technical assistance of the Project, reporting to the Team Leader and DAI representatives.

Business Development Officer, Brand manager (Butlers brand)

“MARATEX” Ltd, “DCG” Ltd

Торговля розничная / Retail

2 года 10 месяцев

10.2010 - 08.2013

- Supervising and organizing of 24 retail stores opening (business planning, selection of locations, negotiations with landlords, supervising of contracts signing).

- Marketing researches for business improvement, searching for new directions of development.

- Analysis and presentation of the efficiency of the stores.

- Developing the activities for profit increase.

- Adaptation of drawings provided by the Brands to local needs and demands of landlords.

- Communication with the representatives of the Brands (Heads of development and merchandising) regarding implementation of the Brand’s standards in Ukrainian stores.

- Supervising of works of contractors on the plots (construction works, furniture installation).

- Budgeting and organizing of payments processes.

- Rent relations monitoring, analysis of rent efficiency, negotiations about discounts and terms of rent payments; working with licensing authorities.

Executive director of 5 companies of the Group, Treasure

“United” Group of companies, “Hertz” Ltd.

Транспорт и Логистика

1 год 5 месяцев

05.2009 - 10.2010

- Management of companies (rent of equipment, retail and financial activities).

- Marketing researches for business improvement, searching for new directions of development.

- Economic and financial analysis of businesses.

- Control and analysis of economic and financial reports of companies.

- Organization and control of working process of the staff.

Marketing Manager

“Kyiv Investment Group” Ltd.

Недвижимость и Девелопмент

9 месяцев

03.2008 - 12.2008

- Business planning on the development Project (including economic and financial parts).

- Marketing researches on the Project of recreational (resort) complex development (131 ha).

- Economic analysis of the Project.

- Preparing of analytical reports, development of the Project concept and presentation materials.

- Monitoring of contractor organization works (Austria) on producing of the Master plan and marketing Concept of the Project.

Project administrator, Project manager

Investment Company “Comfort” Ltd.

Недвижимость и Девелопмент

4 года 1 месяц

02.2004 - 03.2008

- Real estate Projects management in Kyiv (“town-house”) and Chernivtsi (residential premises) from the process of land purchase until building and selling of the apartments.

- Business planning of the real estate Projects, economic analysis of Projects.

- Preparation of market reviews, reports, development concepts and presentations of the real estate Projects.

- Documental and technical assistance of the Projects, working with licensing authorities.

Ключевая информация

Project management within 20 years in development, real estate, retail, service areas and consulting.

High-level skills in business planning, analytics, processing, cost controlling and budgeting, development of the internal regulatory documents.

Strong team leading and communication skills, high-level skills in team building and team management.

Училась в 1 заведении

Донецький національний університет імені Василя Стуса

Master’s degree in International Economics

Donetsk, 2004

Владеет языками



Может проходить собеседование на этом языке

Может проходить собеседование на этом языке

Licence of Business English translator, British Council certificate (B2)





Может проходить собеседование на этом языке

Может проходить собеседование на этом языке

Дополнительная информация

Водійське посвідчення

B-category, have a private car

Комп'ютерні навички

Advanced MS Office user including Excel skills, MS Project, PowerPoint, 1C.

Особисті якості

Reliability, accuracy, sociability, stress resistance, team player.

Сімейний стан

Married, 2 children.


Business Development Manager / Brand Manager / Product Manager / Project Manager

Варшава, Польша

42 года

Активно ищет работу

полная занятость

Характер работы: удаленная работа

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