Работала в 3 компаниях   1 год 1 месяц

Услуги для бизнеса - другое, Образование, IT

Freelance Translator

ProfTrans, Бюро переводов

Услуги для бизнеса - другое

1 месяц

05.2024 - по настоящее время

I’ve been working as a freelance translator for Proftrans since May 2024 and have been working on various game localization projects. I worked on Ukrainian localization of different videogames such as Frostpunk 2, Timberborn, Garden Affairs, made subtitles for games’ promos. While working on these tasks, i used memoQ.

Викладач англійської мови

Empire English School


9 месяцев

09.2023 - по настоящее время

I’ve been working in Empire English School since September 2023, providing English lessons for different international companies such as Nova (Nova Poshta), Japanese Tobacco Industry, New Product Group, People in Need, Medecins sans Frontiers, etc. I’ve been fullfilling all of my student’s needs and wishes in terms of learning English, using different strategies and methods of learning and helping them as much as I can.

Перекладач англійської мови

SBT localization group


2 месяца

01.2023 - 03.2023

Successfully completed internship in NGO “SBT Localization group” as a translator, worked with such games as "Planescape: Torment", "Baldur's Gate", "Darkest Dungeon" (from English into Ukrainian). My name and surname will be indicated in the credits of these translations. While I was translating these texts, there were plenty of problems related to the names of fantasy characters, places and creatures, but I managed to successfully deal with all of them. Also, during this internship I used CAT (Crowdin).

Ключевая информация

• Володіння англійською мовою
• Увага до деталей
• Аналітичне мислення

Училась в 1 заведении

Криворізький державний педагогічний університет

Факультет Іноземних мов, спеціальність «Переклад»

Кривий Ріг, 2023

Владеет языками



Может проходить собеседование на этом языке

Может проходить собеседование на этом языке

Дополнительная информация

About me

My name is Yana Yaroshenko. I consider myself a purposeful and creative person. I quickly learn and adapt to new conditions, sociable and positive. Always ready to establish contacts with people and acquire new skills. My translation skills are not limited to simply transferring words from one language to another. I am able to transform texts, preserving their meaning, style and nuances of the original. In addition, I have some experience in working with various technical tools, such as CAT. During my studies at the university, I was actively involved in scientific activities. I have several publications in scientific journals. I also took part in translation competitions (prose, poems).


Перекладач англійської мови

Кривой Рог

35 000 грн.

21 год

полная занятость

Характер работы: удаленная работа

Обновлено 5 дней назад