Работал в 1 компании   4 месяца

Телекоммуникации / Связь

Монтажник телекомунікаційних мереж


Телекоммуникации / Связь

3 месяца

06.2021 - 09.2021

Ключевая информация

TCP/IP, VMWare, Linux, Cisco, Windows Server , Jira, CCNA, Cybersecurity Essentials

Учился в 1 заведении

Харківський національний університет радіоелектроніки

Інфокомунікацій / Управління інформаційною безпекою (ISM)

Харків, 2024

Владеет языками





Может проходить собеседование на этом языке

Может проходить собеседование на этом языке



Может проходить собеседование на этом языке

Может проходить собеседование на этом языке

Курсы, тренинги, сертификаты

Cybersecurity Essentials


Issued by Cisco Cisco verifies the earner of this badge successfully completed the Cybersecurity Essentials course. The holder of this student-level credential has foundational knowledge of cybersecurity, including the basics of network security, encryption and cybersecurity laws. The holder has been introduced to tactics and techniques used by Black Hats, and the principles of Confidentiality, Integrity, and Availability used by White Hats to defend networks. Skills: • Availability • Confidentiality • Encryption • Integrity • Network Security https://www.credly.com/badges/e4db2f8a-462c-4101-a274-fe8b8e9dfd82

CCNA: Introduction to Networks


Issued by Cisco Cisco verifies the earner of this badge successfully completed the Introduction to Networks course and achieved this student level credential. Earner has knowledge of networking including IP addressing, how physical, data link protocols support Ethernet, can configure connectivity between switches, routers and end devices to provide access to local and remote resources. Earner participated in up to 54 labs and accumulated up to 14 hours of hands-on labs using Cisco hardware or Packet Tracer tool. Skills: • Ethernet • IP connectivity • IP services • IP Subnetting • IPv4 And IPv6 Addressing • Network Fundamentals • Security Fundamentals • Switching https://www.credly.com/badges/ce215dd5-ff0f-433e-a66d-3c2da33651d6


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21 год

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