Работал в 6 компаниях   6 лет 6 месяцев

Негосударственные организации / NGO, Государственный сектор

Deputy Program Manager


Негосударственные организации / NGO

2 месяца

07.2024 - по настоящее время

Objective 1: Provide technical support to MHPSS program

  • Provide technical support, supervise (including clinical supervision), and evaluate the work of project staff, including psychologists and psychosocial workers.
  • Contribute and participate in writing the program’s monthly report with the MHPSS PM.
  • Support the MHPSS PM in the analysis of program activities and their relevance to the needs of the beneficiaries.

Objective 2: Assist the MHPSS PM in data analysis of the needs in terms of MHPSS vulnerability

  • Provide technical support to the teams when collecting information on the needs of the beneficiaries in the field of mental health.
  • Collect and correct the information obtained by project staff.
  • Share the information obtained with the head of the program dealing with these data.

Objective 3 : Participate in the management of MHPSS staff

  • Support the MHPSS PM in the recruitment of staff and provide feedback on candidates.
  • Develop the teams’ capacities in program analysis and context through training.
  • Participate in defining and respecting the team’s objectives.

Objective 4: Coordinate staff training

  • Evaluate the skills and technical competencies of project staff and analyse training needs.
  • Organize and provide training to address skills or knowledge gaps among staff with the support of the MHPSS PM.

Objective 5 : Implement and supervise part of the MHPSS program activities

  • Organize individual clinical interviews with beneficiaries.
  • Organize discussion groups with the beneficiaries.
  • Supervise and evaluate the impact of the activities delegated by the MHPSS PM.

Objective 6: Maintain strict respect for confidentiality

  • Ensure data confidentiality, ownership of project beneficiaries and ACF
  • Guarantee the confidentiality of clinical interviews / individual or group counselling with the psychologists in charge as relevant

Objective 7: Compliance to the ACF Values & Principles, Gender equality, Child protection sensitivity and Safeguarding policies.

  • Ensuring compliance and exhibiting ACF Values;
  • Helping people in need, No-discrimination, Transparency, Neutrality, Independence, and Professionalism.
  • Read and ensure a full understanding of ACFs Gender, Child Protection and other safeguarding policies
  • Implement all work related activities with a gender, inclusion and child protection lens
  • Help build an inclusive office environment where people do not feel disadvantaged or judged according to their gender or limited due to manageable disability



Негосударственные организации / NGO

3 месяца

03.2024 - 06.2024

Clinical psychologist

International Rescue Committee

Негосударственные организации / NGO

3 месяца

12.2023 - 03.2024

While working in this position, I was involved in performing the duties of a psychologist in two projects. The first is a rapid response team, the second is a mobile medical unit.

As part of the first project, I had the experience of working:

  • directly at the site of a missile strike and by those who were affected by missile strikes;
  • with internally displaced persons who were evacuated from the war zone.

During this time, my work consisted in providing psychosocial support and conducting short-term psychological interventions to stabilize the psycho-emotional state of those with signs of acute stress and increased anxiety.

As part of the second project, I had the opportunity to work with people who:

  • have experience of living in combat conditions with a dynamic "front line";
  • lived in territories that were temporarily not under the control of the government of Ukraine;
  • have signs of mental illness and disorders;
  • have personal life problems.

My work in this project consisted of:

  • provision of psychological support;
  • implementation of short-term individual interventions aimed at reducing the level of anxiety and increasing resistance to stress. Conducting psychoeducation on stress and self-help tools;
  • visual psychodiagnosis of persons with signs of mental disorders and disorders with the aim of further referral to a psychiatrist.

In addition, I worked with the referral of people from other departments of the organization, assessment of the need and intensity of psychological intervention and provision of qualified psychological assistance. I am also working on the development program of a support group for the families of fallen soldiers.

Military psychologist

National Guard of Ukraine

Государственный сектор

8 месяцев

04.2023 - 12.2023

  • Psychological help and support in crisis situations;
  • psychological diagnosis (anxiety, depression, tendency to suicidal behavior, tendency to addictive behavior, personal qualities and traits and other);
  • psychological counseling on personal problems (interpersonal and family relationships, self-esteem and other personal problems);
  • psychological correction (deviant behavior, guilt, acute stress disorder, PTSD and other);
  • work with trauma (acute stress reactions, the death of relatives and friends, TRIM protocol, BASIC-ph model);
  • psychological selection;
  • psychological support of professional activity and team management.

While working in this position, I worked in the following capacities: psychologist of organization and crisis psychologist.

As an psychologist of organization, I conducted training on the psychological foundations of professional activity, provided counseling on personal and interpersonal problems, conducted psychological selection for the promotion and encouragement of employees, counseled managers on team management, and provided leadership in matters of psychological work.

As a crisis psychologist, I provided psychological help and support in stressful situations, worked with acute stress reactions in the period from 2 minutes to 72 hours, worked with feelings of guilt, loss of loved ones and relatives, carried out prevention of addictive and suicidal behavior, carried out prevention of post-traumatic stress disorder.

I also have experience working in a multidisciplinary team (therapist, psychiatrist) in the prevention of the development of mental disorders and diseases.


Handicap International

Негосударственные организации / NGO

4 месяца

12.2022 - 04.2023

  • Individual psychological support for people with disabilities and people who help them;
  • psychological counseling on personal problems (interpersonal and family relationships, anxiety, consequences of stressful situations and other personal problems);
  • psychoeducation for the purpose of increasing stress resistance (group sessions on stress, communication and assertiveness);
  • psychological first aid training;

While working in this position, I provided individual psychological counseling to people with disabilities and those who help them; carried out measures of psychological correction with people who were affected by severe stress as a result of hostilities; provided psychological support to internally displaced people. I also conducted group trainings, which were aimed at increasing a person's personal potential for resistance to stress, development of communication skills and assertiveness. I conducted psychological first aid training.


State Institution "Kharkiv correctional colony (# 43)"

Государственный сектор

4 года 8 месяцев

04.2018 - 12.2022

  • Psychological study of personality (emperament, character traits and behavioral strategies);
  • psychological counseling on personal problems (interpersonal and family relationships, self-esteem and other personal problems);
  • psychological correction (addictive and suicidal behavior, pro criminal attitudes and other);
  • psychological support of the work of a psychiatrist;
  • psychological counseling of employees on issues of the correction process.

During my time in this position, I worked with individuals who exhibited deviant behavior and a propensity for illegal actions. Was able to work with persons who had mental disorders (adjustment disorder, schizophrenia, depression, delusional ideas, etc.); had experience of physical and psychological violence; showed aggression towards others.

My responsibilities included psychological education on the negative consequences of alcohol and drug use, prevention of suicidal behavior, etc.

While working in this position, I was recognized as one of the best penitentiary psychologists in Ukraine.

Ключевая информация

Stress resistance

Ability to work in multitasking mode

Management of teams



Conducting negotiations

Learning capability

Учился в 5 заведениях

Kyiv National University named after T. Shevchenko

Clinical psychologist / Institute of Postgraduate Education

Kyiv, 2024

Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs

Psychology (Master's degree in Psychology)

Kharkiv, 2022

Military Institute of Tank Troops of the National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute" (KHPI)

Military psychologist

Kharkiv, 2021

Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs

Psychology (Bachelor's degree in Psychology with Honours)

Kharkiv, 2020

Kharkiv National University by V.N. Karazin

History (Bachelor's degree in History)

Kharkiv, 2013

Владеет языками



Может проходить собеседование на этом языке

Может проходить собеседование на этом языке



Может проходить собеседование на этом языке

Может проходить собеседование на этом языке



Может проходить собеседование на этом языке

Может проходить собеседование на этом языке

Курсы, тренинги, сертификаты

"Life after loss". Psychological counseling of complex requests: Grief and Loss

Kharkiv, 2024

Trauma Risk managment (TRiM)

Kyiv, 2024


Dnipro, 2024

Problem managment +

Kyiv, 2024

Fundamentals of psychotrauma therapy

Kharkiv, 2023

Mental and behavioral disorders. Basics of psychiatric propaedeutics

Kharkiv, 2023

Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) in the practice of group management

Kharkiv, 2021

Basics of cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) in psychological counseling

Kharkiv, 2020




34 года

Активно ищет работу

полная занятость

Обновлено 1 день назад