Работал в 3 компаниях   16 лет 1 месяц


IT Project Manager

FDI Ukraine


7 лет

12.2017 - по настоящее время

I participated in projects:

  • Creation of integrated state system for providing of services for citizens of Kiev «Electronic city SMART CITY»
  • Creation of the integrated state address register (Kiev and all Ukraine)
  • Development of integrated register for OTG Ukraine and RTG Kiev for registration of the citizens residence place
  • Development of a search engine on the base of ElasticSearch for creation of integrated address space system

Functional responsibilities:

  • Developing and maintaining relationships with key clients and internal stakeholders
  • Successfully managing concurrent projects
  • Planning, estimating and allocating resources for each project
  • Ensuring projects are delivered on time and within budget
  • Motivating members and minimizing conflict within the project team
  • Planning project strategy, design and technology


Recently worked on a high-profile project that involved extra discretion due to the requirement of non-disclosure agreements for any outsourced work.

I delivered the project on time and on budget without ever compromising the client's wish for complete privacy.

Team: from 5 to 10 people

Development methodology: Agile, SCRUM

The used development technologies: React, Java; Angular, JavaScript, PostgreSQL

Program Instruments for management: MS Project, SVN, JIRA\Confluence

IT Project Manager

Miratech / Миратех


7 лет

12.2010 - 12.2017

I participated in projects:

  • Resource Management System for the company Kyivstar based on SharePoint&MS Project
  • Demand Management System for the company Kyivstar based on SharePoint
  • MCPS (Billing) system for the company Kyivstar based on Converce One platform
  • Development of an enterprise WEB-portal (front-end) for the company Kyivstar based on the LifeRay technology

Functional responsibilities:

  • Developing and maintaining relationships with key clients and internal stakeholders
  • Successfully managing concurrent projects
  • Planning, estimating and allocating resources for each project
  • Ensuring projects are delivered on time and within budget
  • Motivating members and minimizing conflict within the project team
  • Planning project strategy, design and technology


  • Recently worked on a high-profile project that involved extra discretion due to the requirement of non-disclosure agreements for any outsourced work.

    I delivered the project on time and on budget without ever compromising the client's wish for complete privacy.

Team: from 5 to 10 people

Development methodology: RUP, SCRUM

The used development technologies: C#, Java; PHP, JavaScript, Oracle 10g

Program Instruments for management: MS Project, SVN, JIRA\Confluence, TFS

IT Project Manager



2 года

12.2008 - 12.2010

I participated in projects:

  • License registry for E-government system
  • Animals registry for Agriculture system
  • E-documents workflow system
  • Inventory holdings management system

Functional responsibilities:

  • Provided support for project planning, design, analysis and implementation
  • Negotiated deliverables with internal and external stakeholders
  • Monitored workload of project team members
  • Delivered projects within specified scope


  • Served as project manager on the company's major client project and ensured that not only was the project delivered on time, but was expanded as a result of the client's satisfaction with the project outcome.

Team: from 5 to 10 people.

Development methodology: RUP

The used technologies: MS Visual Studio 2008 (Windows Forms, Framework 3.5, C#); Oracle 9i

Program Instruments for management: MS Project, SVN, JIRA\Confluence

Ключевая информация

I am an experienced IT project manager with extensive experience in managing multiple and varied projects. I have a strong background in client/server, web and desktop applications development but moved towards project management as I enjoy coordinating processes and people, and delivering projects successfully.

Учился в 1 заведении

The Kiev Polytechnic Institute

Computer systems

Kiev, 1991

Владеет языками



Курсы, тренинги, сертификаты

ITIL® Foundation Certificate in IT Service Management

Kiev, 2014


IT Project Manager


2 000 $

59 лет

Активно ищет работу

полная занятость

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