Работал в 7 компаниях 15 лет 1 месяц
Энергетика и Энергоносители, Недвижимость и Девелопмент, Строительство, Телекоммуникации / Связь
Head of projects management department
Название компании скрыто
Энергетика и Энергоносители
2 года 7 месяцев
09.2021 - 04.2024
- projects management (more than 200 completely finished projects) in Distribution networks and substations from 0,4kV to 110kV
- department management, personnel hiring, motivation and control- succesful KPI completion
- coordination works and activities inside department
- coordination of collaboration with other departments
Название компании скрыто
Недвижимость и Девелопмент
2 года 1 месяц
07.2019 - 08.2021
- real estate market analysis
- purchase of residential property
- advertising and customer search
- conducting sales directly with clients or through an agency
- real estate market analysis
- design development
- apartment repairs
- advertising and customer search
- rental
- maintenance
Construction director
Название компании скрыто
Энергетика и Энергоносители
1 год 1 месяц
06.2018 - 07.2019
- project preparation (visit and first analyses of sites, taking part in project documentation development, engineering survey arrangement, obtaining permits);
- project planning (preparation and implementation of projects plans and budgets, subcontractors approvals, project specifications approval for equipment and materials, setting goals to project managers for project planning);
- project development (quality and works implementation control, project timeline control, setting goals to project managers for project development) developing 6 projects simultaneously
- social projects preparation and implementation (social project selection with local authorities, project planning and implementation
Employees in submission: up to 6, up to 150 workers at each site
Results: - SPV constructed - 74MWp
- Power output lines constructed - 3
- established local office in Nikolaev, hired personnel, work of the office organized
- taking part in hiring and interviewing projects managers, site managers, engineer-mechanic, head of HSSE department, head of Commissioning department
- arranged preparation and implementation of Commissioning and Start-up programs for SPVs
- technical and financial provision, machinery provision of construction sites
- developed and approved prices for works
- developed and approved fuel consumption for machinery
- developed and approved pries for leased machinery
- taking personal part in site meetings with customer in regards of quality and works performed and materials used
Social projects: - installed water tower, internal roads constructed
Head of projects management department
Название компании скрыто
Энергетика и Энергоносители
4 года 2 месяца
10.2012 - 12.2016
- project preparation (control of project documentation development and approval, project examination, engineering surveys, obtaining permits)- project planning (preparation and implementation of the budgets, tenders implementation, subcontractors approvals, project specification preparation)- project development (quality and works implementation control, project timeline control)
- project office management
- business development from scratch in Odessa region
- negotiation with suppliers and design companies (China, Germany, Austria)
- project office management
- personnel management (interviews, hiring and dismissal of staff)- social projects preparation and implementation (social project selection with local authorities, project planning and implementation);Employees in submission: 20, up to 600 at construction siteResults:
- Solar Power Plants - 317MWp completed in total
- warranty equipment replacement and water removal projects implemented
- independent audit praised the 54MWp project implementation
Social projects:
- reconstruction of the village road 2 500 m length (Nikolaev region)
- reconstruction of the village road 2 100 m length (Odessa region)
- reconstruction of sports flooring in village school
- new windows at village kindergarten installed
- new windows at village school installed
- new windows at village House of Culture installed
- new paving slabs near village House of Culture installed
- new children's playgrounds installed (in two villages)
- new pump arranged for pump station
Project manager
Название компании скрыто
2 года 1 месяц
09.2010 - 10.2012
- project preparation
- project planning
- project development
- project budgeting
- project design approval
- control of subcontrcators
- control of suppliers
Results: two fully working Solar Power Plants connected to the grid and generating electricity - 42MWp in total.
Commercial director
Название компании скрыто
Телекоммуникации / Связь
1 год 11 месяцев
06.2008 - 05.2010
Project manager
Название компании скрыто
Телекоммуникации / Связь
10 месяцев
08.2007 - 06.2008
- project management
- teams (engineers and installers) administration- installation and equipment problems solving- commercial offers preparationКлючевая информация
General experience - 24 years. Management Experience - 23 years
- Projects management
- Teams building, motivation and leadership
- Financial planning and control
- Business processes organization inside the company/department- Knowledge sharing
- Fluent English
Учился в 1 заведении
Kharkiv's State University "Kharkiv's Polytechnic Institute"
System Analyst, Engineering physics
Kharkiv, Ukraine, 2000
Владеет языками
Дополнительная информация
Position: Project Director
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Характер работы: удаленная работа
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