Працювала в 6 компаніях 19 років 1 місяць
Юридичні послуги, IT, Державний сектор, Медіа / ЗМІ
Project Dopomoga
Юридичні послуги
3 роки 2 місяці
01.2022 - до теперішнього часу
On February 24, 2022, the lives of millions of Ukrainians suddenly changed. In the same week, Svoboda Paralegal Services and KotIQ launched a Facebook group offering help to Ukrainian refugees who came to the Netherlands. The first people were given shelter on February 28th. Hotel 'Puur' in the city of Venlo, among others, quickly became the first emergency shelter that was largely filled by us. Not much later this task was taken over by the municipality.
Svoboda and KotIQ entered into several partnerships to help the refugees find work in the Netherlands without being exploited. Employers were selected for their affinity with the refugees and their willingness to participate in the 'project Dopomoga' developed by us, which stands for 'aid' in Ukrainian. For every hour worked, a donation is made to a foundation dedicated to the refugee Ukrainians in the region.
Project Dopomoga not only provided the job placement part, but also provided (free) legal support for complex issues such as migration law. The projects employs hundreds of people nowadays. As the owner of Svoboda and KotIQ, I myself have been closely involved in the implementation of legislation and regulations for Ukrainian refugees in The Netherlands. For example, we maintain close contacts with the Migration Service (IND), the governmental controlled Safety Regions, the Dutch Employment Authority, the Embassy of Ukraine in the Netherlands, as well as with the Ukrainian government. All this stems from my many years of experience working with (government) institutions in Ukraine.
Due to the growing number of refugees who managed to find their way to the Netherlands, our Facebook group expanded to over 10,000 followers. They are regularly provided with the latest information in the field of legislation and regulations by means of videos. As a result, we have a huge reach towards our core group throughout the country. We literally reach every shelter with our information.
Svoboda Paralegal Services / KotIQ
Юридичні послуги
3 роки 2 місяці
01.2022 - до теперішнього часу
Svoboda provides paralegal services to law firms.
KotIQ provides EOR and PEO services to (foreign) companies.
Head of Business Development - Netherlands and Belgium
Skylum Software
1 рік 2 місяці
01.2019 - 03.2020
Responsible for the Dutch and Belgian market. Complete business development and integration for these regions, starting from point zero.
Interim project. Realized a 3x YoY growth.
Managing Director
Encro Ukraine
2 роки
01.2017 - 01.2019
Started a private company to introduce state of the art encrypted mobile solutions to the Ukrainian market as well as offering close protection (bodyguard services) to VIP’s in Ukraine.
Obtained – as only foreign owned entity – a contract with the National Police of Ukraine regarding the close protection of (foreign) individuals and delegations. Responsible for the full spectrum of leading the company on a day-to-day basis.
Project Coordinator / Leader of Investigations
Dutch National Police / National Crime Squad
Державний сектор
7 років 6 місяців
01.2009 - 07.2016
Was recruited by the Ministry of Safety and Justice founded - ‘changing-the-vision’ committee in 2008 who were looking for broadly oriented individuals to become so called high potential leading criminal investigators. Reporting directly to the General Head of Criminal Investigations of the National Police.
Responsible for:
? Strategic- and operational coordination of (inter)national criminal investigations.
? Managing investigations potentially involving complex legal issues with often an international component.
? Providing leadership and guidance to personnel performing investigations.
? Analyzing investigation results to identify risk areas and trends.
? Ensuring that investigations are completed in a thorough and timely manner, and reviewing all investigation reports and conclusions.
? Providing training regarding investigations.
? Managing personnel so the employees can perform their job properly.
? Interacting with employees and colleagues at all levels of the organization, including regularly making presentations to members of the board of Commissioners of the National Police.
? Operating at several national locations with autonomy and limited supervision.
2M Media
Медіа / ЗМІ
5 років
01.2004 - 01.2009
Digital media pioneer. Started an online regional news portal and a media company.
Main responsibilities:
? Build and manage a profitable media company.
? Build and manage media plan and strategy.
? Overseeing and executing media planning and various media projects. ? Manage daily operations of the media company (news / photo / video). Key achievements:
? The website became the most popular news website of the region Central Limburg within a period of 2 years.
? 2M Media worked successfully for all the big Dutch national TV companies, newspapers and magazines.
? Premium quality journalism was highly valued and the result of the journalistic investigations of 2M Media led to several big national scandals in criminal cases.
Ключова інформація
Extensive experience in (new) business development and project management in Ukraine as well as in the Netherlands.
Helping Ukrainians on the Road to Victory. For that - actively considering relocation to Ukraine.
Experienced and efficient leader, paralegal specialist, expert in (inter)national police investigations, security professional with excellent people skills, business acumen and exemplary work ethics.
Multilingual; Dutch, Russian, English and German. Studying Ukrainian.
Навчалась в 3 закладах
Lead detective in high profile cases
Police Academy of The Netherlands
Apeldoorn, 2015
Master of Arts in International Business
Charter University
United States, 2010
Safety and Security Studies
Avans University
's-Hertogenbosch (NL), 2006
Володіє мовами
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Може проходити співбесіду на цій мові
вище середнього
Може проходити співбесіду на цій мові
Може проходити співбесіду на цій мові
Може проходити співбесіду на цій мові
Може проходити співбесіду на цій мові
Може проходити співбесіду на цій мові
Може проходити співбесіду на цій мові
Додаткова інформація
Громадська діяльність
Legal assistence Project Dopomoga February 2022 - present Providing Ukrainian refugees with free-of-charge advice regarding legal issues.
Founder of a Facebook group for Ukrainian refugees; facebook.com/groups/dopomoga.nl
Водійське посвідчення
- AM, A1, A2, B, T
- Specialized Police training
- International Certificate for Operators of Pleasure Craft, Inland and Coastal waters.
- Restricted Operator's Certificate B (GMDSS).
Свій розділ
Own transport (car)
Can work independently;
Iridium- satellite phone

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Готовий переїхати: Львів, Одеса, Запоріжжя, Харків
Активно шукає роботу
повна зайнятість, неповна зайнятість, проектна робота
Характер роботи: віддалена робота, гібридна, в офісі/на місці
Оновлено 1 тиждень тому