Працював в 9 компаніях   35 років 8 місяців

IT, Інше, Недержавні організації / NGO, Послуги для населення - інше


HR consalting


16 років 6 місяців

06.2008 - до теперішнього часу

  • Full responsibility for the helping the organization achieve success by ensuring that all company processes are compliant with employment regulations and building strategies;
  • Development and implementation SEUC HR strategy, programs, and policies in order to meet the needs of the business by identifying areas of improvement and analyzing labor regulations and market conditions;
  • Responding to organizational changes, employees' needs, complains, wishes, creating solutions to employee's challenges;
  • Serve as the advisory role to all line managers about all HR issues (such as Recruitment, Training&Development, Compensation&Benefits, Performance, Employee relations, Staff Administration, General Administration);
  • Work with HR metrics, analyze and investigate causes and trends;
  • Perform HR analytics, internal and external reporting to HQ;

Deputy Chief Engineer



4 роки 4 місяці

01.2007 - 05.2011

  • Work with managers to track performance appraisals and probation reviews
  • Support capacity of managers performance management system
  • Support managers in managing flexible working arrangements

Representative of the owner


Недержавні організації / NGO

3 роки 1 місяць

01.2004 - 02.2007

  • Corporate business department activities management.
  • KPI increase solutions development and implementation.
  • Holding Business strategy implementation within Corporate Business department.
  • Supervision over credit applications evaluation process and their submission to credit committee.
  • Offers preparation based on analysis of clients' business and financial needs.
  • Corporate clients' portfolio management.
  • Management board and other Heads of Department communication support in terms of Corporate Banking activities.
  • Regular marketing reports submission to management board.
  • Annual Corporate Department budget preparation.

Project manager


Недержавні організації / NGO

1 рік 1 місяць

06.2002 - 07.2003

Work withfinancial-industrial groups of Ukraine, China, Italy, Russia,Lithuania, Japan, and the USA. Development of transport corridors, coordination of sales, sea freight.

Control and management it is export - import department Customs clearing and quotas Project development (an industrial platform in Odessa, 200 persons) Straight line Sales. Management of logistics on territory of Ukraine. Management of logistical capacities Optimisation of logistical system Working out of strategy of development of the company Budgeting, control of execution of the budget by all divisions of the companyImport of fruit Maintenance of effective interaction of all structures of the company Manage shipping administration process including the up keep of accurate records, consolidating reports and catalogue all shipping data.· Prepare weekly report on status of incoming shipments.· Check costs from freight forwarders and clearing agents against approved rates.· Continuously track shipments progress and communicate delays working closely with the Shipping Supervisor to address shipment issues.· Advise distribution centers and merchandisers of incoming shipments. Victory in the tender Ministry of defences;

Chief of commercial department

Ilichevsky ship-repair factory

Недержавні організації / NGO

3 місяці

03.2002 - 06.2002

Ilichevsky ship-repair factory, the chief of commercial department Logistics sea containers Strategic planning Project development (an industrial platform in Ilyichevsk, the 3500-person) Work with financial-industrial groups; Development of transport corridors; Participation in investment projects, victory in the tender of the Ministry of Defence; Work with container lines. Human resource management. Management of logistical systems and their creation. Knowledge of the sea and transport legislation

- Knowledge of allowing legislative base

- work with sea lines, with port and customs services

- Ability to carry on negotiations at high levels

- The organisation and control of forwarding agents, and so forth

- Work with clients, an operating time of client base.

General director

EPSILON-container line

Недержавні організації / NGO

2 роки 1 місяць

04.2000 - 05.2002

Management of a navigable container line, management of courts. Development performance of investment projects, the analysis of financial conditions, work with creditors and debtors.

Strategic planning in logistics

Reconstruction, building of terminals

Management, the organisation and control of logistical systems.

Introduction of the advanced methods of strategic planning, marketing, economy, logistics.

Transport corridors

Logistic Director


Недержавні організації / NGO

8 років 1 місяць

06.1992 - 07.2000

The freight bulk ships.

System logistical system on delivery of natural gas for the further manufacture of liquid ammonia

And urea;

Control of timely logistics various liquid ammonia

Development and the organisation of logistics of the various chemical equipment andpipes under mutual settlements for supply by natural gas

Coordination of building of the chemical terminal in Port Southern and Ilyichevsk

Project development (an industrial platform in Ilyichevsk, the 3500-person)

Knowledge of the sea and transport legislation

- Knowledge of allowing legislative base

- Knowledge of process forwarding cargo in containers

- Skills of work with sea lines, with port and customs services

- Ability to carry on negotiations at high levels

- The organisation of working process at forwarding cargoes in containers - Planning of unloading process

Engineer IT

USSR Scientific research institute Pishchepromavtomatika


3 роки 2 місяці

03.1988 - 05.1991

Marketing department. Marketing department engineer 2nd category. Economist category 2. Sale of application software packages for computers. 1a accounting, warehouse, etc. Advertising it programs. Business trips to factories producing PCs and enterprises consuming PC programs.


USSR post office

Послуги для населення - інше

2 місяці

06.1980 - 08.1980

first job.Postman. Telegram delivery.

Ключова інформація

  • The business acumen of HR industry trends, work experience in a management position in the port logistic of 10 years or more

  • Proven ability to facilitate, persuade, influence, and build credibility with all levels

  • experience in managing a large team of 100+ employees

  • Strong Leadership and Communication skills

  • Consultancy skills,knowledge of the technical features of transshipment and storage of general cargo and grain;

  • Ability to prioritize and effectively manage day-to-day requests and proactively drive strategic people issues.

  • Can develop ad hoc interventions and engage decision-making stakeholders behind required actions.

  • Advanced English, both written and spoken.

Навчався в 3 закладах

Odessa Institute of a national economy/MBA

Laubor economy

Odessa,Ukraine, 1992

Odessa technical college of industrial automation

control and adjustment of instrumentation systems.

Odessa, 1985

music school #10, piano

Odessa, 1980

Володіє мовами



Може проходити співбесіду на цій мові

Може проходити співбесіду на цій мові





Може проходити співбесіду на цій мові

Може проходити співбесіду на цій мові



Може проходити співбесіду на цій мові

Може проходити співбесіду на цій мові

Курси, тренінги, сертифікати

Dive Master, Dive Guide SSI

Odessa, 2024

Teaching people diving.

Додаткова інформація

Team cohesion and quarrels.

Conducting trainings and seminars. Team cohesion and quarrels. Impact on financial performance and staff turnover.

Oleg Victorovich



Готовий переїхати: Одеса

58 років

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повна зайнятість

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