Працював в 3 компаніях   3 роки 6 місяців

Фінансові послуги

Team Leader for Ticket Support at the Customer Care Department

E-wallet Solutions fintech group

Фінансові послуги

2 роки 9 місяців

12.2021 - 09.2024

Main Responsibilities:

  • Ensuring high levels of product support quality and user satisfaction; Meeting the goals and objectives set by the Customer Care department head and the board of directors;
  • Setting tasks for the team by conducting regular video conference meetings, based on the company's current, quarterly and annual goals; Ensuring continuous processing of user requests according to company quality standards, monitoring team performance metrics and working for their improvement;
  • Efficiently distributing workload among operators to optimize workflow, accelerate, and increase the efficiency of user request handling;
  • Monitoring the performance of all work duties by team operators, ensuring adherence to work schedules and regulations; overseeing the timely presence of operators at the start of their shifts, and coordinating days off, sick leave and vacations with management;
  • Adapting new team members: explaining the work specifics and strategies, fostering professional and personal growth, providing informational support, consultations or additional training when necessary;
  • Providing feedback to the Customer Care department management on the progress of training, discipline issues and team members' performance metrics;
  • Ensuring effective conflict resolution between team operators or between the team and representatives of other company departments; Timely informing the team about updates and news from other departments of the company and external technical partners; Establishing and maintaining open professional relationships, collaboration, and communication on work-related issues with all company divisions and departments;
  • Developing and submitting proposals for workflow optimization and improvement (within job responsibilities) for consideration by the Customer Care department management.

Category I Chat Support Operator at the Customer Care Department

E-wallet Solutions Fintech Group

Фінансові послуги

4 місяці

08.2021 - 12.2021

Main Responsibilities:

  • Receiving and processing incoming chats from users during scheduled time, in accordance with the company's quality standards;
  • Providing information on all issues that arise for clients regarding their interaction with the system, its functions, and technical partners;
  • Communicating with representatives from other departments to promptly resolve user issues.

During my time as a Category I chat support operator, the department management recognized my diligence in performing my duties, as well as my high quality of work and user satisfaction metrics. I was recommended to take an exam for the position of team leader in ticket support, and after successfully passing the test, I received a promotion.

Category II Ticket Support Operator at the Customer Care Department

E-wallet Solutions Fintech Group

Фінансові послуги

3 місяці

05.2021 - 08.2021

Main Responsibilities:

  • Receiving and processing requests from users and partners during company-scheduled hours, according to company quality standards;
  • Processing user applications for card issuance;
  • Providing information on all issues that arise for clients regarding their interaction with the system, its functions, and technical partners;
  • Communicating with representatives of other departments and technical partners when necessary to resolve user issues.

While working as a Category II operator, I successfully passed an exam to test my knowledge of the system's features. Based on the successful exam results, I was promoted to Category I operator with an adjusted salary.

Ключова інформація

Soft skills:

  • Proficient in both spoken and written communication
  • English language proficiency at C1 level
  • Motivation to assist others
  • Ability to teach and learn from others
  • Strong teamwork skills
  • Goal-setting and achieving planned results within set deadlines
  • Skills in ensuring work quality and compliance with established standards
  • Ability and skills to ensure the quality of work and compliance with established standards
  • Strong communication skills
  • Conflict-free communication abilities
  • Capacity to build constructive working relationships to achieve common goals
  • Ability to recognize and make the best use of the team's knowledge and experience
  • Intercultural communication
  • Ability to compare alternative options and propose practical solutions
  • Conflict resolution skills, considering the interests of all parties involved.

Practical skills:

  • Practical experience in analyzing fiat and cryptocurrency transactions
  • Practical experience in communicating with users through ticket and chat platforms in Zendesk
  • Practical experience in data analysis using Kibana and AWS plugins
  • Confident PC user with knowledge of Windows and Linux (Ubuntu) operating systems.

Навчався в 1 закладі

Харківська державна зооветеринарна академія

Ветеринарна медицина / лікар ветеринарної медицини (магістр)

Харків, 2015

Володіє мовами



Може проходити співбесіду на цій мові

Може проходити співбесіду на цій мові

EF SET Certificate™



Може проходити співбесіду на цій мові

Може проходити співбесіду на цій мові



Може проходити співбесіду на цій мові

Може проходити співбесіду на цій мові

Курси, тренінги, сертифікати

Communication skills training

Kyiv, 2018

During this training, I expanded my skills in effective communication and resolution of conflict situations

Two-day training “Time-management”

Kharkiv, 2017

During this training, I knew few valuable tips of effective time-management and planning.

Додаткова інформація

Наукова діяльність

PhD Thesis Title: Phylogenetic analysis of Ukrainian Bacillus anthracis isolates and development of the test kit for the detection of anthrax genome via quantitative polymerase chain reaction (defended on December 24, 2019).

As a PhD in field of veterinary medicine, my field of interests connected with studying of occurrence and distribution of anthrax in Ukraine using microbiological methods for isolation of Bacillus anthracis from environmental samples (soil samples from anthrax animal grave sites) with their further diagnostics via qPCR.

Work experience in specialty field:

04.2024 – now – Head of the Brucellosis Laboratory, National Scientific Center “Institute of Experimental and Clinical Veterinary Medicine”, Kharkiv, Ukraine.

04.2023 – 04.2024 – Acting Head of the Laboratory of Molecular Diagnostics, National Scientific Center “Institute of Experimental and Clinical Veterinary Medicine”, Kharkiv, Ukraine.

06.2020 – 04.2023 – Senior research fellow at the Laboratory of the genetics of microorganisms, National Scientific Center “Institute of Experimental and Clinical Veterinary Medicine”, Kharkiv, Ukraine.

11.2018 – 06.2020 – Junior research fellow at the Laboratory of the genetics of microorganisms, National Scientific Center “Institute of Experimental and Clinical Veterinary Medicine”, Kharkiv, Ukraine.

07.2016 – 11.2018 - PhD student of the Molecular Epizootology, Diagnostics and Genetical Resources Quality Control Department in National Scientific Center “Institute of Experimental and Clinical Veterinary Medicine”, Kharkiv, Ukraine.

10.2015-07.2016 – PhD student of the Laboratory of Avian Diseases in National Scientific Center “Institute of Experimental and Clinical Veterinary Medicine”, Kharkiv, Ukraine.

09.2013-11.2015 – Assistant of the Laboratory of Avian Diseases in National Scientific Center “Institute of Experimental and Clinical Veterinary Medicine”, Kharkiv, Ukraine.


Customer support specialist


33 роки

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