Працював в 12 компаніях   25 років 8 місяців

Торгівля оптова / Дистрибуція / Імпорт-експорт, Освіта, Транспорт та Логістика, IT - консалтинг / Послуги / Виробництво устаткування, Консалтинг / Аудит, FMCG

Leading specialist in foreign trade, deputy director

Назву компанії приховано

Торгівля оптова / Дистрибуція / Імпорт-експорт

6 місяців

06.2023 - 12.2023

Negotiating with manufacturers of float glass, and companies providing transport services

Organisation of a full cycle of purchase and delivery of products (sheet glass) from Poland to Ukraine

Organisation and control of customs clearanceSigning contracts with suppliers and carriers, going through the financial monitoring procedure, controlling receivables and payables.

Transferring the company to rail transport after the start of the strike of Polish carriers, choosing the best method of transportation, searching for leased wagons, negotiating the terms of payment for transportation, selecting terminals for reloading and unloading products by rail.

Organising delivery to final consumers in Ukraine


Назву компанії приховано


1 рік 10 місяців

08.2021 - 06.2023

Best Driver Kyiv LLC, Kyiv (training centre for professional truck drivers. Training courses for the transport of dangerous goods, CE driving school, intensive driver training)

Operational work in the office.

Development of alternative sales channels for the centre's services Preparation and receipt of documents for the company's activities (permits for state accreditation in the company's areas of activity).

Direct work to ensure the company's document flow.

Negotiating cooperation with interested organisations

Since the beginning of the full-scale invasion, our centre has trained more than 700 drivers to handle dangerous goods, including ammunition and fuel for the Ukrainian Armed Forces.

Business Development Perishables

Назву компанії приховано

Транспорт та Логістика

9 місяців

10.2020 - 07.2021

Temperature controlled transport market analysis (food, health products, temperature controlled transport)

Finding potential customers

Operational work to calculate the cost of air, sea and rail transportation

Searching for optimal schemes of transportation and logistics agents, both in Ukraine and abroad.

Dеvelopment of individual schemes of transportation

Business Development Direcrot

Назву компанії приховано

IT - консалтинг / Послуги / Виробництво устаткування

2 роки

08.2018 - 08.2020

Translating the theoretical idea of platform development into real agreements with partners

Searching for optimal business partners by activity, territory coverage, type of service and price

Defining the strategy and order of launching the partners.

Assistance to the technical team in integration between the partners' websites and the platform (creation of terms of reference, processing of schematic structure of business processes and checking its alignment with the platform, corrective actions in case of any problems, mediator between the logistics team and the developers).

Platform design assistance (defining key parameters for developers, minimum contents for work, explaining logistics workflow and logic of processes).

Work on projects for express parcel delivery, pallet transportation, creation of courier service, trading platform for oil traders, implementation of TMS system.

Commercial Director - Junior Partner

Назву компанії приховано

Торгівля оптова / Дистрибуція / Імпорт-експорт

3 роки 9 місяців

09.2014 - 06.2018

  • Coordination of Export-Import Activities
  • Negotiations with transport and forwarding organizations
  • Searching for optimal delivery routes and option of customs clearance
  • Price monitoring of services
  • Conducting of commercial negotiations and establishment of long-term partnerships;
  • Sale of company services
  • Cost control of services before commercial offers.


  • Established an automatic calculation of the cost of some processes - saving time up to 70% when placing commercial offers.
  • Studied the technology of Canadian frame houses building , which I will use personally when building a new home for my family.
  • Study new methods of sales organization in the enterprise, study new models of promotion in the field of marketing and advertising.

"Cargo Wise" Project manager

Назву компанії приховано

Консалтинг / Аудит

2 роки 10 місяців

10.2011 - 08.2014

RBC Group engaged in the introduction of best-in-class modern information systems.

One of the new directions of the company was ERP-system for logistic enterprises "Cargo Wise".

In my tasks ( as logistics specialist ) included ensuring of simple and understandable communications between clients and programmers at all stages of implementing projects at enterprises:

  • Search and communication with potential customers Ukraine, CIS, Thailand, Germany and others.
  • Conducting of negotiations and online presentations together with offices from UK and Australia;

-Presentation of the system's capabilities on the basis of the customers tasks set, searching for opportunities for the implementation of tasks by available software resources;

-Development of test cases;

-Help in the development of product implementation program at the customer's enterprise;

  • Implementation of the system together with representatives of the customer;
  • Establishment of interaction with all departments of the customers company;
  • Training;
  • Interaction with the vendor's sales offices, signing sales contracts, payment monitoring;
  • Study of the functional and capabilities of "CargoWise" system

in vendor trade office the UK

  • I speak English at the level of communication with technical staff, discussion of sales strategies, joint customer management and interaction of various services of the vendor company


Sales of the system on the territory of Ukraine, Russia, the Baltic States, Kazakhstan.

Supervision of direct implementation in companies, that purchased the product.

Sold the system to a large multinational logistics company with offices in more than 8 countries.

Import coordinator

Назву компанії приховано

Торгівля оптова / Дистрибуція / Імпорт-експорт

1 рік 2 місяці

05.2010 - 07.2011

Coordination of goods flows from the supplier to the company's warehouses

Organisation of transportations, communication with transit European warehouses

Organisation of transportations, hiring of transport, tracking of cargo in transit, resolution of conflict issues

Organisation of customs clearance on a turnkey basis, work with customs brokers

Preparation of documents required for importWork with the Kyiv Specialised Customs - import of goods to exhibitions in the "Temporary Import"" mode

Optimisation of customs and transport costs, development of delivery schemes.

Delivery and clearance of goods from European countries (Spain, Italy, Poland).

Import Coordinator

Назву компанії приховано

Торгівля оптова / Дистрибуція / Імпорт-експорт

1 рік 7 місяців

09.2008 - 04.2010

Searching and cooperation with forwarding companies from China (LCL, FCL)

Searching for new warehouses in Europe for cargo consolidation, monitoring of prices and services, development of optimal transportation routes

Conducting of negotiations with local customers, selling company services

Control of cargo in transit on signed deals, preparation of documents for registration

Control of customer fees and settlements with counterparties


Made an audit of the company's activities - assessing the cost of partner services and the feasibility of working in some areas, evaluating the quality of services, comparing with competitors, proposing alternative storage sites, and identifiation of weak points.

Open a new delivery direction from China (pick-up service, cargo consolidation, air cargo shipping, sea cargo shipping by LCL, FCL, cargo insurance).

Chief Operating Director/ Purchasing Director

Назву компанії приховано


1 рік

05.2007 - 05.2008

Preparation, coordination and support of purchase contracts (CPT, CIP) with producers from South-East Asia;

Control of customs clearance, movement of goods from the port and shipments from warehouses to production;

Control of mutual settlements with brokers and forwarders

Work with claims on the quantity and quality of the supplied products;

Control of cash receipts and settlements with counterparties, approval and provision of shipping (shipping and documentary) documents.

Preparation and launch of the company's transition program to a centralized procurement system in the external and internal markets.

Monitoring the work of the procurement department, ensuring the production of raw materials.

Monthly and weekly budget planning of the purchasing department.


Transfered "Bridgetown Foods" companies group a centralized procurement system (saving 15% of the cost of raw materials purchased).

Ensuring uninterrupted supply of raw materials to production plant by creation of alternative goods suppliers reserve.

Expert in Logistics and Foreign Trade

Назву компанії приховано


1 рік 5 місяців

09.2005 - 02.2007

HoReCa food market analysis, searching for producers by necessary characteristics.

Advertising and searching through international trading platforms.

Searching for direct producers of delicacies, establishment of business contacts, negotiations, business correspondence.

Development of logistics schemes for the goods supply and its full control until the goods are unloaded into the warehouse.

Database development of seafood manufacturers and importers from Spain, Italy, Portugal, Cuba, Taiwan, India, France, Chile, Argentina, Peru, Norway, etc.


Organized a business meetings with the Cuban company Caribex, signed a Coopreration agreement with the Ministry of Fish Industry of the Republic of Cuba ( purchasing of Caribbean lobsters and shrimps).

Organized a business meetings and negotiation with Yemen Company "YemenFish" and signinging of Trade Agreement (import of frozen and frash fish).

Established direct contacts with many enterprises in Russia, Kazakhstan, Italy, and Germany. (Tunaycha, Astrakhan Caviar Factory, Atyraubalyk, Dalryba, Kamchatka caviar, red fish and crab processing plants, etc.).


Назву компанії приховано

Транспорт та Логістика

3 роки 6 місяців

08.2001 - 02.2005

Creation of "door to door" delivery, service of company - importer.

Goods delivery from any point in Europe, Asia, America.

Communication with European forwarders, lines, establishing interaction and feedback with European offices of TBN Group.

Control over document circulation in foreign economic transactions.

Work with Customs and Permission departments, Chamber of Commerce,nomenclature and customs tariffs department, Veterinary, Sanitary and Hygienic Inspections, Quarantine Department, Sertification of products.

Providing services of auto, air and sea delivery.

Searching and hiring of necessary staff.

Negotiation with clients and partners.


Development of a company from the start of activity to supply of a full range logistics services

The company become one of the three largest official importers of IT software in Ukraine.

Creating an attractive competitive cost of "door to door" service.

Customs broker

Назву компанії приховано

Транспорт та Логістика

4 роки 5 місяців

02.1997 - 07.2001

Consultation and correction of foreign economic contracts.

Working with commercial and shipping documents.

Direct customs clearance (from the preparation of a cargo customs declaration and a packing lists to closed and signed customs documents).

Registration of all documents, necessary for customs clearance from licensing authorities.


Studied the Customs Codex, technology of customs clearance of various types of goods.

Сonsult like professional according correctness of international trade contracts, additions and specifications to them, transport and commercial documents filling.

Passed the qualifying exams and received a certificate of a customs broker for activity on Bonded warehouse, studied the professional brokerage programs - QDPro, MD Office.

Ключова інформація

Launching projects - building a working structure of a logistics organization, make it fully operational.

Logistical activity audit, change in a enterprice delivery chain for optimization of processes and decrease in cost of services

Навчався в 1 закладі

National Academy of Management

Financial management

Украина, Киев, 1997

Володіє мовами



Курси, тренінги, сертифікати

"WiseTechGlobal" - Study of the CargoWise capabilities and operational skills, United Kingdom, Milton Keynees


Study of the CargoWise capabilities and operational skills

United Kingdom, Milton Keynees 


Association of customs brokers - customs brokers courses


Анонімний пошукач

Logistics coordinator


50 років

проектна робота, неповна зайнятість, повна зайнятість

Характер роботи: віддалена робота, гібридна, в офісі/на місці

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