Працювала в 7 компаніях   23 роки 4 місяці

Інтернет, Освіта, Торгівля роздрібна / Retail, Готелі / Ресторани / Розважальні комплекси, Державний сектор


Self Employed 


2 роки 6 місяців

03.2022 - до теперішнього часу

Provision of services for the promotion of goods, and brands on Amazon(FBA, FBM). Advertising campaign settings, Amazon PPC. Creating A+ Content, Vine, and Promotions. SEO optimization of product listings on Amazon, eBay, Shopify. Copywriting services. SEO promotion. Creating text for Bullets, Titles, Search Terms. Development of a strategy and promotion of goods in the TOP on Amazon. Help with sales on Shopify and eBay. Managing barcodes in the GS1.

Skills: eBay Sales · Shopify · Amazon PPC · Amazon Vendor Central · eBay · PPC · SEO Copywriting · SEO Amazon · Amazon Listing Optimization · E-Commerce · Product Marketing · Digital Marketing · Amazon Seller Central · Online Marketplace · Account Manager · Marketing and Advertising · SMM · SEO

Facebook Business Project



4 місяці

01.2022 - 05.2022

Creation of Facebook ads and promotion of products and services. Curator of the course, online customer support of the project.

Project Manager Marketplace Amazon



6 років 2 місяці

01.2016 - 03.2022

Start-up on online platforms in the US and EU (Amazon PL, Shopify, eBay). Promotion and marketing. Study and implementation of new tools for sales promotion in Internet marketing. Full support and assistance for Russian speakers (step by step).

  • Advice on choosing a Product for Sale on Marketplaces, Niche Analysis, Trend Analysis, Delivery Calculation, Assistance in Finding Suppliers.
  • Coordination of the production of the product. Getting samples and further cooperation. Negotiation.
  • Assistance in registering a Seller Central Amazon account, filling in data, setting up an account, creating a shipment, adding products, etc.
  • Making appeals for Amazon Support.
  • Research of Keywords, Products, Competitors, Category on AMZ.
  • Search Semantic Keywords.
  • Working with Google Trend, Google Ads, Google Planner, Keyword Tool, Wordtracker, Key Collector, Keepa, Helium 10, etc.
  • Creating Advertising Campaigns on Amazon, Coupons, Deals, A+ Content, Vine, Promotions.
  • Copywriting services. SEO promotion. Creating text for Bullets, Titles, Search Terms.
  • Listing Optimization, Evaluation, and Development of Photo Content.
  • Development of a strategy and promotion of goods in the TOP on Amazon.
  • Administration of Brand Groups, Products on Facebook, Ads Manager, Facebook Business.
  • Creation of training lessons and a complete guide for clients.
  • Sales on Shopify and eBay. Start-up on online platforms in the US and EU (Amazon PL, Shopify, eBay).
  • Promotion and marketing. Study and implementation of new tools for sales promotion in Internet marketing.
  • Full support and assistance for Russian speakers (step by step).
  • Advice on choosing a Product for Sale on Marketplaces, Niche Analysis, Trend Analysis, Delivery Calculation,

Skills: eBay Sales · Shopify · Amazon PPC · eBay · PPC · SEO Copywriting · SEO Amazon · Amazon Listing Optimization · E-Commerce · Product Marketing · Digital Marketing · Amazon Seller Central · Online Marketplace · Account Manager · Marketing and Advertising · SMM · SEO · Google
Analytics Skills: eBay Sales · Shopify · Amazon PPC · eBay · PPC · SEO Copywriting · SEO Amazon · Amazon Listing Optimization · E-Commerce · Product Marketing · Digital Marketing · Amazon Seller Central · Online Marketplace · Account Manager · Marketing and Advertising · SMM · SEO · Google Analytics

Genius English Project 



1 рік 1 місяць

02.2020 - 03.2021

Online project for learning English. Preparing presentations. Administration of project groups in social networks Facebook, Instagram, VK. Teamwork remotely. Using programs Asana, Microsoft, LastPass, Zoom, Google Drive, Loom, Evernote, Xmind, Zoho Mail, etc.

Self Employed

Self employed

Торгівля роздрібна / Retail

8 років

01.2008 - 01.2016

Spend market analysis, simulate business processes in the field of wholesale and retail trade Responsible for the implementation of enterprise assortment policy and an Internet store, administration of categories of goods from their purchase to control the sale of Successfully Boosts Business and Internet sales. Create and adapt the sites and directories Effective interaction with external organizations (suppliers) Prepares and markets new projects, and checks their compliance with the conditions of the market. Are looking for new ways to develop, market monitoring, study demand Engaged in negotiating, and forming partnerships with other companies.

Restaurant supervisor

LLC "Bartolomeo"

Готелі / Ресторани / Розважальні комплекси

4 роки 4 місяці

01.2004 - 05.2008

Responsible for recruitment, and organization of staff; Effectively use the knowledge to improve the administration of the company; Successfully interacted with clients VIP level.

Sociologist - Analyst

State political organization

Державний сектор

2 роки 6 місяців

01.2001 - 07.2003

Responsible for media monitoring, content analysis, marketing research, and advertising companies. Establish and maintain effective communication between the organization and the public. Learn new administrative and organizational skills in record time – two weeks. Responsible for media monitoring, content analysis, marketing research, and advertising companies. Establish and maintain effective communication between the organization and the public. Learn new administrative and organizational skills in record time – two weeks.

Ключова інформація

  • Опыт работы на руководящих должностях и ведения малого бизнеса
  • Опыт проведения эффективных переговоров, владение деловой этикой
  • Высокая степень ответственности, работоспособность, исполнительность, коммуникабельность
  • Стрессоустойчивость,
  • Готовность к командировкам
  • Активная жизненная позиция, здоровый образ жизни

Навчалась в 2 закладах

Частное заведение высшего образования " Днепровский технологический университет "ШАГ"

eCommerce, Specialist

Днепр, 2004



Украина, 2000

Володіє мовами


вище середнього



Курси, тренінги, сертифікати

Amazon Advertising Foundations Certification



Сертифікат цифрової грамотності від Дія. Цифрова освіта


Додаткова інформація

Компьютерные навыки

Опытный пользователь PC (пакет Microsoft Office: Word, Excel, Powerpoint; основы Photoshop)


Работать в сильной, целеустремленной команде. Делиться своим опытом и учиться, получать новый. Иметь возможность постоянного проф развития и коммуникации с единомышленниками.

Елена Александровна

Amazon PPC & SEO – eCommerce Expert – Marketplaces Specialist


Готовий переїхати: Київ

1 300 $

46 років

Активно шукає роботу

повна зайнятість, неповна зайнятість, проектна робота

Характер роботи: віддалена робота

Оновлено 2 тижні тому