Працював в 1 компанії   4 роки 7 місяців

Послуги для бізнесу - інше

Country Director

4Service Group

Послуги для бізнесу - інше

4 роки 6 місяців

10.2018 - 04.2023

Attracting new customers, retaining satisfied customers by implementing new technological methods in research. Expansion in the region, competitive pulse. Retaining 100% of customers and extending LTV. Setting trends in the industry. Negotiating with contractors, clients, pricing, developing market research proposals, developing research tools, creating and conducting presentations for the company's clients. Managing 500 projects per year, of various focus and complexity. Team management (2500 people)

1. Management and coordination of 10 departments (Marketing, Sales, Service, Operations, Qualitative and Quantitative Research, Analytics, IT, Finance, and Legal): setting tasks, resolving administrative issues, monitoring task performance, delegation, scaling, working with outsourced teams

2. Conducting research for clients and agencies of the holding (qualitative and quantitative, UA&UX, mystery shopping, CATI, CAWI)

3. Conducting employee/customer satisfaction surveys

4. Tracking and implementation of global research trends

5. Preparation of proposals for optimizing data analysis and visualization methods for various research methods

6. Planning and optimization of the budget (P&L, Cashflow, BDR, EBITDA, Media plan)

7. Development of marketing strategy and concepts that led to a 30% increase in sales over the past 2 years, PR, brand development, customer voice

8. Digital, Influence marketing

9. Speeches at conferences, networking

10. Strategic sessions with the team and clients by methods: Service Design, Design Thinking, Brainstorming, etc.Developing and implementing initiatives to improve customer experience and increase customer loyalty.

11.Successfully manage marketing budget and team to achieve ROI of 300%.12.Managing the full marketing cycle in the company.Managing an advertising budget of $50,000 per year and achieving ROI of 80-150%. Worked on the CPA, CPL, CPM model

Ключова інформація

Market research - Product design - Service design - Event management - Business strategy - New business development - Strategic planning - Business processes - Management consulting - Planning, budgeting and forecasting - Profit and loss management - Marketing budget management - Program management - Product development - Product management - Business to business (B2B) - Project management - Team management - Customer relationship management (CRM) - Risk management - Sales management - Customer service

MS Office

Microsoft Excel



network development

Навчався в 1 закладі

Національний педагогічний університет імені М.П. Драгоманова


Київ, 2013

Володіє мовами


вище середнього

Може проходити співбесіду на цій мові

Може проходити співбесіду на цій мові

Курси, тренінги, сертифікати

Super Ludi

Київ, 2020

Маркетингова стратегія


Київ, 2019

EXCEL for Professional 

MBA - Harvard Business School

Київ, 2018

MBA-компетентний виконувати управлінську роботу і заміщати позиції середнього та вищого менеджменту.

Додаткова інформація

Особисті якості

My mission is to provide comprehensive and innovative solutions for our clients' business development. Leveraging my experience in business development, project management, sales, marketing and market research, I help clients succeed in a competitive environment.I understand that each client has unique needs, so I put them first. My approach is focused on collaboration and mutually beneficial relationships, which allows me to provide personalized solutions that meet specific business needs.My goal is to become a trusted partner for my clients by providing them with high quality services and developing strategies that contribute to their growth and success. My experience, innovative approach and constant striving for improvement allow me to deliver exceptional results and exceed expectations.I strive to create a significant impact on the business environment by fostering entrepreneurship and innovation. My mission is to inspire and support my clients' business development, helping them realize their ambitions and achieve high results.


Head of marketing


Готовий переїхати: Львів, Одеса

5 000 $

39 років

повна зайнятість

Характер роботи: віддалена робота, гібридна

Оновлено 2 місяці тому