Работала в 7 компаниях   18 лет 5 месяцев

Медиа / СМИ, Телекоммуникации / Связь, Банки, Страхование, Другое, Промышленность и Производство, Консалтинг / Аудит

Group CFO, Board Member

1+1 media

Медиа / СМИ

1 год

09.2023 - по настоящее время

Key responsibilities:

  • Managing Group financial performance, budget control, performance analysis, KPIs control, realization of income growth and cost saving opportunities, improvement of business productivity
  • Group Cash flow management, ensuring appropriate treasury controls
  • Managing and negotiating Group’s banking and borrowing arrangements;
  • Managing and overseeing the taxation of the Group
  • Participation in Group’s strategic priorities setting
  • Development and automatization of process of preparation of Group Companies management reports, financial strategy, managing budget process and forecasts preparation
  • Automatization of accounting, financial reporting and analysis process Calculation of financial performance results of business divisions/projects
  • People development

Group CFO, Memeber of the Board


Телекоммуникации / Связь

3 года 2 месяца

02.2019 - 04.2022

Industry: Advertisement, Media, Publishing

Key responsibilities:

  • Managing Group financial performance, budget control, performance analysis, KPIs control, realization of income growth and cost saving opportunities, improvement of business productivity
  • Group Cash flow management, ensuring appropriate treasury controls
  • Managing and negotiating Group's banking and borrowing arrangements;
  • Managing and overseeing the taxation of the Group
  • Providing sound financial support and insights to enable Board to make critical business decisions
  • participation in Group's strategic priorities setting
  • Development and automatization of process of preparation of Group Companies management reports, financial strategy, managing budget process and forecasts preparation
  • Automatization of accounting, financial reporting and analysis process
  • Calculation of financial performance results of business segment/division/client/product
  • Collaboration and cooperation with external experts (banks, auditors, consultants, appraisers, etc.)
  • People development




2 года

01.2016 - 01.2018

Key responsibilities:

  • Managing financial performance of the bank, budget control, performance analysis, KPIs control, realization of income growth and cost saving opportunities, improvement of business productivity
  • Development and automatization of process of preparation of bank's management reports, financial strategy, managing budget process and forecasts preparation
  • Participation in bank's strategic priorities setting
  • Automatization of accounting, financial reporting and analysis process
  • Managing and automatization of inter-segment transfer pricing, intersegment allocation of income and expenses, calculation of financial performance results of business segment/division/client/product
  • Collaboration and cooperation with external experts (auditors, consultants, appraisers, etc.)
  • People development

Deputy Chairman of the Board, CFO

Insurance Company "TAS"


3 года 1 месяц

12.2012 - 01.2016

Industry: life insurance

Key responsibilities:

  • Treasury management, liquidity control, cooperation with banks and other financial institutions
  • Participation in Company's strategic priorities setting
  • Preparation of Company's financial strategy, managing Budget process and forecasts preparation
  • Budget control, performance analysis, KPIs control, realization of income growth and cost saving opportunities, improvement of business productivity
  • Optimization of accounting, financial reporting and analysis function, automation
  • Development and implementation of internal risk management
  • Collaboration and cooperation with external experts (auditors, consultants, appraisers, etc.)
  • People development

Head of Reporting and Audit department

TAS Group


3 года 6 месяцев

06.2009 - 12.2012

Industry: management of companies belonging to TAS Group (finance, heavy industry, agriculture, retail).

Key responsibilities:

  • Development and managing the process of consolidation/combination of the Group's management accounts (budget, actual), performance analysis in the context of FRC (financial responsibility centers) and business-segments. Process automation based on 1C
  • Design and implementation of procedures for inter-departmental and inter-company co-ordination in order to optimize financial reporting functions; "fast-close" projects
  • Design of a set of procedures for reducing the gap between management accounting and IFRS accounting systems; solving complex IFRS and UAS accounting issues
  • Methodological support and managing the process the Group companies' transition to IFRS accounting (design of plan of accounts, transformation methodology and implementation of changes in accounting policy)
  • Development of internal audit functions of the Group
  • Coordination and control of the process of external audit of Group companies
  • Collaboration with external experts (auditors, consultants, appraisers, etc.)
  • People development

Leading financial reporting Specialist

Interpipe / ИНТЕРПАЙП

Промышленность и Производство

1 год 9 месяцев

09.2007 - 06.2009

Industry: management of companies belonging to INTERPIPE Group (steel pipes and train wheels business).

Key responsibilities:

  • Managing the process of preparation of financial statements in accordance with IFRS of several production and trading companies of the Group in various countries of the world, (5 subordinates), Preparation of the Group's consolidated financial statements in accordance with IFRS;
  • Development and improvement of the IFRS financial reporting system, design and implementation of procedures for inter-departmental and inter-company co-ordination in order to optimize accounting and financial reporting functions;
  • Solving complex IFRS and UAS accounting issues;
  • Preparation of information for IPO prospectus;
  • Design of a set of procedures for reducing the gap between management accounting and IFRS accounting systems;
  • Development of a system of internal financial control of adherence to financial and non-financial covenants set out in various loan agreements;
  • Participation in implementation of Oracle ERP system;
  • Collaboration with external experts (auditors, consultants, appraisers, etc.).

Senior Auditor


Консалтинг / Аудит

3 года 8 месяцев

01.2004 - 09.2007

Industry: audit of financial reports, prepared in accordance with requirements of various reporting standards (IFRS, US GAAP, UAS), due diligence of businesses, consulting services.

Key responsibilities:

  • Performing audits of financial reports, prepared in accordance with IFRS and US GAAP for companies operating in various industries, including consolidated financial reports. Preparation of audit reports. Completed over 20 audit engagements, among which:
  • A group of companies encompassing over 50 entities engaged in

distribution and retail of FMCG;

  • A group of more than 8 companies, which is a leading mineral water

producer and distributor;

  • Leading chemicals and polyethylene films producers;
  • A group of companies operating in information and technology sector;
  • A branch of one of the global telecommunication equipment producers;
  • Leading telecommunication services provider;
  • Leading Ukrainian bank;
  • Non-for-profit organization;Managing, coordinating and providing leadership for audit teams(up to 9 people);
  • Training of junior specialists - project assistants;
  • Running of internal and external trainings;
  • Carrying out agreed-upon procedures for companies in order to evaluate effectiveness of existing internal control and accounting systems;
  • Participation in preparation and issuance of proposals for audit services.

Ключевая информация

Key skills:

  • Cash flow management, ensuring appropriate treasury controlsManaging and negotiating banking and borrowing arrangements;
  • Managing and overseeing the taxationProviding sound financial support and insights to enable Board/Shareholders to make critical business decisions
  • Strategic system thinking
  • Development and automatization of process of preparation of Group Companies management reports, financial strategy, managing budget process and forecasts preparation
  • Automatization of accounting, financial reporting and analysis process
  • Collaboration and cooperation with external experts (banks, auditors, consultants, appraisers, etc.)
  • Coordination, management and control of working teams;
  • People development
  • Excellent analytical, presentation, communication and leadership skills;
  • Ability to demonstrate strong commitment and discipline to project objectives and deadlines,
  • Results oriented leader, self-motivated, innovative, accurate, tolerant;
  • Sound technical knowledge of financial reporting principles and specific reporting standards - IFRS,US GAAP and UAS; audit process and preparation of audit reports;MS Office (Power Point, Excel, Visio, Word, Project, Access)
  • Managing financial performance, budget control, performance analysis, KPIs control, realization of income growth and cost saving opportunities, improvement of business productivity

Училась в 2 заведениях

MBA, IEDC Bled School of Management

MBA - Master of Business Administration

Slovenia, Bled, 2016

Ivan Franko National University of L’viv

Economics faculty, Specialization in Finance

Lviv, 2003

Владеет языками











Курсы, тренинги, сертификаты

ACCA - Association of Chartered Certified Accountants


ACCA Member

Дополнительная информация


  • Traveling
  • Jogging
  • Surfing
  • Skiing
  • Hiking
  • Psychology
  • Music


Chief Financial Officer


43 года

полная занятость

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