Работал в 2 компаниях   3 года 7 месяцев

IT, IT-консалтинг / Услуги / Производство оборудования

Middle IT-Recruiter

Название компании скрыто


2 года 6 месяцев

01.2022 - по настоящее время

One of the largest blockchain development company in the world.


• Full cycle recruiting: Preparing, Sourcing, Screening, Selecting, Hiring, Onboarding;

• Searched and recruited candidates for various blockchain and fintech projects;

• Using Figma to edit candidates' CVs to a corporate standard;

• Conducting HR interviews. Scheduling technical and customer interviews;

• Working with documents (Filling out NDA and SDA contracts);

• Analyzing the vacancy description, making a full market overview and compiling a portrait of the desired candidate;

• Clarification the requirements and conditions of the vacancy from the account manager, getting answers for possible candidates questions;

• Making an attractive job description for the wanted type of candidate;

• Entering information about vacancies, information about candidates in the database (CleverStaff) and providing statistical reports in corporate google-tables;

• Searching for the strictly appropriate candidates on LinkedIn, Djinni, TurboHiring, Google (with Boolean search), linkedin recruiter, X-Ray Search, DOU, Telegramchats etc;

• Managing offer negotiations with candidates.


• Set a company record for the number of successful hires, with 8 acceptedoffers in one month;

• Hired a lot of teams from scratch for different projects;

• For a period of time, operated as the only recruiter for the company, handling 5-10 vacancies at a time, which enabled to retain the company's clients.


Название компании скрыто

IT-консалтинг / Услуги / Производство оборудования

1 год

01.2021 - 01.2022

The company is engaged in hiring various specialists for outsource giants such as GlobalLogic, SoftServe.


• Analyzing the vacancy description, making a full market overview (including using djinni.co/analytics), and compiling a portrait of the desired candidate;

• Clarification the requirements and conditions of the vacancy from the account manager, getting answers for possible candidates questions;

• Screening providing;

• Making an attractive job description for the wanted type of candidate, creating and publishing job announcements on job-search resources;

• Entering information about vacancies, information about candidates and all correspondence in the database and providing statistical reports in corporate google-tables;

• Searching for the strictly appropriate candidates on LinkedIn, TurboHiring, Google (with Boolean search), CRM-program (from old vacancies) etc;

• Getting and using email, Skype, telegram and other contact information about candidates from different sources like databases, turbo-hiring etc;

• Corresponding with candidates, answering questions;

• Checking and editing (if necessary) the candidate's resume, writing a cover etter to the СV;

• Maintaining contact with the candidates and companies at all stages of employment and beyond;

• Managing offer negotiations with candidates (obtaining and implementingthe necessary information, which increases the chances of signing theoffer).

Ключевая информация

IT Recruitment / Human Resources / CV screening / IT search / LinkedIn Search / Recruiting / Boolean search / TurboHiring / Djinni / Candidates Screening / Full recruitment cycle / LinkedIn / CleverStaff / HR interviews / Blockchain / X-Ray / Talent Acquisition / Onboarding / International/Technical Recruitment / Fintech / Crypto / E-commerce / Gambling

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• I am not subject to mobilization

Анонимный соискатель

IT-Recruiter / Technical Recruiter / Talent Acquisition Specialist


1 700 $

27 лет

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