Работал в 10 компаниях   8 лет 4 месяца

IT-консалтинг / Услуги / Производство оборудования, IT

QA Engineer


IT-консалтинг / Услуги / Производство оборудования

1 год 5 месяцев

01.2023 - по настоящее время

Part-time job as a QA for a number of small projects(from completely different companies that don't wish to hire a full-time specialist).
Domains of my current employers(projects) include: Retail, Emerging
Activities that I am involved in: Testing, Reporting, Metrics gathering, Creation of User Documentation(explanatory FAQ docs)

Business Analyst / QA



3 месяца

10.2022 - 01.2023

Helped a small team of developers prepare the necessary documentation and tasks(stories/epics) for the creation of a mobile game that we've been planning since 2017.
Provided my input in determining the requirements and technical tasks creation, along with the quality assurance and control on all phases of the development life cycle.

QA Engineer



1 год 4 месяца

06.2021 - 10.2022

Healthcare Project #4 (June 2021 – December 2021)
Project Description:
Healthcare Project #4, is an insurance-related software which provides access to detailed medical records of a person, based on data gathering from different hospitals that person previously visited. Since the mentioned software was created 2 decades ago, its technological stack was not up-to-date, a full recreation of the software was requested due to an end of support for 1 of its core development technologies. As a QA Engineer, my job was to completely supervise and execute the quality assurance and control on all of development stages – both requirements refinement, creation of low and high-level test documentation and execution of different kinds of testing(both functional and non-functional) as well as providing regular DEMOs for PO and creation of FAQ for support engineers. Additionally, I was involved into reverse-engineering sessions with developers, to make sure that no feature (that wasn’t mentioned by PO or visible in the app) was missed – thus I was involved in a static code analysis.
Customer: US company
Involvement Duration: 7 months
Project Role: QC/QA engineer, BA(Junior)
Project Team Size: 6 team members
Enterprise Project #4 (December 2021 – March 2022)
Project Description:
Enterprise Project #4, is a chat-bot created for London stock exchange of currency and precious metals (natural resources). Since most of operations regarding the stock trading are done via chats of the aforementioned platform, using the communication between different parties (representatives of different company groups), the limitation of trading lies within deals closure hours and availability of representatives (and offers) only through certain time intervals(periods) on a daily/weekly/monthly basis. In order to overcome this limitation, it was decided to create a multi-purpose chat bot, that would recognize certain trade-related commands with the ability to close deals and be able to sell and buy stocks on behalf of the company that activated it. As a Business Analyst, my job was to create stories and tasks that were distributed between team members for the further development. Regular(daily-based) meetings with PO and SA helped me determine the priority of each bot component as well as to understand the technical challenges and obstacles that were needed to be included(mentioned) in the created stories and tasks. Also, the ability to provide Backlog grooming/Stories refinement helped me better explain certain aspects of developed bot to the development team, receive their feedback and provide necessary changes to descriptions and acceptance criteria for the more precise estimation of the aforementioned.
Customer: UK company
Involvement Duration: 3 months
Project Role: BA(Intermediate)
Project Team Size: 10 team members
Healthcare Project #5 (May 2022 – October 2022)
Project Description:
Healthcare Project #5, is a bot software created for Organon global health care company. Ever since the company started undergoing its rebranding (after its separation from Merck co.) some of its products continued to bear the Merck trademark, and due to a fact that the responsibility regarding the medicinal products lied on a new manufacturer(Organon) legal actions could have been a huge problem, especially when all of the company information in the supporting documentation of the developed medicine were addressing towards a no longer responsible corporation. Therefore, a bot solution was designed in order to cover the transformation of documentation parts for the medicinal products, before it was approved for publishing. The benefit of this software solution lies in processing a number of different do

QA Engineer

Symphony Solutions

IT-консалтинг / Услуги / Производство оборудования

2 года 4 месяца

02.2019 - 06.2021

Gambling Project #1 (February 2019 – July 2020)
Project Description:
Gambling Project #1, is an entertainment conglomerate which provides online gambling services, for both mobile and desktop users, covering almost every known sport that has betting key points, also having its own digital casino, virtual games and lotteries. Services are provided in a number of CIS and European countries, with the most popularity in the UK. As a QA Engineer, my job included participation in new features development - both analysis, estimation, full coverage of testing spectre regarding their successful releases and integration with other existing and/or newly-developed features from other teams. Also participated in performance runs, requirements refinement and on-call duty. Overall, my team created more than 20 solutions for PO requests - mobile(responsive) and desktop.
Customer: UK company
Involvement Duration: 17 months
Project Role: QC/QA engineer
Project Team Size: 9 team members
Gambling Project #2 (July 2020 – October 2021)
Project Description:
Gambling Project #2, is a mobile entertainment Casino solution for CIS market of customers. Application contains a huge variety of different slots and card games that allow users to receive the experience of a real casino through their smartphones. Idea of online Casino is nothing new to a digital market, so in order to exclude all competitors, looks and feeling from each played game should be as close to a real thing as possible - and that's where our team started our renovation of 7 y.o. application contents, by remaking one of its oldest games. As a QA Engineer, I have analyzed(and documented) ever-changing requirements from client side, tested app builds for both Android and iOS platforms, tracked defects, created/updated test documentation and reports regarding done work.
Customer: CIS company
Involvement Duration: 4 months
Project Role: QC/QA engineer
Project Team Size: 5 team members
Gambling Project #3 (November 2020 – June 2021)
Project Description:
Gambling Project #3, is an entertainment platform which provides mobile gambling services in african region, covering popular sports and digital slots casino. Since the gambling market of Africa grows rapidly, the demand for qualitative digital products such as this has never been higher - so renovation of platform that can compete with western and european analogies may be a first step towards gambling market domination in African region. As a QA Engineer, my job included participation in features creation - requirements refinement, creation of test documentation and execution of different kinds of testing(both functional and non-functional) as well as providing DEMOs for PO and creation of FAQ for support engineers.
Customer: UK company
Involvement Duration: 6 months
Project Role: QC/QA engineer, BA(Junior)
Project Team Size: 10 team members

QA Engineer



7 месяцев

06.2018 - 01.2019

Retail Project #3 (June 2018 – November 2018)
Project Description:
Retail Project #5 is a web platform that allows fitness instructors/professional coaches sell their courses and health restoration exercise programs to interested groups of people. System allows convenient management of planned(paid) activities for students with a progress calculation, based on student’s individual health data(prerequisite during registration within the system for each student). Instructors are allowed to manage their courses, include them into the programs(bundles), and receive money from subscribed students(or other instructors) to their tied e-wallets. The key feature of this system is its video call application, created for the most common desktop platforms, that uses web platform’s back-end to validate and share video by instructors(only to subscribers), with the ability of communication(sound/chat) between parties during each video call.
As a QA Engineer, my job was to participate in daily status meetings, run smoke and regression testing of the platform(and apps) after bug fixes and client-requested changes, create test design and update it(checklists), track bugs into Redmine system and participate in client calls.
Customer: US company
Involvement Duration: 6 months
Project Role: QC/QA engineer
Project Team Size: 6 team members
Emerging Project #3 (July 2018 – December 2018)
Project Description:
Emerging Project #5 is a web product that allows full control over the PV generated energy with possibilities of it's usage limitation and convenience in settings regarding its export into the grid. Product is based on the IOT solution in conjunction with React JS/Native development languages. Both web platform and mobile app allow companies(their employees) to register and manage new/existing user accounts, pre-set equipment and configure it remotely. Customer access role has the ability to view convenient chart data based on the output and self-consumption of solar energy. Additional diagnostic triggers(based on web services and MQTT) allow sending in-time warnings about equipment’s issues to customers/companies for their quick resolving.
As a QA/BA, my job was to clarify and document all of our client’s suggestions, convert them into requirements and create tasks with detailed functionality descriptions(workflows that should be covered by it) for developers, participate in daily status meetings, run smoke and regression testing with each new build of both platform and app, create test design and update it(checklists), track bugs into Redmine system and provide demos for a client.
Customer: US company
Involvement Duration: 6 months
Project Role: QC/QA engineer, BA(Junior)
Project Team Size: 10 team members
Healthcare Project #3 (August 2018 – January 2019)
Project Description:
Healthcare Project #3 is a desktop web platform designed for small plastic surgery clinics to allow them the ingraining of bonuses and rewards program into their client control mechanism and payment system. Platform can be used as a standalone system for client management, with the ability of encrypted healthcare data storage and usage of STRIPE payment system to achieve integration of discounts on the payment stage for each clinic. Functionalities of the platform allow notification of each registered client(within certain clinic) via push notifications, and a complex logic of appointments and promotions creation, allows money spenders to raise their loyalty level and receive even more tempting offers. Project orientation is US market of healthcare.

QA Engineer


IT-консалтинг / Услуги / Производство оборудования

3 месяца

03.2018 - 06.2018

Type of software/web site: Web system that simplifies online shopping(groceries, clothes, household items) from a number of US partner shops and provides estimation upon delivery.

QA Engineer



1 месяц

01.2017 - 02.2017

Emerging Project #1 (March 2017 – June 2017)
Mobile(Native apps for iOS and Android)
Project Description:
Emerging Project #1 is a mobile app the purpose of which is to remind pet owners about certain things they planned to do to/with pets(like a vet visit, feeding or grooming reminders, etc). This hybrid type of app allows both IOS and Android users to use wide range of reminders, some of which have built-in calculators regarding feeding/walking norms based on pet’s age and weight.
As a QA engineer, my job was to run smoke and regression testing with each new build of the app, test design creation and update (checklists), bug tracking and creation of tasks for dev team in Redmine system. Additionally, I was involved in configuration of Admin panel for the app.
Customer: US company
Involvement Duration: 4 months
Project Role: QC/QA engineer
Project Team Size: 6 team members
Healthcare Project #2 (June 2017 – October 2017)
Mobile(Native app for iOS) + Web Admin Panel(Desktop)
Project Description:
Healthcare Project #2 is an IOS mobile app that allows ambulance staff(doctors) to access the patient’s health card and have an in-time convenient view of information regarding previous diseases, medication and hospitalization cases that the patient underwent in the past. Mobile app uses an encryption/decryption algorithms due to HIPAA set of law regulations and complies with them. Admin panel is also tied to an app and helps regulate/view the number of requests made by doctors to HIE organizations and automatically calculate the bill for the organization, which is represented by a doctor, who makes a request on health data.
As a QA engineer, my job was to run smoke and regression testing with each new build of the app and admin panel, make sure that bills had accurately calculated sums and decrypted info matched the source, create test design and update it(checklists), bug tracking and creation of tasks for dev team in Redmine system.
Customer: US company
Involvement Duration: 4 months
Project Role: QC/QA engineer
Project Team Size: 9 team members
Emerging Project #2 (June 2017 – December 2017)
Mobile(Native apps for iOS and Android)
Project Description:
Emerging Project #4 is a mobile app that allows its users to manage progress of their running/sport walking achievements through a completely unique interface with challenges and rewards. This type of app allows IOS users to participate in a wide range of challenges, sponsored by famous Sportswear and Sport Food brands, and receive discount codes on their wares.
As a QA/BA, my job was to clarify and document all of our client’s suggestions, convert them into requirements and create tasks with detailed functionality descriptions(workflows that should be covered by it) for developers, participate in daily status calls, run smoke and regression testing with each new build of the app, create test design and update it(checklists), track bugs into Redmine system.
Customer: US company
Involvement Duration: 6 months
Project Role: QC/QA engineer, BA(Junior)
Project Team Size: 8 team members

QA Engineer


IT-консалтинг / Услуги / Производство оборудования

3 месяца

09.2016 - 12.2016

Type of software/web site: Web site with a weather analysis services, news and feedback/rating features.

QA Engineer



4 месяца

03.2016 - 07.2016

Enterprise Project #1 (March 2016 – July 2016)
Mobile(Hybrid app for iOS and Android)
Project Description:
Enterprise Project #1 is a friendly supply business based in the US, Texas. Their field of work covers supplying small and large house repairing and plumbing companies throughout US with a wide range of tools and repair materials. Customer service is provided both via mobile application and web-site.
As a QC engineer my job was to test new builds of the mobile app, test design creation and update (checklists), bug tracking and creation of tasks for dev team in Redmine system. Additionally, I was involved as a Trainee BA to help with requirements elicitation and creation.
Customer: US company
Involvement Duration: 4 months
Project Role: QC/QA engineer, BA(Trainee)
Project Team Size: 7 team members

QA Engineer



1 год 1 месяц

02.2015 - 03.2016

Retail Project #1 (February 2015 – June 2015)
Project Description:
The purpose of the project is to maintain a web-based system that enables consumers to write and submit ratings and review content on the e-commerce sites, to enhance this system and customize for new clients. Testing (smoke, functional, UI, regression and performance) was required to be performed both for incremental and major releases for 800+ different clients, on alpha and beta environments, for 8 different configurations.
As a QC engineer, my job was to write and update test cases, participate in regression and smoke testing, verify that functionality was integrated correctly to new websites, bug tracking and creation of Jira tickets.
Customer: US company
Involvement Duration: 4 months
Project Role: QC engineer
Project Team Size: 4 team members
Retail Project #2 (June 2015 – October 2015)
Project Description:
Retail Project #2 is a marketplace platform that helps retailers and brands connect with millions of active shoppers anytime, anywhere to drive engagement and sales. It has to offer more than 600,000 coupons and offers for 70,000 retailers and is the world’s largest marketplace for digital offers. Mobile app is also available, making the user experience on mobile phones even more comfortable. Users are allowed to post information about active sales, special offers in a wide range of stores throughout the US, coupons and sale codes, which can be used for discounts. Site also has its own community portal and caring support.
As a QC engineer, my job was to write and update test cases, participate in regression and smoke testing, participate in the development phases of each sprint(req-s clarification, peer reviews for devs), bug tracking and creation of Jira tickets.
Customer: US company
Involvement Duration: 4 months
Project Role: QC engineer
Project Team Size: 7 team members
Healthcare Project #1 (October 2015 – March 2016)
Software(for Windows OS)
Project Description:
Healthcare Project #1 is a distributor of healthcare products and services. The company is a World’s Most Admired Healthcare Company and is ranked number one in its industry for social responsibility. The software product that my team modifies is a desktop application for providers of medical services in the US such as private clinics, hospitals or dental offices.
As QC engineer I wrote test cases, provided peer reviews for developers, tracked defects into TFS system, and provided regression and confirmation testing for the newly developed and integrated functionalities, as well as Exploratory testing due to a fact that software was old enough and sometimes regression issues were encountered in places, which weren’t accounted during impact analysis.
Customer: US company
Involvement Duration: 6 months
Project Role: QC engineer
Project Team Size: 11 team members

Ключевая информация

Quality Assurance
Test Design
Mobile Testing
Web Testing
Desktop Testing
Functional Testing
Non-Functional Testing(Performance, UI, Usability, Accessibility, Portability, Localization, etc)
API Testing
Test Planning and Estimations
Reporting and Metrics
Requirements Analysis
Creation of QC/BA documentation (Test Plans, SRS)

Учился в 1 заведении

Львівський національний університет імені Івана Франка

Факультет прикладної математики та інформатики/Інформатика

Львів, 2014

Владеет языками



Может проходить собеседование на этом языке

Может проходить собеседование на этом языке



Может проходить собеседование на этом языке

Может проходить собеседование на этом языке

Курсы, тренинги, сертификаты

Foundation of Business Analysis

Львів, 2019

Lviv IT School

Quality assurance and automation testing of modern software systems

Львів, 2014

SoftServe IT Academy Program 

Дополнительная информация

Свій розділ

7+ years of IT Quality Control & Assurance experience gave me a chance to create different test documentation, provide QA services in different project domains, become good at client communication and conduct more than 30 client DEMOs. Looking for an interesting project to work on - where thinking out of the box would be my challenge. I am a team player and value true teamwork when everyone is open to one-another. I take on my work with passion and look forward to improve my (or even learn new) skills in the field of QA.

Комп'ютерні навички

? System testing (Smoke, Regression, Sanity)
? Integration testing
? Mobile testing (System with and w/o Dev Tools; using development env-s: Android Studio and Xcode) – on both devices and emulators
? Performance testing (Load, Scalability, Stress, Spike using JMeter – limited knowledge/small experience)
? Negative and Recoverability testing
? UI/Usability testing (advices on improvement of UI shown in web-browsers and mobile responsive design; based on a common set of layout rules; PixelPerfect correspondence to mockups)
? Cross-Browser/Compatibility testing
? Bug reporting and tracking
? QC estimations? Test design (Creation/Update of Test Cases, Checklists, Test Plans)
? Localization testing
? Exploratory/Ad-hoc testing
? SQL queries (non-Developer level)
? Release Notes/FAQ/Walkthrough documents creation
? Creation of description/explanation for tech tasks
? Requirements Analysis and User Stories creation
? SRS and Project Document creation
? Metrics gathering and creation of Test Reports
? WordPress Configurations
? Client communication (Verbal, Written)
? Product demonstration (DEMO for PO)
? API testing (REST/SOAP)
? Prototyping (in Figma)
? Power Automate Bot Tools usage(configuration & creation of bot rules/conditions)
? Back-End analysis for Reverse-engineering purposes(using Swagger - limited knowledge/small experience)
? Refinements of Stories
? Backlog Grooming
? Data/Process Modelling (BPMN, ERD, Context/Data flow diagrams creation)
? Creation of Business Model Canvas

Комп'ютерні навички

* Kanban
* Waterfall
* MS SQL Server (2008 R2, 2012)
* MySQL Workbench
* PhPMyAdmin
* Robo 3T
Web Browsers
* Internet Explorer 9/11
* Mozilla Firefox
* Opera
* Google Chrome
* Safari
* Microsoft Edge
Bug tracking tools and TCM
* JIRA (defect report & tracking)
* TFS (defect report & tracking)
* Redmine
* TestRail
* TestLink
* Confluence
API/Load/Mocking Tools/CI+CD
* Charles
* Jenkins
* Swagger
* Fiddler
MS Office Tools and other
* MS Office Word
* MS Office Power Point
* MS Office Excel
* MS Outlook
* Notepad++
Operating Systems
* Microsoft Windows XP/7/10
* Ubuntu
* OS X
* Android
* iOS
Other Tools
* Draw.io (Diagrams creation)
* NewRelic (Performance Tracking)
* AWS(S2) (Instances control)
* Genymotion (Android devices emulation)
* Xcode (iOS app builds)
* Android Studio (Android app builds)
* VMware Workstation (Virtual Machines)
* Admin LTE/Keenthemes Metronic (Admin Panel)
* PerfectPixel (Designs compliance)
* Microsoft Power Automate (Bot creation tools)
* Kibana (Data visualization and statistics/logs)
Mockups/UI prototyping tools
* Mockflow
* Balsamiq
* Zeplin
* Figma
Version Control


Manual QA Engineer / Business Analyst


2 000 $

33 года

полная занятость

Характер работы: удаленная работа, гибридная, в офисе/на месте

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