Работала в 4 компаниях   9 лет 4 месяца

IT, Негосударственные организации / NGO, Юридические услуги

Head of the educational part, manager of the educational process, team leader

"Step" Computer Academy


3 года 10 месяцев

08.2018 - 06.2022

Management of the organization and management of the educational process:

• formation and correction of all business processes of face-to-face and distance learning,

• direct interaction with staff and clients, resolution of crisis situations of any level,

• systematic work on training new personnel,• analysis of results and reporting,

• supervision of reporting and financial documentation of the branch.

From June 2020 (2 years) - experience of effective remote work - with an invitation during this period to transfer to a management position in the head office (development of a new direction - cloud branch). Confirmation of my qualifications was carried out regularly, automatically and independently.

The number of subordinated personnel - from 3 to 55 people,

The number of the company's clients for whom services are organized by the team is 1,200 people.

Coordinator of the educational process of the international program

Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE)

Негосударственные организации / NGO

1 год 4 месяца

11.2016 - 03.2018

Organization and management of activities within the framework of initial training courses (total number of about 200 people) and advanced training courses (total number of about 1,200 people) of cyber police inspectors of Ukraine, precinct officers, police officers with investigative specialization (Kharkiv, Khmelnytskyi, Rivne, Ternopil, Lutsk, Poltava):

• compliance with the requirements of the international project, analysis of results and reporting,

• setting up the work of teams on the ground, recruiting personnel, setting goals and monitoring the implementation of developed plans,

• cooperation with the management of higher educational institutions.

Coordinator of the educational process of the international program

International Criminal Investigative Training Assistance Program (ICITAP)

Негосударственные организации / NGO

1 год 3 месяца

08.2015 - 11.2016

Organization and management of activities within the framework of initial training courses for patrol policemen of Dnipro (more than 1,250 people), Sloviansk, Kramatorsk, Severodonetsk, Lysychansk, Rubizhny (350 people).

Program coordinator and project manager

Human rights group "Sich", charitable foundation "Sich"

Юридические услуги

2 года 7 месяцев

04.2008 - 11.2010

Functional duties/achievements:

• Project management, communication with officials, representatives of authorities, project participants at various levels, drawing up reports, organizing and holding meetings and negotiations, business trips around Ukraine;

• Launch of new foster homes and implementation of communications between foster homes in Dnipropetrovsk, Kramatorsk, and Zaporizhzhia;

• Development of statutory documents of the organization (starting and organizing the work of a charitable fund), job duties of employees, primary accounting, work with the tax office;

• Work with the press center of the organization and mass media (preparation of photo materials and press releases for events, provision of information at the request of journalists, organization of filming of news and image stories, press conferences, meetings, seminars, concerts);

• Promotion of sites and pages of organizations in social networks, content management; monitoring of the press (collection of information, maintenance of archives);

• Maintaining an electronic database of appeals for the Ukrainian Helsinki Union for Human Rights.

Ключевая информация

Project management, coordination activities, management of the educational process (I constantly use software products: logbook, Mystat, CRM, Bitrix 24, office programs, basic knowledge of 1C, basics of SMM, work with mass media, work with personnel, communication and organizational skills, business communication, teamwork, organization, initiative, high level of information assimilation, stress resistance.

Competent spoken and written language: native Russian, fluent Ukrainian. Basic knowledge of the English language - level A2.

Училась в 1 заведении

Dnipropetrovsk National University named after O. Honchar

Faculty of History / Political Science

Dnipro, 2002

Владеет языками







Может проходить собеседование на этом языке

Может проходить собеседование на этом языке

Курсы, тренинги, сертификаты

The course of productive communication "Master of communication" (the author's program of G. Chepurny)

Київ, 2022

Course Conflictology (author's program S. Maslov)

Київ, 2022

Course: "Course Administrator Workshop with ICITAP Ukraine

Київ, 2018

American English Center English language course

Дніпро, 2017

Kharkiv human rights group – 15th School of human rights and writing grant projects

Харків, 2015

III Forum on organizational development

Київ, 2014

"Renaissance" Fund - Writing grant projects

Дніпро, 2014

English language courses at the Dnipropetrovsk National University named after O. Honchar

Дніпро, 2002


Project coordinator


44 года

Активно ищет работу

полная занятость

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