Работал в 8 компаниях 21 год 4 месяца
FMCG, Образование, Торговля розничная / Retail, Услуги для бизнеса - другое, Торговля оптовая / Дистрибуция / Импорт-экспорт, Красота / Фитнес / Спорт, Издательства и Полиграфия
Chief Marketing Officer
3 месяца
08.2024 - по настоящее время
SpiritsUp is an Austrian distributor of alcoholic beverages. B2B website: https://spiritsup.at. Retail startup: https://redundweiss.at.
- The main task (90% of allocated efforts): to form a marketing strategy for a startup - an e-commerce store. Plan development, budget.
- Assemble and coordinate a marketing team.
- Ensure the start of sales of the online store within 3 months from the start of my work.
- Redesign the current B2B website. Enable digital lead generation channels (10% of allocated efforts).
- A full-fledged marketing strategy for an Austrian online store for 2 quarters ahead has been formed and substantiated. A marketing funnel has been developed.
- A digital team has been formed from scratch: (1) development agency; (2) promotion agency (web analytics, PPC, targeting); (3) marketing assistant; (4) SMM manager / videographer. Task management has been established.
- E-commerce website https://redundweiss.at has been launched.
- The basis for the promotion strategy for both B2B directions has been created: Wholesale-Austria and Wholesale-Export.A redesign plan for the current B2B website has been prepared.
Chief Marketing Officer
School «Rehabilitologist»
1 год 11 месяцев
08.2022 - 07.2024
School «Rehabilitologist» is the leader in the national market of educational services in manual therapy. The essence of the services is to conduct offline and online seminars; sale of video recordings of seminars; ecommerce - sale of printed books of own publishing house. Websites: rehabilitolog.com and rehabilitolog.kz (main sites); online.rehabilitolog.com; shop.rehabilitolog.com. Meta: https://www.facebook.com/rehabilitolog; https://www.instagram.com/rehabilitologcom; https://www.instagram.com/rehabilitolog.kz.
- Effective management of the Digital Marketing department team (in-house + outsource specialists): content SMM specialists, copywriter, graphic designer, video content manager, website development agency, digital promotion agency.
- Strategy and tactics for simultaneously promoting four website projects of the company through all channels.
- Optimization of digital processes, prioritization of work.
- Increasing the profitability and profitability of Digital channels. Budgeting for projects and marketing activities.
- Audits, analysis of the dynamics of digital indicators, KPI prioritization. Weekly and monthly reporting of results.
- Ideas and their implementation.
- The monthly turnover of the main project rehabilitolog.com at the start of my work was $18,000. Increased to a minimum of $58,000 per month. At the peak - $132,000. The result of general, team work. Lead generation has been doubled. The average cost per lead, against the backdrop of growing turnover and expenses, remains at $3.
- From January 2023 - start of the School project in geo-Kazakhstan (rehabilitolog.kz). Monthly turnover at the start is $2000. Increased to a minimum of $29,000 per month. The emphasis is on Instagram (instagram.com/rehabilitolog.kz). Ensured effective lead generation through paid and organic Meta channels. The average cost per lead since launch has been reduced from $8 to $5. Throughout 2023, monthly sales plans have been exceeded.
- The budget of Meta - the main channel in terms of expenses and results - $7000-$11000 / month (geo Ukraine + geo Kazakhstan). Google Advertising budget is the second most effective channel - $2000-$2500 / month (geo Ukraine + geo Kazakhstan).
- From scratch, with minimal time spent on recruiting, an effective Digital department was formed, with zero staff turnover.
- A clear set of KPIs has been built for all four website projects of the company. Automatic reporting has been set up in GA4 with output to Google Looker Studio (Data Studio) dashboards.
- The sites rehabilitolog.com and rehabilitolog.kz were created from scratch on new platforms taking into account UX/UI, SEO criteria for Desktop and Mobile.
- Since the end of May 2023, product advertising for the e-commerce project shop.rehabilitolog.com has been configured and launched. The goal is to boost sales through untapped Digital channels. Facebook and Google Shopping (Performane Max) launched. The experience of the main project was effectively used. As expected, Facebook performed successfully by revenue (average monthly ROAS - 560%). Slightly worse by revenue was Google Advertising (ROAS - 840%). Total revenue from Digital for the first month - $2,700 - is 30 times higher than the average for previous months. For the third - $3870.
- A huge number of specific improvements in the company, of various scales, have been proposed. A few examples: webinar funnels; increasing the participation of teachers in SMM; loyalty programs, referral, corporate; stock; pumping up the USP of products; digitization of course completion certificates into CRM; ordering marketing research.
Head of Digital Marketing
Торговля розничная / Retail
3 месяца
11.2021 - 02.2022
"Ukraflora" is a leading importer of flowers, indoor plants, floristry products in Ukraine. Wholesale and retail trade. Website: ukraflora.ua Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Ukraflora.
Promotion strategy and tactics, ideas and their implementation, audits, analytics, coordination of the work of Digital contractors, work prioritization, TOR.
Direct executor: contextual advertising, targeting, collection of semantics, account settings, SEO TOR for copywriters.
The reason for the cessation of work is the beginning of the war on February 24, 2022.
- Conducted a fresh audit of current promotion processes. Revealed errors, missed opportunities across all key channels: SEO, PPC, SMM. I set priorities and from the first day of work began to eliminate.
- Immediately optimized the "bloated" budget for Digital contractors, removing expensive ones and those that did not prove their effectiveness. PPC, SEO contractor - deleted and temporarily took over. Contractor for finalization, technical support of the site, UX / UI - replaced with a more efficient and cost-effective one.
- Properly set up and maintained a key paid channel - Google Ads (budget - from $5,000 per month). Brought it to a high and proven level of profitability (average monthly ROAS - 400%). Maintenance period: end of November - February 2022.
- Updated the semantics for key categories of queries. Compiled for copywriters typical SEO TOR for the key category pages of the site. Implementation period: mid-January - February 2022.
- Made an audit and prepared a wide range of recommendations on targeting for an SMM specialist; contact center. Agreed on a plan for implementing end-to-end analytics in Bitrix CRM.
Head of Digital Marketing
Услуги для бизнеса - другое
1 год
11.2020 - 11.2021
"Midsun" is the leader in the Ukrainian market in the field of business aromatization services. Main business: aromatization business (midsun-aroma.com). Related projects: water ionizers, air ionizers (akvalekar.com); aroma diffusers (uaphilanthrop.com). Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/akvalekar, https://www.facebook.com/UAphilanthrop, https://www.facebook.com/aromabranding.midsun.
Planning, ideas, audits, analytics, task setting, competitive analysis, Digital team management, interaction with Digital contractors, cost control.
Direct executor: contextual advertising, targeting, collection of semantics, account settings, admin panel.
- Set up analytics tools for all projects: Google Analytics, Tag Manager, Search Console, call tracking (for the Akvalekar project). Set up shopping conversions.
- Quickly assembled a new team of content performers, trained them, distributed projects, topics, and functionality among them. Supervised the work.
- Within each project, I competently reconfigured existing channels and created new ones. Combined all Internet resources of each project into a single, synchronously operating, marketing network.
- Put things in order with marketplaces (the company is represented at Prom, Rozetka). Argued inefficiency in our case, Allbiz.
The Akvalekar project (akvalekar.com) was a startup. B2C. Active development time: November 2020 - December 2021. Results:
- Made the site akvalekar.com selling (initially - zero indicators). The main successful channel for driving customer conversions is Google Ads. Tested a number of hypotheses - found the optimal types of campaigns, audiences, keywords. Implemented the necessary SEO reforms. I ensured the growth of the site in Google Organic in a year, brought real order placements from search results.
- Created a rational content plan (Blog articles, social networks, email newsletter, Google My Business), which was consistently implemented by the content team.
The Midsun-Aroma project (midsun-aroma.com) is the main business of the company. B2B. Active development time: May 2020 - December 2021. Results:
- Set up and worked on Facebook / Instagram social channels. Conducted SEO optimization. My audit, task setting; implementation - content-team. I ensured the growth of the site in Google organics in six months.
- Optimized existing Google Ads. Result: increase in the number of lead conversions (37%), conversion rate (3%); cost per click - UAH 8.5. Set up and worked on Facebook targeting. An effective source of hot leads for fragrance business.
- I set up an email newsletter (MailChimp) for the accumulated partner base. Result: a reminder about the company, engagement, additional traffic to the site, confirmed applications for the service.
The UA Philanthrop project (uaphilanthrop.com) was a startup. B2C, B2B. Active development time: August 2020 - December 2021. Results:
- Activated the sluggish process of finalizing the previously created site. Changed the contracting agency to a more efficient one. At an accelerated pace implemented key improvements: a general redesign; technical SEO; adaptation of the feed for shoppins ads.
- Set up Google Ads account, Google Merchant Center, prepared to launch shopping campaigns.
Digital Marketer
Plant nursery "Lotos K" (UBI Holding)
Торговля оптовая / Дистрибуция / Импорт-экспорт
5 месяцев
05.2020 - 10.2020
Nursery "Lotos K" - production of seedlings of decorative, indoor, berry plants. B2B, B2C. Website: lotosk.com.ua.
- Development of all channels: web analytics (Google Analytics, Search Console), SMM (Facebook, Instagram - targeting), PPC (Google Advertising), SEO, email marketing (MailChimp), YouTube channel. Attracting new leads. Increasing brand awareness in the market.
- Company website upgrade. Redesign and improvement of functionality. Statement of technical requirements for developers.
- Photo, video filming, processing; participation in copywriting; content planning; organizing the work of an SMM specialist.
- Announcement, coverage of events (webinars, offline exhibitions).
- Created and implemented a digital promotion strategy for the main direction of the company - a plant nursery.
- Launched new channels and competently reconfigured existing ones. Combined all digital accounts of the company into a single, synchronously working, marketing network.
- Compiled TOR, drew layouts for redesigning and improving the functionality of the site lotosk.com.ua for webmasters. The upgrade is 100% complete.
- Created an effective content plan, which was consistently implemented from the first days. Organized the work of an SMM specialist.
- Saved the company's costs for contractors (web, content, redesign) and accelerated implementation.
Head of ecommerce
Diving equipment store in the company "KatranGun"
Торговля розничная / Retail
6 лет 6 месяцев
09.2013 - 03.2020
"KatranGun" is the leading store in the spearfishing market in Ukraine. The general direction is the sale of equipment for scuba diving (diving, freediving, pool). Websites: katrangun.com.ua.
- Analytics - daily analysis of the effectiveness of the company's main website by key indicators. Analysis of the results of marketing activities. Analysis of the competitive environment.
- Dumping monitoring: delivery of tasks for monitoring competitors' prices; correction control.
- Maintaining and optimizing Google Ads campaigns, analyzing key indicators.
- SEO-optimization of sites: drawing up a content plan; distribution of SEO tasks to content managers; execution control; participation in writing sales texts.
- Participation in maintaining Facebook, Instagram accounts; correspondence with clients, including in English.
- Participation in the development and implementation of promotions (promo codes, banners, newsletters, publications).
- Management of contact center managers (subordinate to 3 people): coordination of work; quality control of work (recording of IP-telephony); study of commodity alphabets and novelties; sales reporting analysis (Torgsoft; pre-order log in Excel). Participation in sales under emergency conditions.
- Management of content managers (2-4 people remotely): drawing up a content plan in Google Sheets; distribution of tasks and control of execution.
- Managing a key site on OpenCart and a site on Prom.ua: updating prices, discounts; error correction; work with price lists of suppliers, catalogs of brands; Filling content; photo and processing in Photoshop of exclusive goods.
- Managing the database of commodity items in the Torgsoft accounting system: updating exchange rates, monitoring wholesale and retail prices, discounts; error correction; synchronization with OpenCart.
- Bringing the company to the top of organic search results in Google, YouTube, Facebook in the subject of diving equipment for high-frequency key phrases.
- The KPIs of the main promoted site (katrangun.com.ua) have been doubled for all basic metrics: traffic, CTR, browsing depth, length of stay on the site, repeat visits, conversions, Internet applications of all types.
- The ratio of positive/negative feedback on the work of the Internet site, the contact center, in particular in Google reviews, has been increased to 95%.
- Stable growth in sales of the contact center (120% over the past year) and profits was ensured.Increasing dynamics in lead generation. In addition to Internet orders, an increase of 70% was achieved in terms of traffic of incoming calls via IP-telephony.
- Proposed, configured and launched such marketing channels as email newsletter and Google Ads, which made a confirmed contribution to lead generation. Google Ads has effectively complemented the main source of traffic and conversions - Google Search, which provides a stable 75% of traffic. Optimized conversion rates (emphasis was placed on key metrics - ordering, quick orders).
- Carried out a comprehensive SEO-optimization of the company's websites and improved usability. Initially, I did 100% of the volume of content work on filling (new product cards, blog articles, copywriting, photos and their processing), having gone all the way as a SEO content engineer. Recent years - 20% participation in content work; the rest is task setting and coordination.
- The composition of the Internet department was recruited and trained: contact center managers and content managers working remotely. Eliminated staff turnover.
- Optimized operational processes in the department.
Head of King's Studio
Choreography studio "Kings"
Красота / Фитнес / Спорт
5 лет 6 месяцев
09.2007 - 03.2013
- All content management, SEO-optimization of the studio website.
- Filling the YouTube channel with new video material. Maintaining a VKontakte group.Analysis of the competitive environment, development of pricing policy, promotions.
- Conducting advertising campaigns in Google Ads (search) and targeted advertising on VKontakte.
- Design and ordering of printed materials: business cards, banners for placement on bulletin boards in universities and in transport.All interactions with new and current clients: incoming calls; social networking; counseling. Building trusting relationships with a permanent audience.
- Conducting group and individual lessons.
- Search for new coaches; adaptation and control of work (subordinate to 3-4 trainers).
- Rent of premises. Accounting for customer statistics, analysis of income and expenses. Organization of master classes, corporate events; coordination with art directors of performances of dancers.
- Created from scratch and successfully promoted his own project in the field of the fitness industry and show business - a choreography and dancer services studio - Kings Studio (2 branches in Kyiv). The project was profitable from the first month and lasted 7 years.
- Brought the website of the studio kings.kiev.ua to the top 10 organic search results in Google in the relevant niche - hip-hop dancing, pj-style; target audience - beginners.
- Achieved growth in the reputation of the dance studio among current and potential customers. Growth was achieved in terms of: customer retention in the studio; requests for private lessons; recommendations to friends and acquaintances.
- I tried different promotion channels (outdoor advertising, online) and determined the right vector for Digital development: website SEO, backlinks, YouTube channel, VK community development, Google Ads search advertising and VK targeting.
- Picked up the optimal promotional strategy, which allowed to overcome the seasonal decline in sales.
- Established loyal relationships with the owners of the premises in which the halls were rented, which ensured exclusive low rental prices. Built a stable team of dance studio teachers and PJ-dancers who were passionate about their work.
Text translator from English to Russian (freelance)
Text translator from English to Russian (freelance)
Издательства и Полиграфия
4 года 11 месяцев
08.2002 - 07.2007
I worked remotely, in parallel with my studies at the university. My duties included:
- translation of large volumes of texts from English into Russian; text correction.
Ключевая информация
- Digital team management. The ability to build an effective, well-coordinated work of the Digital department in a ready-made team or assembled from scratch.
- Excellent experience in managing in-house specialists: content / SMM / copyright specialists, graphic designer, video content managers. Outsourcing agencies: website development, digital promotion agencies.
- Recruitment on job sites and social networks. Conducting interviews. Beginner adaptation.
- Contact center management: organization of work; monitoring compliance with service standards; work with objections; development of the alphabet of the product range and related products; optimization of operational processes; reporting control; study of new products; check of knowledge.
- Marketing audit. Competitive analysis. SWOT analysis. Formation of the project's USP at different levels. Branding. Market positioning.
- Segmentation of consumers. Creating a buyer avatar.
- Participation in the development of an overall marketing strategy for business development. Creation of a digital strategy.
Web analytics:
- Google Analytics (GA4; Universal): user behavior; efficiency of channels, sources; standard e-commerce; creating goals; conversions; integration. Certified Google Analytics Individual Qualification (July 11, 2022).
- Google Ads: analysis of the effectiveness of campaigns at all levels.
- Google Search Console - analysis of organic traffic, page dynamics and keywords; technical SEO audit.
- Google Tag Manager - basic skills for setting up tags, triggers at different levels, testing events.
- Serpstat, SimilarWeb.
- Google Looker (Data) Studio - dashboard analysis. Google Optimization - site design split tests.
Google Ads: full customization at all levels and maintenance. Setting up all types of campaigns and their optimization. Extensions, negative keyword lists. Dynamic ads. audience segments. Remarketing. Shopping ads. Google Merchant Center integration. Google Certified Professional: All Campaign Types, Ad Performance Measurement (June-July 2021-2022).
- Advanced administrator of Meta Business Manager, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn business pages. Experience in writing selling, enticing posts.
- Targeted advertising: full setup and maintenance: Meta Ads Manager, Advertising Reports, LinkedIn Campaign Manager. Setting up all types of campaigns and their optimization. Audiences. Pixel implementation. Setting up conversions.
- Understanding current Google trends.
- Knowledge of key SEO principles.
- Google My business - setup, statistics; work with reviews.
- Google PageSpeed Insights - site speed audit.
- Experience in writing sales texts; competent LSI copywriting; preparation of semantics using keyword selection tools (Keyword Planner in Google Ads).
Integrated administration.
NEWSLETTERS (email, Viber, sms):
MailChimp, eSputnik, SendPulse - setting up mailings; formatting contact lists; audience segmentation; integration; A/B tests; setting up auto funnels.
- Rozetka: preparing a price list, editing the XML code.
- Prom: administration, ProSale campaigns.
- OpenCart, WordPress, Tilda, Prom. Supervising the development of sites by the hands of contractors (statement of technical specifications, I will draw page layouts in Photoshop).
- Experience in self-creation from scratch (UX/UI, domain registration; setting up themes, plugins; SSL certificates; redirects; indexing in Google; working with the hosting panel).
- Basic understanding of HTML, CSS, PHP.
Adobe Photoshop - processing photos of goods, adaptation for the site, to draw a simple banner.
Adobe Premiere Pro - basic editing. Overlay audio, images. Preparing for YouTube.
- Experience in sales of goods, services to retail customers - 15 years.
- Worked in accounting systems Torgsoft (administration, implementation), 1C 8 (synchronization with the site, implementation).
- Extensive experience in consulting, processing, processing and supervising orders: incoming line.
- Work with prices / balances of suppliers.
- Advanced PC user, Windows 10, Google cloud services. Bitrix.
- Microsoft Excel, Word, PowerPoint, Outlook. Speed, blind, typing on the keyboard (I have been practicing for about 25 years).
English: Advanced (C1). I am happy to be interviewed in English.
Russian, Ukrainian: 100% literacy. Skills of language style, the ability to create a selling, correctly built text.
Учился в 1 заведении
Kyiv Taras Shevchenko National University
biological, genetics
Kyiv, 2005
Владеет языками
Может проходить собеседование на этом языке
Может проходить собеседование на этом языке
Может проходить собеседование на этом языке
Может проходить собеседование на этом языке
Может проходить собеседование на этом языке
Может проходить собеседование на этом языке
Дополнительная информация
Deep systemic thinking. Logics. Analysis.
Leadership skills.
Managerial thinking.
Ultimate responsibility.
Ability to work quickly and efficiently with large volumes of information.
Ability to work both in a team and offline.
Pedantry, attention to detail.
Non-stop self-development.
Constant striving to optimize all processes in life.
Literacy: oral and written.
Pedagogical experience.
Economics. Marketing.
Digital marketing.
Scientific literature (biological disciplines; physics; chemistry).
Sports ground.
1) Management.
2) Complex tasks; continuous development of skills. Full use of my work skills.
2) Growth: career, professional, financial.
3) Income - from $3000 monthly.
4) Work in Kyiv: office, remotely or partially remotely. Schedule - 9:00-18:00.
Google Tag Manager Fundamentals
Earned: Jul 18, 2022
Google Analytics Individual Qualification
Earned: Jul 11, 2022
Advanced Google Analytics
Earned: Jul 14, 2022
Google Ads Measurement Certification
Earned: June 29, 2022
Shopping Campaign Certification
Earned: June 26, 2022
Google Ads Display Network Certification
Earned: June 30, 2022
Google Ads Certification for Search Campaigns
Earned: June 19, 2022
Google Ads Apps Certification
Earned: June 6, 2022
Google Ads Certification for Video Campaigns
Earned: Jul 6, 2022
Links to Google certificates:
Skill badges from LinkedIn:
Google AdWords
Google Analytics
Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
I periodically read articles on Digital; economics - reference book; Before the war, I especially actively watched conferences on Digital: Ukrainian Digital Forum, events from Netpeak.
Chief Marketing Officer
Активно ищет работу
полная занятость
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