Работал в 6 компаниях   21 год 6 месяцев

Негосударственные организации / NGO, Промышленность и Производство, Консалтинг / Аудит, FMCG

Admin / Fleet

United Nations World Food Programme

Негосударственные организации / NGO

2 года 3 месяца

04.2022 - по настоящее время

Managing Director


Промышленность и Производство

3 года 8 месяцев

06.2018 - 02.2022

Briefly, what was and how it is at the moment: BELUCO until June 2018: • 55 employees • 4 departments (cutting department, sewing department, frame construction department, sofa upholstery department) • Production of 3 trucks / month of sofas • Lack of labor protection system (documentation, processes, labor protection engineer) • Lack of quality systems (documentation, processes, quality engineer) • Lack of a plant mechanic • Lack of scheduled equipment maintenance • Lack of general factory and production procedures • Problems in the relationship between staff and management • Low-skilled office staff, without appropriate training and coaching to improve efficiency and teamwork, no clear division of responsibilities. BELUCO currently 2022: • 230 employees • 7 departments (cutting department, sewing department, foam cutting department, carpentry department, frame construction department, sofa upholstery department, finished products department) • Production of 32 trucks / month of sofas • The labor protection system works in full with the available documentation and processes, and provides a high level of organization of labor protection at the enterprise. Hired and trained safety engineer. Necessary documentation is available for all equipment, safety briefings, logs, all permits are available in accordance with the requirements of Ukrainian legislation, instructions on labor protection for all working specialties, equipment safety maps, constant staff training and control of production processes on labor protection. • The quality system works in full with the available documentation and processes, and provides a high level of organization of the quality system in the enterprise. Hired and trained quality engineer. Quality procedures and OPLs have been developed to cover all key production processes. There is a constant quality control of finished products and constant training of employees. The process of implementing changes, new products, writing off defected materials takes place according to the developed procedures and instructions. • The work of the plant mechanic is currently performed by me, as the vacancу of the plant mechanic has been open for 2 years. At the moment in this region the search for the appropriate qualification of a mechanic and for the reward offered by the company is unsuccessful. • Scheduled maintenance of main equipment is developed and performed. The control of performance and partial performance of service is conducted by me, the director of the enterprise. • General production and production procedures for describing work processes have been developed and working successfully • Human resources manager hired and trained and relations between production staff and company management improved, quarterly meetings are held with all plant personnel and rewards and recognitions system of employees has been developed. • Office staff were trained and their functions established. 


Independent consultant

Консалтинг / Аудит

8 месяцев

02.2018 - 10.2018

Lean Manufacturing is my passion and I'm skilled on:

1. Maintenance planning and scheduling

2. Work process improvement

3. Autonomous maintenance

4. Health and safety environment

5. Quality assurance + SIX Sigma

6. Kaizen program

7. Human resources program

8. E-learning

9.Initiative management

Managing Director

ACO Industries

Промышленность и Производство

3 года 11 месяцев

03.2014 - 02.2018

Managing director at ACO Industries Kulykiv plant (located in Kulykiv, 12 km near Lviv). Functional responsibilities: Full operational and legal responsibilities for company. 70 empl. 70% Plant efficiency and productivity improvement. Lean manufacturing tools implementation. Legal issues solving. 6 new products group start-up at site. Sales grow more than in 2,5 times.

Dry Laundry Operations Manager

Procter&Gamble / P&G / Проктер енд Гембл


7 лет 6 месяцев

08.2006 - 02.2014

  1. 1. Dry Laundry Operations Manager

Dry Laundry Operations consist of:

-Dry Laundry Making Department (60 people)

-Dry Laundry production planned maintenance process optimization,

-Dry Laundry production maintenance cost optimization,

-Dry Laundry production breakdown elimination, -Dry Laundry production/process reliability improvement.

-Dry Laundry Packing Department (50 people + aprx.30 contractors) -Silicate + Tank Farm Unit (11 people)

2. Technical Manager Dry Laundry Production

-Dry Laundry production planned maintenance process optimization,

-Dry Laundry production maintenance cost optimization,

-Dry Laundry production breakdown elimination,

-Dry Laundry production/process reliability improvement.

3. Project manager/ Raw and Pack Material Warehouse manager

-Raw and Pack material supply chain optimization.

-Raw and Pack material warehouse organization optimization/organization productivity improvement.

4. Distribution Center manager / FP Logistic Manager

-Aug 2006 - Feb2009 - Finished product warehouse logistic manager -Feb 2009 - Sep 2010 - Distribution Center start-up leader/ Distribution Center manager

Depatment Manager of Porsche Wiring System production unit

LEONI Wiring Systems UA GmbH

Промышленность и Производство

3 года 7 месяцев

01.2003 - 08.2006

Production organization planning and development

  • more than 100 people in reporting line
  • new project start-up
  • collaboration with support functions and sisters plant across Europe

Ключевая информация

Lean Manufacturing is my passion and I'm skilled on:

  1. Maintenance planning and scheduling
  2. Work process improvement
  3. Autonomous maintenance
  4. Health and safety environment
  5. Quality assurance + SIX Sigma
  6. Kaizen program
  7. Human resources program
  8. E-learning
  9. Initiative management
  10. Project and start-up management
  11. Leaderships and people management

My experience in few words :-)

*** If you think it's expensive to hire a professional, wait until you hire an amateur.

*** A team is not a group of the peole who work together. A team is a group of the people who trust each other.

*** People don't leave bad companies, they leave bad managers.

*** Be an example for your subordinates; Demand from your subordinates more then from others, to make them a best one; Protect your subordinates.

Учился в 1 заведении

National Polytechnic University

Інженер механік обладнання переробних та харчових виробництв

Львов, 2002

Владеет языками



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Может проходить собеседование на этом языке



Может проходить собеседование на этом языке

Может проходить собеседование на этом языке





Курсы, тренинги, сертификаты

Maintenance planning & scheduling daily management system (Germany, Berlin)


Warehouse process productivity improvement (Switzerland, Geneva)


Work Process Improvement (Romania, Timishoara)


Start-up management (Egypt, Cairo)


New hires interviewing process (Ukraine, Kiev)


Training for trainers (Ukraine, Kiev)


Warehouse fundamentals (Poland, Warsaw)


Quality assurance system fundamentals at production/warehousing (Austria, Salzburg)


Logistic manager on-boarding training (Turkey, Istanbul / Gebze)

Turkey, Istanbul / Gebze, 2006

People management (Ukraine, Striy)


Дополнительная информация

Захоплення та інтереси

1. My family is the meaning of my life and my support 2. My job is my self realisation in life and a constant learning process 3. My friends can count on me when they need a company for a fun and when they need a help 4. My hobbies are to make me relax and make my mind stronger


Managing Director


43 года

Активно ищет работу

полная занятость

Обновлено 3 недели назад