Работал в 8 компаниях   12 лет 10 месяцев

Финансовые услуги, Недвижимость и Девелопмент, Транспорт и Логистика, Реклама / Маркетинг / PR-услуги, Негосударственные организации / NGO, Промышленность и Производство

Chief Marketing Officer

Eurogroshi PDL Company

Финансовые услуги

8 месяцев

05.2021 - 01.2022

Eurogroshi and Gofingo PDL brands marketing management

Marketing panning and budgeting (month and 3 month loans', expences and income planning)

Digital marketing activities management and development.

Affiliate management (leads' quality control, offer mananegement)

Customer Journey Map - convercion and retention flow impovement.

Google PPC Campaigns (in cooperation with agency)

Assumptions and A/B testing

Direct marketing

New PDL product development (as new additional brand)

Cross promotions activities

Customer's database analysis (with SQL analyst)

Web and financial analytics development

(in coop. with IT, risks and financial departments)


Plans performance 90-95%

Planning accuracy 7%

First/repeated customers from 40/60 to 60/40

Affiliates payments' system with sufficient EPC reached

RFM analysis for repeated customers + direct marketing mailings with CR up to 6%

Chief Marketing Officer

Сучасний факторинг, ТОВ

Финансовые услуги

6 месяцев

01.2021 - 07.2021

Strategic planning

Customer Journey Map development, analysis, and implementation of service quality improvement.

Customers' consumer behavior interviews and surveys to identify new values.

Product Design - new financial products development, based on the customers and partners identified needs and values.

Product-Market fit - research and development of roadmaps to improve existing products.

Project management for mobile application and CRM implementation.

Analysis and work with end-to-end analytics.

Management of the company's local representatives department in Ukraine (in the field of Retail).

Lidogeneration - trigger mailings, targeted advertising.

Chief Marketing Officer

TKN Consulting

Недвижимость и Девелопмент

11 месяцев

01.2020 - 12.2020

Heading commercial real estate company marketing

Marketing team of 8 management

Rebranding. Development and performing of the company's transformation strategy.

Market research, customer research, JTBD

Sales department: presales support, CRM, online services. KPI system implementation.

Optimization of operational activities

Website development (Google, Facebook),

Online campaigns performance (900 leads per month)

GA Analytics and analisys

Chief Marketing Officer

Prosto Poshta

Транспорт и Логистика

6 месяцев

07.2019 - 01.2020

Marketing support of international parcels delivery, performed in cooperation with Nova Poshta.

Development and implementation of marketing strategy, pricing, services development.

Markets research, segmentation, competitors' activities research.

Organization of advertising campaigns and PR.

Online marketing.

Sales funnels development.

New online products development and coordination.

Sales data analysis.

Customers' experience research.

Foreign markets research.

Senior Project Manager

Be-it Agency

Реклама / Маркетинг / PR-услуги

7 месяцев

10.2018 - 05.2019

PR social and healthcare projects performing

Social projects development.

Participation in PR programs, events performing.

Creating concepts, strategies and programs.

Creative and tech teams briefing and coordination.

Projects' coordination.

Client Service.



Chief Marketing Officer

AxioS, Центр практичної допомоги захисникам України

Негосударственные организации / NGO

2 года

10.2016 - 10.2018

Marketing support of veterans' employment NGO

Start-up. Center's concept introduction. Marketing plan development and performing.

Adaptation of the center's services to the customer's requirements.

Brand book and corporate style development.


Center presentation, press conferences, round tables managing.

Working with the media.

Development of affiliate programs, special projects and additional center services.

Data analysis.

Customers' experience research.

Head of Sales and Marketing

Балістика, ТОВ

Промышленность и Производство

1 год 1 месяц

08.2015 - 09.2016

Sales and marketing performing for military tactical gear manufacturer.

Marketing strategy implementation and performing.

Building a dealers' network and sales system. Sales performing.

Key partners relationship development.

Assortment policy, SKU optimization.

New products marketing support.

Price and product research.

Data analysis.

Head of Marketing Communications Department

Група компаній «Динаміка»

Реклама / Маркетинг / PR-услуги

6 лет 4 месяца

08.2007 - 12.2013

Marketing communications projects development for international companies

Heading of 360 marketing communications programs development and implementation. Client Service.

Event management.

Data analysis.

Customers: L'Oreal, Philips, Garnier, Yves Saint Laurent, Biotherm, Lancome, Helena Rubinstein, Victor & Rolf, Vichi.

Total: 300 projects.

Ключевая информация

Monthly customer engagement - over 25 000 clients

Managing annual marketing budget - 2 million USD

Solutions based on the identified new values for the clients and their implementation through the system of offline and online marketing.

7 years of marketing department management experience

7 years - planning of marketing activity, annual marketing plan

4 years of online marketing experience

Strategy development

Brand management skills

Pricing policy development

Market research field

New products' launch

Consumers' behavior research

Propositions' value development experience

Project management experience

Copywriting and PR

Development, placement, organization and implementation of advertising campaigns

Creative departments, teams briefing and coordination

Online products teams briefing and coordination


Technical specifications development

Experience in development of projects and cases of social responsibility, projects of social orientation

Events planning and performing

Data analisys


Knowledge of graphic and video programs

Photo production skills

Учился в 3 заведениях



Kiyv, 2020

National Aviation University

Metrology and informational and measuring technologies

Київ, 2007

Ukrainian Humanities Lyceum of Kiyv National University

Kiyv, 2001

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Курсы, тренинги, сертификаты

WebPromo Experts: Head of Digital Marketing

Kyiv, 2021

UA Master Online Marketing Course

Kiiv, 2020

Дополнительная информация

Driver's license

Category A

Category B


Chief Marketing Officer, Head of Digital Marketing


40 лет

Активно ищет работу

полная занятость

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