Ключевая информация

• React.JS
• JavaScript
• Typescript
• Node.js
• jQuery
• Git
• Functional Programming
• English (Intermediate)

Учился в 2 заведениях

Національний Університет Львівська Політехніка


Львов, 2017

Національний університет "Львівська політехніка"


Львів, 2017

Владеет языками


выше среднего




Курсы, тренинги, сертификаты

Web UI SoftServe Certificate

Львів, 2023

• Construction Programming Language; 

• Construction Frameworks; 

• Construction Core; 

• Design; 

• Engineering Management and Requirements; 

• Verification; 

• Configuration Management; 


English Evaluation SoftServe

Львів, 2023

• Can confidently introduce themselves, express their wants, preferences, and needs, talk about their job responsibilities, analyze life and professional experience; 

• Have mostly no difficulties with comparing or analyzing things 

• Can give detailed descriptions of objects, events, experiences, hopes, and ambitions;

• Can agree and disagree, express opinions, and make assumptions with quite detailed explanations; 

• Can keep the conversation going (i.e. give additional details and ask relevant questions); 

• Can talk about general tendencies, dependencies, laws of nature and possible situations; 

• Can easily ask for clarification, rephrase questions, make polite requests and interruptions; 

• Attempt to talk about imaginary hypothetical situations; have good pace of speech; 

• Are willing to improvise on an unfamiliar topic; have clear pronunciation and intonation;


Practical React SoftServe Certificate

Львів, 2023

React - Lifecycle & Binding Event Handlers, SyntheticEvent, State, Props, Keys, Virtual DOM, Hooks, Custom Hooks, Composition, Context, Redux Toolkit, Router V6, Refs, HOCs, memo, Local/Session Storage, Web Workers, Web Socket, Unit tests, React testing library, Node.js, Express, Axios, NPM, Webpack, Babel, ESlint, Exceptions, Error Boundaries, Material UI. 


English Marathon SoftServe Certificate

Львів, 2023

• Small Talk;

• Language for meetings;

• Asking Questions;

• Clarifications and Suggestions;

• Effective Presentation;

• IT emailing (Business Writing);

• IT Corporate Culture;

• Client Interview Preparation. 


IT Tools course. SoftServe

Львів, 2022

Development methodologies: Agile (Scrum, Kanban), Waterfall. Trello, Jira, Notion, Git. 


Script Jedi 42 (level jedi) Certificate by Programming Mentor

Львів, 2022

Classes, Inheritance, Promises, Destructuring Assignment, Spread & Rest operators, ArrowFunctions, Pure Functions, Closures, Hoisting, Modules, Templates Literals, Generators, API,RegExp, Linting, Functional programing, IIFE, Closures, OOP, OOD, Async/Await.


HTML5-CSS3-JavaScript-Fundamentals SoftServe Certificate

Львів, 2022

HTML page, CSS, Box model Selectors, FlexBox and CSS Grid Layout, CSS Effects, ResponsiveWeb Design, JavaScript coding with functions and objects according to Google JavaScriptStyle Guide, Event Object, DOM, BEM, Developer tools, jQuery, SQL, JSON, Ajax & Fetch requests, Bootstrap, Git, GitHub, IDE with plugins.



Front-end Developer


600 $

29 лет

Активно ищет работу

полная занятость

Характер работы: стажировка / практика, удаленная работа, в офисе/на месте

Обновлено 12 часов назад