Работал в 3 компаниях 3 года 5 месяцев
Транспорт и Логистика, IT
Front-end Developer
Транспорт и Логистика
1 год 2 месяца
09.2023 - по настоящее время
Logistics company that offers a range of supply chain services, including ocean and air freight, contract logistics, and warehousing
Position: Frontend developer
Developed: Web application for calculating the cost of maintaining warehouses. Consists mainly of tables and graphs (functionality similar to Excel).
Responsibilities: Develop: react components with a large number of editable tables (tables with inputs). Implementing: editable block schemes via reactFlow, interact with tables in a similar way to Excel, connect components to API.
Stack: React, TypeScript, Jest, React-Query, ReactFlow, Tan Stack Table, Axios, Tailwind, Tan Stack libs.
Team: 1 FE, 2 BE, 1 FS, 1 QA, 1 UIUX
Methodology: Scrum
Front-end Developer
6 месяцев
03.2023 - 09.2023
International logistics company that transports goods and information.
Position: Frontend developer
Developed: Web application for managing the delivery process
Responsibilities: Develop react components and connect them to API, write tests for UI.
Stack: React, Flow, Styled-Component, Redux, React-Redux, Axios, Jest, Internal libraries
Team: 6 BE, 5 FE, 5 FS, 3 QA, 2 UIUX
Methodology: Scrum
Full Stack Developer
1 год 8 месяцев
07.2021 - 03.2023
Software development company, working on digital products, being our key services mobile apps and web development
Position: Full stack developer
1) Web application for cafes.
Stack: NestJS, PostgresSQL, React, Redux, Redux-Saga, styled-components, axios, typeScript.
Responsibilities: Develop API endpoint, react components and connect them to API.
Methodology: Scrum
Team: 1 FS, 1 BE, 1 FE, 2 QA, 1 UIUX
Methodology: Scrum
2) A website for sharing your travels.
Stack: Express.JS, MongoDB, Next.JS, styled-components, axios, typeScript.
Responsibilities: Develop API endpoint, UI components and connect them to API.
Team: 1 FS, 2 BE, 2 FE, 2 QA, 1 UIUX
Methodology: Scrum
3) Web application for managing the delivery of goods in the USA
Stack: React, Redux, Redux-Saga, Express.JS, PostgresSQL, styled-components, Axios, node-telegram-bot-api, cron, AWS services (SES, S3), typeScript.
Responsibilities: Develop: API endpoint, UI components (Admin and Customers panels) and connect them to API, telegram bot, Interaction with third-party APIs, developing microservices and establishing connections between them, implement an email newsletter.
Team: 1 FS, 2 BE, 2 FE, 2 QA, 1 UIUX
Methodology: Scrum
Ключевая информация
React, Redux, Saga, React-Router, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, TypeScript, NodeJS, NextJS, NestJS, Styled-components, Tailwind, Reqct-query, Tan Stack table, Tan Stack location, ReactFlow, Flow, Redux-Saga, Axios, AWS services (SES, S3)
Учился в 1 заведении
Хмельницький національний університет
123 Комп'ютерна інженерія
Хмельницький, 2024
Дмитро Сергійович
Дмитро Сергійович
Front-end Developer
Готов переехать: Киев, Львов, Тернополь, Другие страны
Активно ищет работу
полная занятость, неполная занятость, проектная работа
Характер работы: удаленная работа
Обновлено 5 дней назад