Працювала в 6 компаніях   25 років 4 місяці

Банки, Консалтинг / Аудит, Державний сектор

Senior Analyst of Corporate Banking (state-owned enterprases, Enargy and Industry)

State Export-Import Bank of Ukraine


4 роки

09.2020 - до теперішнього часу

? Financial and economic (business) analysis (company-specific operating and financial information, financialstatement analysis) of the largest state-owned enterprises,

? Business plans and financial forecasts analysis, construction of complex financial models for evaluationpurposes, preparation reports and recommendation for Bank’s collegial body,

? Conducting full market researches, monitoring trends of verious economic branches: industrial sectors, enegymarket, infrastructure and agriculture,

? Effectively communicate with various stakeholders

Senior Analyst of Investment Banking

State Export-Import Bank of Ukraine


5 років 4 місяці

05.2015 - 09.2020

? Performed financial due diligence and analysis on prospective projects,

? Created and implemented financial models to review deals and determine profitability,

? Conducted research and review of market trends,

? Produced high quality and impactful reports, presentations, prepared investment memorandums,

? Supported deal teams in negotiations with a wide range of third parties representatives of internationalinvestment and consulting companies

Leading expert of Project Finance Corporate Banking

VTB Bank


3 роки 9 місяців

08.2010 - 05.2014

? Supported clients’ projects on all phases of life-cycle: origination, structuring, execution, implementation,monitoring,

? Undertook and managed due diligence, financial modeling, risk analysis and mitigation in the structuring ofloans,

? Performed analysis on operational activities including historical, current and projected revenue and expense,cash flow, variances and costs,

? Assessed the efficiency of long term projects out of proceeds of international banks credits (EBRD, IBRD)

Financial analyst of Business Analysis Department

Helios Investment Group

Консалтинг / Аудит

3 роки 9 місяців

10.2006 - 07.2010

? Preparation of business plans, analytical reports, projects presentations for internal and external users,

? Development and maintenance of financial models for investment projects (P&L, CF), an assessment of their effectiveness (payback, NPV, IRR, EBITDA), sensitivity analysis, risk assessment,

? Budget analysis, cost control, monthly update and plan vs actual analysis, compliance monitoring indicators of the project during its implementation,

? Working with partners / contractors of the project, engaged in its implementation, with other divisions of the company for the accumulation and analysis of economic information,

? Working with banks and investment funds for financing projects,

? Strategical management and operating control of the projects, controlling the activities of business and financial management of the companies involved in the projects,

? Dealing with financial, insurance and appraisal companies, banks, securities trading and custody companies.

Consular officer

Embassy of Ukraine in the Republic of Finland

Державний сектор

4 роки 1 місяць

07.2002 - 08.2006

Adviser in Project Finance, Corporate VIP Clients Service

Nadra Bank


4 роки

08.1998 - 08.2002

Ключова інформація

I have more then 15 years experience in Project Finance and Corporate Finance working with enterprises from different branches of the economy: industrial production, energy sector, construction, infrastructure, agriculture. For the past three years, the focus of my activity has been on working with state-owned enterprises, especially in the field of energy and industry.

Throughout this entire experience, I’ve learned not only how to work on different projects on all phases of the project’s cycle, including origination, structuring, analysis, execution and financial controlling, make financial due diligence and market research, negotiate with clients, consultants and other stakeholders to progress the projects, prepare business plans, analytical reports, projects’ presentations, develop financial models for investment projects, assess their effectiveness.

It gave me strong background and universal knowledge and abilities to manage different projects, strong planning and problem solving competence, ecxellent analytical, communication and diplomatic skills, interpersonal skills and ability to respectfully interact with people from diverse cultural and religious backgrounds.

I have experience of working at the Embassy of Ukraine in the Republic of Finland and experience of cooperation with international banks (IBRD, EBRD) and organizations.

I am very responsible, attentive to details, like to comprehensively analyse information before making a conclusion, and І can prove my opinion based on facts and logic. I am confident that my experience will be useful in achieving the overall goals of the organisation. I am ready to use all present knowledge, experience and personal qualities, as well as to learn and develop professionally in other professional areas, to work with a complete return and perceive the job performances as part of common cause.

Навчалась в 1 закладі

Lviv University of Trade and Economics

International economic relations

Lviv, Ukraine, 1998

Володіє мовами



Може проходити співбесіду на цій мові

Може проходити співбесіду на цій мові



Може проходити співбесіду на цій мові

Може проходити співбесіду на цій мові

Курси, тренінги, сертифікати

“Economist for Financial work” coursis.

Kyiv, 2014

"KROK" University

MS Excel 2007/2010/2013 - Expert. For professional use

Kyiv, 2014

Computer Training Center "BASIC"

Додаткова інформація

Computer Skills

MS Office


Driving Licence

Driving license of "B" category

Personal Qualities

Responsibility, attentiveness, reliability


Professional, Project manager, Data research, Analysis officer, Spesialist, Expert, Advisor


48 років

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