Працювала в 1 компанії   2 роки 11 місяців



Назву компанії приховано


2 роки 10 місяців

11.2021 - до теперішнього часу

- Brought 50+ leads to the sales pipeline, with an average check of $50,000.

- Increased website organic traffic from 140 to 18,000 per month, DR from 1 to 57.

- Developed and implemented an inbound marketing strategy, leading to an increase in lead generation (from 3 MQLs to 15 MQLs per month).

- Customer development via interviews, research, and surveys.

- Reported on task progress directly to the CEO, maintaining clear communication and strategic alignment with executive goals.

- Worked closely with designers, developers, and native speakers, ensuring cohesive and high-quality marketing materials.

- Set tasks and KPIs for each marketing team member.

- Monitored and managed marketing budgets.

- Managed freelancers and contractors.

Анонімний пошукач

Content manager, CMO


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