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Talent acquisition specialist



1 рік

09.2023 - до теперішнього часу

My work experience as a recruiter for over 1 year has been unforgettable and has allowed me to grow in this professional field. My skills and abilities have become crucial for achieving success in recruiting. Here's more about my experience and skills:

Effective communication played a decisive role. I can communicate effectively with candidates, understanding their needs and requirements. My ability to persuade candidates to participate in the hiring process has proven valuable in creating the right workforce.

Recruiting demands excellent time management and organizational skills. I have experience in managing multiple recruiting projects simultaneously, allocating resources and time efficiently to achieve the best results.

My analytical thinking ability helps me analyze the job market, hiring trends, and evaluate candidates for suitability to job vacancies.

My attention to detail has allowed me to ensure accuracy and quality in all aspects of the recruiting process.

I always strive for self-improvement and enhancing my skills to achieve high results.

My work experience as a recruiter includes successful searching and selecting the best candidates for various vacancies. I feel prepared to continue growing in this field, applying my skills and experience to achieve even greater success in recruiting.

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IT recruiter


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