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Реклама та PR-послуги

Media Buyer

Affiliates Dynamic World

Реклама та PR-послуги

1 рік 5 місяців

03.2023 - 08.2024

1 year of experience of Media Buying 6 months on position Farmer before.2 months of experience Farm and Media Buying in Google.Work with Twitter Ads, Reddit Ads, Quora Ads, Outbrain Ads, Source - Twitter, Crypto. Also i have experience with Google Ads ( Gambling ).I have experience with trackers like Keitaro, writing technical specifications for creating landing pages. Writing white pages, Wordpress domains, using Antidetect browsers (Octo, AdsPower, Dolphin, GoLogin). Reporting in Google sheets, Monday, CRM. cloaking tools, trackers, I have experience with such metrics as CTR, CPA, CPC, CR, ROI. Also i have experience with Antidetect browsers, Photo editors, Proxies, Payment systems, Google Sheets, Monday, WordPress.

What were my responsibilities as a Media Buyer? Launching advertising campaigns, traffic optimization, constant monitoring of Keitaro and Ads. Creating my land pages, creos to different GEOs, worked with such geos as: Spain, Italy, United Kingdom (3my main geos I have worked with in the last 3 months). Also worked with Japan,Turkey, Korea, Canada, Australia. Testing new varieties, new geos, different approaches.Traffic optimization, creation of creatives, creation of technical specifications for landing pages.

Ключова інформація

Twitter Ads, Google Ads, Outbrain Ads, Quora Ads, Reddit Ads, Photoshop, Canva, Media Buying, Account Managment.

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Львовский национальный университет имени Ивана Франко

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Львов, 2023

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Media Buyer


Готовий переїхати: Одеса

500 $

22 роки

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