Працювала в 1 компанії 1 рік 2 місяці
1 рік 1 місяць
10.2022 - 11.2023
The project I worked on is a web-based apartment building management application that provides users with the ability to communicate, manage payments and service requests.I configured formsets to manage multiple forms in a single view, whichimproved data validation and synchronisation. The integration of the Select2 library with Django was optimised, allowing the interface elementsto display and function correctly. These actions greatly simplifieddevelopment and improved the user experience.
In the process of work I used the following technologies:
- Django
- PostgreSQL and Redis for data storage and caching
- Pip package manager
- Docker and docker-compose
- Worked with Celery
Ключова інформація
- Python (OOP, GIL, DataTypes)
- Django (ORM, MVC,MVM, MVVM)
- Celery
- Redis
- Nginx
- Docker (DockerFile,Dockercompose)
- HTML, CSS, JS (Ajax,Select2, JQuery)
- Patterns (SOLID, DesignPatterns)
- Relational database(SQLite, PostgreSQL)
Навчалась в 1 закладі
Национальный университет «Одесская политехника»
Одесса, 2025
Володіє мовами
вище середнього
English for General Purposes
Курси, тренінги, сертифікати
Avada Media
The project "CMScinema" is a content management system for cinemas,including functionality for ticket booking and session schedulemanagement.I successfully implemented formsets to manage multiple forms in oneinterface, improving data validation and synchronisation. I optimised AJAXrequests to dynamically update data without page reloads, whichimproved functionality for seat reservation and session schedulemanagement. These changes improved the stability and usability of thesystem.
Python Developer
Активно шукає роботу
повна зайнятість
Оновлено 5 годин тому