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Full Stack Developer



8 місяців

10.2023 - 06.2024

I developed interactive web applications using Next.js, React, andTypeScript. I used UI libraries like Material UI, Antd, and Tailwind CSSto create user-friendly and aesthetically pleasing interfaces. On thebackend, I developed and maintained RESTful APIs using Node.jsand NestJS, ensuring seamless integration with the frontend. Iworked with databases (PostgreSQL, MongoDB) to store and processlogistics data. I integrated various external services and APIs toextend application functionality and implemented user authenticationand authorization to secure applications.I created complex features requiring close integration of frontend andbackend components, such as dynamic order forms and packagetracking systems. I debugged and optimized interactions betweenfrontend and backend parts of applications to enhance performanceand usability.I closely collaborated with a business analyst to gather and analyzeclient requirements. I participated in project planning and technicalspecification development to ensure the product met businessneeds.Achievements include successfully implementing several majorfeatures that significantly improved user experience and logisticsprocess efficiency and contributing to enhanced code quality andreduced errors through systematic testing approaches.

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Full Stack Developer


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