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P r o j e c t m a n a g e r / C R M - s y s t e m s m a n a g e r



3 роки 4 місяці

11.2021 - до теперішнього часу

Objective: My current goal is self education and creating the best memories for the future.Nowadays I'm learning new technologies, trying to implement them while doing mywork. Also I want to grow up like a T-shape person, have an opportunity to participate in more interesting tasks and learn new facets of work on various stable projects in the future.

Skills: 2.5+ years of IT experience as a project manager. Knowledge of project management methodologies: Agile, Waterfall, XP, Scrum, Kanban, understanding of IT infrastructure principles and SDLC cycle; Able to plan and manage time, resources and budget, coordinate team work, formation clean-backlog, always trying to minimize project risks. Project management tools: Git, Jira, Redmine, Gant, Confluence, Trello, Asana, CRM, Slack, Microsoft Teams, Google Meet, Zoom, Google Analytics, Figma, Microsoft Word, Excel.

CRM manager NDA l Kiev Jan. 2023 - present

  • Coordination of notification flows(Push).
  • Creation of notification flows through various customer communication channels and creation of promotional campaigns for customers.
  • Support and control of promotional actions for clients.
  • Ordering and full support of the process of forming promotional texts, interaction with copywriters.Interaction with Development and Product Departments in the process of creating promotions.
  • Drafting and full communication at all stages of content creation.Publishing material on projects and ensuring that posted information is up-to-date. Reporting on task completion, communicating with other departments and resolving tasks assigned by supervisor.

Project Manager IT Web Studio l Kiev Aug. 2022 - Dec. 2022

  • Planned and moderated 150+ ralliesInitiated and moderated 5 retrospectives.
  • Successfully closed 3 NDA projects, including 2 major projects to build highly customized CRM systems for Blockchain clients.
  • Ensured smooth teamwork, directing the efforts of developers, designers, testers, managers and other project participants in the number of 17 people to achieve the desired result.
  • Reduced "technical debt" on projects by 25%.
  • Accelerated development by 30% through process optimization.
  • Ensured software development lifecycle based on SDLC, utilized SCRUM and XP practices in work.Managed 2-3 projects simultaneously, developed and implemented the right project architecture.
  • Gathered project requirements at various stages of development. Supervised the writing of technical documentation, and independently wrote user documentation. Generated project reports.

Project Manager Apha Bots l Nikolaev November 2021 - July 2022

  • Daily calls with project managers and team head, onducting rallies and retrospectives 240+.
  • Monitoring project timelines and task completion.Controlling developer hours spent as per budget up to $40,000.
  • Implementation of various approaches to project management (mainly Scrum), on aproject in the field of public health (medicine). Writing technical specifications for developers and designers 70+.
  • Gathering requirements from stakeholders.
  • Proposing options to improve userexperience. Supervise the simultaneous completion of 20 tasks according tospecifications. Identifying and resolving development issues.
  • Writing projectdocumentation. Supervising the writing of technical documentation.Analyzing the project. Formation of reporting for superior managers.
  • Reducing the "technical debts" of the project. Solution of various conflict issues


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