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Front-End. The Ultimate Bootcamp for Beginners by Ciklum



5 місяців

03.2023 - 08.2023

Acquired Knowledge and Skills:

  • Forms. HTML Advanced (Semantic HTML, Document and website structure, screen reader);
  • CSS (CSS Basics, CSS Selectors, Pseudoclasses, Specifity, СSS properties, CSS effects, positioning, CSS Units, Flexbox model, Grid layout);
  • CSS Advanced (Media queries, preprocessors, CSS frameworks (Bootstrap);
  • Principles of Operation of Modern Web Browsers, Browser developer tools, Network Requests;
  • JS Basics (Variables, Data Types, Objects, Arrays, Operators, Operator precedence, Conditional branching, Conditional (ternary) operator, Switch operator, Conditional Statements, Loops and Iteration, Functions, Context, Arrow Functions, Array methods, Object methods, DOM Manipulation and Events, Classes);
  • JS Advanced (Event Loop, Asynchronous functions, Promise, Then method, Async function, Error handling, HTTP, XMLHttpRequest, Fetch, Response);
  • TypeScript, Node.js development environment, package manager, package.json;
  • React Basics (Virtual DOM, JSX, props, components, state and lifecycle, React Create App);
  • React Advanced (Router, hooks, error boundary, portals, Context API, useContext);
  • Testing, test types, unit testing, Jest, React testing library;
  • CI/CD (continuous integration, continuous deployment), GitHub, Git;
  • Code quality. DRY, KISS, YAGNI. Sorting Algorithms;
  • User Interface Performance and Security in Web Development;
  • Scrum Software Development Methodology

Course Project: "Online Bookstore" React Application. Ciklum

  • Developed a comprehensive React application, titled "Online Bookstore," and deployed it on GitHub Pages;
  • Leveraged a range of acquired skills, including HTML Advanced, CSS Basics, CSS Advanced, Adaptive Design, JS Basics, JS Advanced, React Basics, and React Advanced;
  • Created a full-fledged React application using the "create-react-app" tool;
  • Implemented navigation between pages within the application using the React Router v6 library;
  • Utilized the Context API to manage and provide essential information about books, including a catalog of all books and those added to the shopping cart;
  • Designed and implemented a dynamic book filtering feature, enabling users to filter displayed books by book title and price;
  • Developed interactive functionality for adjusting the number of selected books and adding books to the shopping cart, employing React hooks for enhanced efficiency.

This project showcased my ability to seamlessly integrate various technologies and concepts within the React ecosystem, effectively utilizing React Router for smooth navigation, Context API for centralized data management, and React hooks for streamlined user interactions. Course project link: https://netiriska.github.io/prometheus-x-course-task

My own project: “JS tasks” website https://func.net.ua/

  • Developed a React application, titled "JS Tasks", aimed to assist beginners in practical JavaScript learning;
  • Developed interface for tasks and solution options, as well as an administrator interface for adding, editing, and deleting tasks and answers

Technologies: React v18, React Router v6, Bootstrap 5.3, Bootstrap Icons, React-Syntax-Highlighter

Ключова інформація

HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React, React Router, Bootstrap, Bootstrap Icons, Git

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Intern/Trainee/Junior Front-end developer


38 років

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