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Front-end програміст



1 рік 1 місяць

03.2022 - 04.2023

Diligent, very enthusiastic, motivated to progress Junior Frontend Engineer with 1,1 year experience. I am looking for a job, where I can use my skills and develop myself. Coding in Visual Studio Code using JavaScript, TypeScript, React.js, Vuetify, CSS, SCSS, HTML, Vue.js; Also skilled in using Git, GitFlow and Azure DevOps; Always focused on work and customers’ goals and needs, fast learner, attention to detail; Working fast and efficiently manage my time between different tasks and projects, able to prioritize and meet deadlines; Excellent communication skills and experience in productive teamwork. A break in work will not interfere with the professional performance of my duties, as I devote this time to studying at university, on courses and self-development in my specialty.

Atthene - service that helps employees to manage their time.

  • Creating and designing new pages
  • Close interaction with UI/UX designers
  • Testing web page systems
  • Debugging network issues
  • Code review of pull requests
  • User documentation for web application

Ключова інформація

  • JavaScript, Vuetify, CSS, SCSS, HTML, Vue.js, TypeScript, React, Git, GitFlow, Azure DevOps, Next, SQL
  • Excellent communication skills
  • Experience in productive teamwork

Навчався в 1 закладі

Wyzsza Szkola Ekonomii i Informatyki (Krakow

Informatics and Computer Science

Krakow, 2026

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online, 2024


Front-end програміст (тільки за фахом)


22 роки

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