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IOS Developer

IT SmartFlex


2 роки 10 місяців

11.2021 - до теперішнього часу

Fintech project. I personally worked on the entire iOS application.Neo-banking. Over 90 screens, working with the camera, recognizing payment cards, offline data, encryption.

iOS / Android developer.



3 роки 3 місяці

08.2018 - 11.2021

Personally developed new projects and maintained existing ones. Agro. Maps, navigation, offline data, working with tile layers, displaying dozens of vehicles on the map in real-time. Developed an algorithm to analyze the direction of vehicle movement and, based on the distance from the observer, categorize it into different update frequency categories on the map. Publishing and managing all applications in stores.

Android developer



10 місяців

10.2017 - 08.2018

Writing the core logic of applications. Working with maps, location. Developing algorithms to detect FakeGPS, determining the direction of vehicle movement. Communicating with clients, drafting technical specifications, and setting tasks.

Android developer



1 рік 2 місяці

04.2016 - 06.2017

Media platform for viewing concert recordings in both 2D and 3D. Sale of tickets, posters, and so on.Position: Android developer. Working in a team of 3 Android developers. Writing the core application logic, data handling, experimenting with the VR player, and configuring its interface.

Ключова інформація

I have 6 years of experience in iOS and Android app development. Master's degree in computer science. Participated in fintech and mapping projects. Deep understanding of both platforms and their lifecycle. With all major technologies. 4 companies, 12 projects. Supported, finalized existing projects, created new ones.

Swift, SwiftUI, MapKit, ApplePay, Alamofire, CocoaPods, Carthage, CoreLocation, CoreData, Swifty JSON, OpenAPI.Android SDK, Android Jetpack, Java, Kotlin, Room, Dagger2, Retrofit, OkHttpKMM(multiplatform), Realm, SQLite, MVC, MVP, MVVM, Git, RESTful API, Google Play Services, Google Play Billing, Google Maps Api, Google Mobile Ads, Facebook API, Twitter API, Wialon API, Push Notifications(FCM).

And also with a bunch of small libraries and technologies that simply do not make sense to describe. Because they are studied in a few days.

Priority - iOS development. I have my own macbook, starlink, a set of batteries for several days of work.

Навчався в 1 закладі

Донбаська державна машинобудівна академія

ФАМІТ / Комп’ютерні науки - Магістр

Краматорськ, 2018

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Може проходити співбесіду на цій мові

Може проходити співбесіду на цій мові


IOS Developer


29 років

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