Працювала в 4 компаніях   2 роки 5 місяців

IT, Страхування

Office/Event Manager

Futurra Group


6 місяців

03.2024 - до теперішнього часу

- Ordering food for employees (GudFood / Healthy Lunch), office supplies, equipment and furniture.
- Organizing internal office events such as group training, public speaking, networking, yoga/stretching, board games, and movie screenings.
- Monitoring the cleanliness of meeting rooms.
- Participating in the organization of educational, hosting, and networking events.
- Organizing off-site corporate events "on a turnkey basis".
- Assisting with new employee onboarding, including equipment setup, meet and greet, office tour and signing of NDA.
- Implemented a lunch survey system for employees in Google Sheets instead of Telegram, making the process convenient and efficient.
- Organized a series of internal company events, including yoga on the terrace, weekly group workouts, public speaking, and social events, which helped build team spirit.
- Organized two successful sports challenges with valuable prizes, encouraging activity and supporting one of the company's values.
- Expanded the range of company merchandise to include company umbrellas.
- Organized four individual turnkey team-building events for different divisions of the company, which helped to strengthen internal communication and cooperation.
- Solved the coffee taste problem in the first month of operation by signing a favorable contract with a new coffee and equipment supplier.
- Introduced an environmental innovation: organized the sorting of batteries, electronic waste and plastic lids, contributing to the preservation of the environment.

Happiness Manager/Office Manager



6 місяців

04.2023 - 10.2023

- Ensuring the life of the office (ordering water, coffee, food, furniture, equipment, decoration, etc.).
- Checking the presence of employees.
- Maintaining communication with the landlord, repair companies, system administrator, internet provider, courier services, cleaning company and business center.
- Participating in the company's volunteer initiative: assisting employees and their families serving in the Ukrainian Armed Forces/TRO with military ammunition, as well as purchasing and shipping necessary car parts.
- Regularing inventory in Google Sheets and recording of all expenses by category in Finmap.
- Ordering and participating in the realization of branded products for company employees.
- Scheduling management meetings.
- Organizing interesting gifts and greeting employees on holidays.
- Participating in employee onboarding, providing them with everything they need to work (creating a company account, card passes, issuing equipment, stationery, paying for subscriptions to necessary programs).
- Organizing company events and team-building activities to promote staff cohesion.
- Managing tasks in Trello and Asana.
- Fulfilling personal orders from management (ordering food, gifts, sending/mailing, etc.).
- Managed schedules, organized office functions and oversaw the daily work of over 50 employees.
- Provided initial support to 17 new employees, which accelerated their adaptation by 20%.
- Reduced monthly office expenses by UAH 8,000 by eliminating paper cups, which had a positive impact on the environment.
- Implemented an inventory system to control equipment.
- Developed interesting and memorable gifts for employees.
- Introduced company branded products.
- Independently organized an out-of-town corporate event for 50 people with an overnight stay.

Assistant Manager



10 місяців

05.2022 - 03.2023

- Supporting the manager in organizing work processes.
- Planning the manager's schedule in Google Calendar (online and offline meetings using Zoom, Google Meet, Microsoft Teams).
- Organizing business meetings and business trips, including booking of tickets, hotel rooms, in touch 24/7).
- Working with agreements (executing, checking, editing, modifying, etc.).
- Providing the necessary documentation for business meetings.
- Attending meetings to creating a summary in Word and, if necessary, PowerPoint.
- Carrying out personal errands (ordering, mailing, etc.).
- Organizing greetings for partners and clients.

Office Manager



1 рік 2 місяці

01.2022 - 03.2023

- Communicating with employees, landlords, suppliers of goods and services, Internet providers, system administrators, courier services.
- Receiving incoming calls and meeting office guests.
- Keeping records of all office expenses by category in Google Sheets.
- Purchasing and organizing the repair of furniture, equipment, decorations, and repairs work in the office.
- Supervising the work of the cleaning managers.
- Ordering the company's branded products and being present at all stages of their implementation.
- Maintaining documentation (signing contracts, signing invoices, files, keeping receipts, invoices).
- Taking part in the recruitment process, preparing with information material for onboarding and providing the necessary equipment.
- Organizing company events and team building activities.
- Ordering and purchasing gifts, organizing holiday greetings for employees.
- Controlled the schedule and daily work of over 120 employees.
- Promoted team unity by organizing 4 company events per year.
- Organized a move to a new 1500 sqm office in 3 days, from packing to a fully functional office for staff to work in.
- Implemented a new line of branded products for the company (pens, mugs, notebooks).
- Established relationships with suppliers to provide stationery and furniture for the office of over 120 staff.
- Scheduled and supervised the company's daily cleaning service for the 1200 sqm office.
- Handed over all responsibilities to the new office manager within 2 working days.

Ключова інформація

- Effective time planning, management and prioritization.
- Excellent attention to detail.
- Knowledge of business etiquette.
- Ability to analyze information, understand key issues and make decisions.
- Ability to work in a multi-tasking environment.
- Organization of events.
- Microsoft Office.
- Inventory management.
- Budgeting.
- Records management.
- Strong communication skills.
- Teamwork.
- Critical thinking.
- Willingness to adapt to changes in the work environment and to respond quickly to new requirements or tasks.

Навчалась в 2 закладах

National Aviation University

Faculty of Economics and Business Administration/"Entrepreneurship, Trade and Exchange Activity"

Київ, 2024

School of I-III degrees № 104 named after O. Olzhych

Pushcha-Vodytsya, 2020

Володіє мовами


нижче середнього



Може проходити співбесіду на цій мові

Може проходити співбесіду на цій мові



Може проходити співбесіду на цій мові

Може проходити співбесіду на цій мові

Курси, тренінги, сертифікати

Сертифікат цифрової грамотності від Дія. Цифрова освіта


Додаткова інформація

Personal qualities

- Perseverance. - Punctuality. - Ambition. - Proactivity. - Curiosity. - Openness to new things. - Interesting vision. - Empathy.

About me

- A fast learner who is constantly developing and striving for more, so it is important to me that the company offers the opportunity for further vertical career growth.  - A student in the final year of a bachelor's degree, full-time, but I will be studying remotely until I graduate (I have an order from the rector of the university). I have learnt to combine my studies with a full-time job. - Currently actively studying English with a tutor to improve my level and ability to communicate freely. - Considering a full-time with a 09/10-18 or 10-19 schedule. Will also consider remote working.

Ганна Володимирівна

Senior Office Manager


40 000 грн.

21 рік

повна зайнятість

Характер роботи: гібридна, в офісі/на місці

Оновлено 1 місяць тому