Працював в 1 компанії   7 місяців


Front-end Developer



6 місяців

10.2023 - 04.2024

  • I designed and built user interfaces in the embedded systems that allows for smooth interaction with restrictions.
  • By improving the port configuration interfaces, port workflow was optimized and the time taken to configure was reduced significantly, which had about two times increase in configuration speed.
  • I worked with my team on developing firmware elements connecting the front end to backend making sure they work well together.

Ключова інформація

  • JavaScript
  • TypeScript
  • React
  • Redux Toolkit
  • HTML
  • Git
  • Material UI

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Може проходити співбесіду на цій мові

Може проходити співбесіду на цій мові

Курси, тренінги, сертифікати

Frontend. Fundamental course by Ciklum


  • Applied theoretical knowledge to practical scenarios and successfully completed a course project.
  • Developed a bookstore web application with features such as user authentication, product filtering by price and name, ability to add items to the shopping cart and remove them.
  • Acquired proficiency in React.js and its ecosystem, demonstrating the ability to create dynamic and user-friendly web applications.
  • Attempted to implement project using TypeScript.

Додаткова інформація


Result-oriented Front-end Engineering with a passion for building complex and high-quality web apps along with skilled professionalsI have good knowledge of HTML5, and CSS/SCSS, and I can build adaptive layouts. I'm also well versed in JavaScript, TypeScript, and React. I have good soft skills, and I'll be really glad to work in a friendly team with guys like me. I really enjoy making websites and I see my future in this.


Front-end Developer


18 років

Активно шукає роботу

повна зайнятість, неповна зайнятість, проектна робота

Характер роботи: стажування / практика, віддалена робота, позмінна робота, гібридна, в офісі/на місці

Оновлено 2 години тому