Працювала в 3 компаніях 2 роки 7 місяців
Недержавні організації / NGO
Capacity Building Officer
Недержавні організації / NGO
6 місяців
09.2024 - до теперішнього часу
- Deliver/cofacilitated training courses on the Humanitarian Information Management (Excel, Power BI, Kobo Toolbox, Data Protection etc.) for partner organizations.
- Manage of the training platform.
- Creation of new and repeated courses on the immap-learning platform.
- Downloading updated course materials, creating certificates, enrolling participants.
- Identify training needs across humanitarian organizations and clusters.
- Arrange training logistics and conduct training evaluations and report on feedback areas of improvement.
- Conduct pre-training, in-training, and post-training evaluations for feedback, address challenges and impediments to effective learning, document, and share lessons learned
Safeguarding and PSEA Specialist
Недержавні організації / NGO
3 місяці
06.2024 - 09.2024
Collaborated with partner organizations to assess their policies and procedures regarding Protection, Sexual Exploitation, Harassment, and Abuse (PSEA) and safeguarding. Design and deliver training programs for staff and partners to increase awareness, understanding, and commitment to safeguarding principles. Identified and established focal points within partner organizations for reporting PSEA-related cases. Developed and implemented feedback and complaint mechanisms for anonymous reporting of PSEA incidents. Served as a primary contact for partner organizations, providing guidance and support related to PSEA issues and beneficiary reporting. Maintained ongoing communication with Headquarters to report and manage PSEA cases that arise.
protection officer
Недержавні організації / NGO
1 рік 9 місяців
09.2022 - 06.2024
Protection Officer| Ukraine, Kyiv | July 2023- June 2024. Build the capacity of partners in understanding and implementing protection activities with respect and dignity. Developed and conducted trainings for partner organizations on Protection Concept, Service Mapping, Safe-referrals, Psychological First Aid (PFA) in the northern, western and southern Ukraine. Deliver effective training sessions to Oxfam staff on Safeguarding Policies and procedures. Collect relevant data from partner organizations. Analyse and interpret the collected data to identify trends, patterns, and areas for improvement. Monitor changes in legislation on IDPs and conflict-affected persons for Protection Analysis Assist in communities’ consultations and following the Oxfam steps to achieve community based protection approach. Engage in ongoing meetings and communications with Partners, including field visits to communities where community-based initiatives are implemented. These interactions serve to support and comprehend partners' services and activities, aiming to reinforce their community-centric approach where necessary.
Community Mobilization Assistant-Protection| Poland | September 2022 – July 2023
Served as the Safeguarding Focal Point, ensuring compliance with Oxfam's safeguarding policies and procedures. Provide information distribution, safe referrals, and psychological first aid (PFA) at the following sites: Medyka pedestrian border crossing, Przemysl Main train station, Tesco (Przemysl Humanitarian Aid Centre), Hope Shelter, RFU ShelterCollaborated with UNHCR and IOM to verify the interagency Podkarpackie Shelter list, including eligibility and contact information created service-mapping of services and resources relevant to refugee needs .conduct Protection Monitoring activities, including regular collection of secondary data, as well as Focus Group Discussions (FGDs) and Key Informant Interviews (KIIs) . prepare protection monitoring reports . attended the following coordination meetings: (1) monthly Przemysl Area Coordination meeting facilitated by UNHCR in Przemysl center (2) weekly Medyka border coordination meeting facilitated by IOM in Medyka (3) Tesco facility coordination meetings facilitated by Polish Red Cross in TescoUse the Service CTO tool for the data collection on a daily basis
Ключова інформація
- Microsoft applications
- Virtual meeting tools (Zoom, Skype)
- Team leadership
- Data analysis
- LearningSpace course development
- Program Coordination
- Workshop planning and logistics
- Report writing
- Critical thinking
- Cross-cultural communication
- Conflict resolution
- Driver’s license, category B
Навчалась в 1 закладі
Degree: Teacher of Russian and English Languages and Literature
Kherson, 2001
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нижче середнього
Safeguarding and PSEA specialist/ Protection Specialist /officer
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