Працював в 4 компаніях   9 років


Unity Game Developer

TAB Apps


10 місяців

11.2023 - до теперішнього часу

  • Developed from scratch applications for Windows, iOS and Android.
  • Released applications on App Store and Google Play.
  • Created a test web server to simplify work, testing, and conversion of application data.
  • Developed shaders and components to extend Unity UI capabilities.
  • Integrated and configured various SDKs (Realm, Firebase, Adapty).

Tools & Technologies: Unity, C#, Realm (MongoDB Atlas Device SDK), Firebase (Crashlytics, Remote Config, Analytics, Firestore), Adapty, Unity UI, UI Toolkit, Particle System, UniTask, PrefabPool, JavaScript, Node.js, Express.js, JetBrains IDEs, Figma.


  • Visual novel in the form of a chat with various characters.

Unity Game Developer



1 рік 11 місяців

01.2022 - 12.2023

  • Developed complex and universal minimap system that includes: the ability to add and manage different map layers; editor extension and UI for rendering map tiles; using Unity's addressable asset system to optimize memory usage.
  • Created a game points system.
  • Developed a physics-based vehicle flip system.
  • Created several visual effects using the Unity particle system.
  • Worked with MongoDB.
  • Used Discord Game SDK to change the status in Discord.
  • Added a lot of interface elements like a popup confirmation window, various checkboxes, range sliders, and dropdowns on the Options screen.
  • Improved game performance by code optimization.

Tools & Technologies: Unity, C#, MongoDB, Unity Addressables, Unity UI, UI Toolkit, Particle System, Coroutines, ObjectPool, JetBrains IDEs, Blender, Figma.


  • War Riders - Post-apocalyptic MMO game based on the blockchain (warriders.com).

Frontend Developer



1 рік 5 місяців

12.2020 - 05.2022

  • Developed websites for clients using React.js and Sass.
  • Conducted quality tests to detect bugs and optimize code.
  • Edited website designs in Figma and Adobe Photoshop.

Tools & Technologies: React.js, Sass, JavaScript, Strapi, Webpack, JetBrains IDEs, Photoshop, Illustrator, Figma.


  • Sandals - Resorts Website.

Frontend Developer



5 років 1 місяць

10.2015 - 11.2020

  • Created many websites and website templates using standard HTML/CSS/JS practices combined with Pug and Sass preprocessors.
  • Updated and improved many legacy website templates already on the marketplace.
  • Created many JavaScript and jQuery plugins.
  • Created and conducted quality tests to identify bugs and optimize code.
  • Mentored several team members.
  • Managed a small team of 3-5 developers.
  • Edited website designs in Figma and Adobe Photoshop.

Tools & Technologies: JavaScript, HTML, CSS, Pug, Sass, Less, Gulp, Node.js, Express.js, jQuery, Bootstrap, Mocha, JetBrains IDEs, Photoshop, Illustrator, Figma.


  • Intense - Multipurpose Website Template.
  • MonsterDashboard - Admin Dashboard Templates.
  • Tasty - Cafe and Restaurant Website Template.

Ключова інформація

Generic programming: SOLID, OOP, DRY.

Programming Languages: C#, JavaScript (ES5/ES2015), TypeScript, Python.

Other Languages: HLSL, Cg, HTML, CSS, Sass, Pug.

Databases: MongoDB, Realm (MongoDB Atlas Device SDK).

Development tools: Unity, JetBrains IDEs, Blender, Figma, Adobe Photoshop, and Illustrator.

Other: Unity addressable asset system, Unity Ads, Google AdMob, Firebase (Crashlytics, Remote Config, Analytics, Firestore), Unity Netcode for GameObjects (NGO), SteamVR Unity, Unity Editor Extensions, Inverse Kinematics, Node.js, React.js, Express.js, Webpack, Gulp.

Навчався в 1 закладі

Національний університет кораблебудування імені адмірала Макарова

Прилади точної механіки

Миколаїв, 2016

Володіє мовами





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Може проходити співбесіду на цій мові

Додаткова інформація


Unity Game Developer with 3 years of games development experience and 8 years of experience as a Frontend developer. A good team player who thrives on creating stable working solutions, is deadline-oriented, attentive to details, and can quickly learn new concepts and technologies.

Portfolio: https://oxayaza.github.io

Юрій Сергійович

Unity developer


1 500 $

30 років

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