Ключова інформація

Technical Skills:

  • Front-End: HTML, CSS, JavaScript (ES6), React, Redux/ReduxToolkit, TypeScript, SASS, TailwindCSS, Material UI
  • Back-End: PHP, Node.js, NestJS
  • State Management: Redux Toolkit, RTK Query
  • Web Technologies: AJAX, Websockets, Webcomponents
  • API Integration: RESTful APIs, JWT
  • Tools: Git, Vite, TypeORM, PostgreSQL, Swagger

Soft Skills:

  • Strong critical thinking abilities
  • Proactive risk-taking
  • Effective time management
  • Self-discipline and productivity focus
  • Visionary approach to global product development

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Машинобудівний фаховий коледж Сумського державного університету

122 Комп'ютерні науки

Суми, 2024

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Може проходити співбесіду на цій мові

Може проходити співбесіду на цій мові

Додаткова інформація


Front-End Developer with expertise in HTML, CSS, JavaScript (ES6), React, Redux Toolkit, and TypeScript.Experienced in creating dynamic, responsive web applications and integrating secure APIs. Proficient in modern tools like TailwindCSS, Material UI, and Vite. Committed to continuous learning and ready to solve diverse tasks with creativity and problemsolving skills. Enthusiastic about contributing to innovative projects and collaborative teams


1. SakuraCafe (React, Redux Toolkit, TypeScript, TailwindCSS, Material UI)

Github repository link - https://github.com/GamesFire/sakura-cafe

  • Developed a full-featured website for a fictional Japanese cuisine cafe.
  • Implemented dynamic content pages including home, menu, about cafe, contacts, privacy policy, and terms and conditions.
  • Created role-based system with functionalities for guests, users, and administrators.
  • Implemented JWT tokens for secure authentication with access and refresh token mechanisms.
  • Developed order management system with functionalities for users and administrators.
  • Implemented a rating system for dishes and a feedback submission systemIntegrated map displaying the location of SakuraCafe.
  • Utilized Vite for fast build tool, RTK Query for server state management, and Material UI for React components.

2. Weather Forecast App (React, Redux Toolkit, TypeScript, TailwindCSS)

Web application link - https://papaya-choux-42f597.netlify.app/

  • Weather forecast for the current day and the next five days.
  • Main additional features including cloud cover, atmospheric pressure, temperature, wind speed, and humidity.
  • Support for changing units of measurement from metric (celsius) to imperial (fahrenheit).
  • Internationalization in English, Ukrainian, Russian, French, and Spanish.
  • Ability to change the location and view the current weather and forecast for the next five days for the selected location.
  • Responsive design for optimal viewing across devices.

3. Japfood online catalog (React, CSS, PHP)

Github repository link - https://github.com/GamesFire/japfood

  • Developed a React-based online catalog for Japfood with support for both Ukrainian and English localizations.
  • Implemented a theme change feature, allowing users to switch between light and dark themes.
  • Established complete interaction with a PHP server and database to manage and retrieve data efficiently.
  • Designed an admin page for site manipulation, providing administrative control over the content and settings.

4. Webstudio site (HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP)

Site link - https://funny-lollipop-d2fad6.netlify.app/

  • Developed comprehensive web studio site with robust error handling and order form integration.
  • Implemented PHP server to store order information and facilitate email communication.

5. Aura cryptomanet website (HTML, CSS, JavaScript)

Site link - https://bucolic-boba-0cc9d5.netlify.app/

  • Semi-static site.
  • Timers on crypto coins are present, which is automatically updated.
  • There is a slider that also uses responsive web design.


Frontend Developer


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